ATIF Bi-Annual 
ATA Certification Exam Prep Workshop

Are you ready to take the plunge? 
ATIF is ready to help you.

Professional certification is a very important step and we want to help you start with your guns loaded! Earn 4 ATA Continuing Education Units and 4.6 CIEs from the Florida Courts (CEAA 11-0019). The 4-hour hands-on workshop covers test taking strategies, error analysis from the grader's perspective, a mock exam for you to test yourself, and more.

Gio Lester will lead the workshop applying her 20+ years of experience as a teacher, 34+ years of experience in the T&I field and her experience as an ATA grader to guide and prepare you. To learn more about the workshop and your instructor, click here.


Date: Sunday, June 1, 2014 

: 12:00 noon

Workshop: 12:30 pm to 5:00 pm 

Location: Florida International University Main Campus, SW 107th Av & 16th St, Miami, FL 33174, GL 137 

Directions: Please print  this attachment and bring it with you

                              Continuing Education Units: 
                              FL Courts 4.6,  ATA 4


Registration is Open

Please provide your language pair and direction when making your reservation. Bring water, a notepad, pen or pencil, paper dictionaries and glossaries. We will break for snacks.


Refreshments will be provided courtesy of  our colleague, member and supporter
Ram�n Rosario-Rodrigues 

ATIF appreciates the support of the Florida International University
T&I Program in facilitating the use of FIU space for this workshop.

Program content is copyrighted by the presenter. 


Save the Dates  
  • June 14:  ATIF hosts the ATA Certification Exam.  Check with the ATA  to see if you qualify and to register!
  • August:  Making Microsoft Office Work for You, by Emmy Prieto
  • September: Law and Order... and Corrections in Florida, by Eta Trabing
  • September: Nominations open for Elections to ATIF Board of Directors 
  • October: ATA Exam Prep Workshop, Gloria Nichols and Gio Lester
  • October: ATIF General Membership Meeting and Elections to ATIF Board of Directors
  • November: ATIF hosts the ATA Certification Exam
  • November: �La Gram�tica No Muerde!, by Yilda Ruiz-Monroy 
  • December: ATIF Members and their Guests  are invited to our Annual Holiday Celebration

Want a monthly networking event but don't live in SE Florida? 


ATIF will be glad to promote a group you organize.  It's easy!

Contact Linda Dunlap for more information.


About ATIF

The Association of Translators and Interpreters of Florida - ATIF, a Chapter of the American Translators Association, is a non-profit professional association incorporated in the State of Florida in 2009. We are grateful for the support of Florida International University's  Modern Language Department, the  International Medical Interpreters Association and the Miami-Dade College InterAmerican Campus.

Quick Links

Contact Us

ATIF Board of Directors
Association of Translators and Interpreters of Florida, Inc.

You can reach us by email  

or at the address below:


P.O. Box 83-5145  
Miami-FL 33283-5145

ATIF Sponsors



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