ATEC News: January 2020
Nominations for the Student/Educator of the Year Open
The 2019 award recipients, Mikayla Green of Colorado Northwestern Community College and Galen Wilson of Westfield Technical Academy. Pictured with award donor representatives from and the Northrop Rice Foundation.
Recognizing the student of the year and teacher of year are two of the most important events ATEC does in highlighting the best of the best in each category. Winners will be recognized during the ATEC Awards Luncheon during the upcoming Annual Conference. Recipients will receive an all-expenses paid trip to Forth Worth to attend the conference and a $750 cash award. 

The James Rardon Aviation Maintenance Technician Student of the Year Award, presented by ATEC in collaboration with, will see its 20th award winner this year recognizing outstanding achievement of a full-time aviation maintenance technician student. The award goes to a student who has made a direct impact on classmates, their school or their community as demonstrated through academics and actions.
The award winner is chosen for leadership and motivational skills, academics, school or community service in assisting the faculty to develop new or better training methods or maintenance record keeping and or promoting the institution in the community. 
In its 30 th year, The Ivan D. Livi Aviation Maintenance Educator of the Year Award recognizes outstanding achievement of an aviation maintenance technology instructor either for a single event or long-term outstanding performance as an educator. 
The award honors one of ATEC’s founding fathers, a man who provided leadership for the organization for more than 50 years. In his role at Northrop Rice Foundation, Livi had a passion for providing guidance to aviation and maintenance students and laid the foundation for ATEC to grow and develop into what it is today. His life - spanning nine decades - is a testament to what can be achieved through dedication, hard work and a commitment to serving others.
The winner must spend 80% of his or her time teaching aviation maintenance classes. Outstanding achievements can be based on initiative and creativity, attitude and performance, education and training and how these attributes influenced the nomination and the benefits and effects of his or her achievement.
The deadline to submit nominations is Feb. 15 . Winners will be announced by March 1.
Conference News
ATEC Prepares for 2020 Conference
Plans for ATEC’s  2020 Annual Conference , set for March 29-April 1 in Fort Worth at the  Tarrant County Community College Trinity River Campus, are coming together and includes a gala dinner sponsored by American Airlines at its notable CR Smith American Airlines Museum. ATEC will also hold its third annual career fair , in coordination with the Employer Link . Job seeker and employer registration is open.
Of special interest in the wake of changes to FAA airmen testing requirements is a session on what it means for maintenance technicians and inspectors. In addition, high school pathway and apprenticeship programs will have their own break-out sessions. Hot topics such as unmanned technology and airmen certification standards will be covered along with ATEC’s annual update on association activities. 
Best practices in recruiting will lead off the talent sourcing track along with sessions on Choose Aerospace and community outreach. The teaching techniques track will include sessions on augmented reality, learning to teach and the reluctant leader while the credentialing track covers certifications and a research round table.
Day three tour opportunities include an inside look at Lockheed Martin, American Airlines maintenance facility and operations center, Tarrant County’s Aviation Program, Southwest Airlines, Bell Helicopter and Aviation Institute of Maintenance.
Stay and Play
Come to "where the west begins." Get more information about our host city, and take advantage of your stay to see all Fort Worth has to offer.  Read more.
Exhibit Hall
Exhibitor space is booking up fast; the current hall includes Avotek and Snap-on to name just two of the more than 20 exhibitors expected this year. Register here.
Join Avotek, CertTec, Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics, Lockheed Martin, United, American, AAR, Airbus, ASA, Aviation Institute of Maintenance, Snap-on, and AeroTrain as sponsors. Commit here.
Reduced rates are available at a hotel within walking distance of our host school. Book online to secure group rates at the   ​Worthington Renaissance Fort Worth Hotel.
Employer Spotlight - PSA Airlines
PSA Airlines operates an all-jet fleet consisting exclusively of Bombardier regional jet aircraft. Its team numbers more than 5,000 employees who assist in operating more than 800 daily flights to nearly 100 destinations on behalf of American Airlines. Read More.
Sponsor Spotlight - Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics
"With an enrollment of 592 students, Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics is one of the oldest and highly regarded aviation schools in the nation having been founded as the Curtiss-Wright Flying Service in 1927." Read More.
Choose Aerospace
ATEC is incorporating a new charitable organization that will continue implementing awareness campaign initiatives and build a new scholarship program.

So far, the aviation community has committed more than $35,000 in scholarships and awards, which will benefit students, schools, and instructors.

Click the button below to see what will be offered, and to make an award contribution.
Scholarships and Deadlines
Welcome New Members
ATEC Communicates Priorities to New Administrator
In a Jan. 16 letter, ATEC invited the Administrator to join industry leaders at the annual conference and Washington Fly-in, and set forth its regulatory priorities for the FAA's consideration.  Read more .
ATEC Pursues STEM Categorization of Aviation Programs
In a memo to the White House OSTP, ATEC outlined the issue aviation maintenance programs have long battled, categorical recognition of aviation technical programs as a STEM field of study. The categorization directly impacts international students' ability to obtain experience in the U.S. once they graduate.  Read more.
Impromtu Trip to Washington?
Last month, House and Senate leaders introduced legislation that would mandate modernization of aviation maintenance technical school curriculum. ATEC is calling on the community to reach out to legislative leaders and ask them to support the effort. Want to do more? Join us in Washington on Feb. 19 to spread the word about the PARTT 147 Act.  Read more.
ATEC Expands Partnership with and ATEC have come together to expand on the current exchange agreement, which provides ATEC industry members a 20% discount on job posts at and FREE annual postings for ATEC member schools.  Read more.
ATEC Journal Call for Papers - Due May 1
The peer-reviewed publication provides an opportunity for educators, administrators, students, and industry personnel to share teaching techniques and research. Authors are encouraged to submit their articles for publication consideration, whether scholarly, research, application, or industry opinion. Accepted papers will also be considered for webinar presentation and inclusion in the 2021 annual conference. Read more .
Industry News
FAA Webinars on new airmen testing rules now online
New airman certification testing requirements became effective January 13 including using the Airman Certification Tracking System to get an airman tracking number for those seeking any airman certificate including mechanic certificates. Read more.
Dept of Labor Approves AEA Apprenticeship Program
The Department of Labor (DoL) recently approved the Aircraft Electronics Association’s (AEA) apprenticeship program which offers a competency-based occupational framework meeting industry standards. Read more .
Congress Passes Full Funding for Workforce Grant Program
With the passage of the full $10 million funding for aviation workforce grants, the aviation industry, won a significant victory. The aviation maintenance program will be funded at $5,000,000 per year. Read more.
Not your father’s VoTech
Vocational education is gaining prominence as a viable pathway for students to get a jump start on their careers. Recent coverage by the PBS News Hour Should more kids skip college for workforce training? is part of a new series on reconsidering education. Read more .
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