ATG GO Hero Alert | October 2021
Happy Birthday, ATG GO!
Since 2019, ATG GO has been revolutionizing the way real estate attorneys work. Hard to believe it's been two years!

ATG takes feedback seriously. We've enhanced the desktop and mobile app by considering suggestions and thoughts of ATG agents.

Agents love the efficiency and time-saving features of ATG GO.

ATG GO: Our Agents' Favorite Features
There are many reasons ATG Agents choose ATG GO. Here are some of their favorite features of the platform:

  • Central Dashboard - Get a quick overview of all your files.
  • Secure Communication - Eliminate email, communicate through the app.
  • Order and Examine Title Anywhere - Use your mobile device or desktop computer.
  • Schedule Closings Instantly - Choose your time and location and confirm with a click.
  • Link Multiple Users - Your team stays on the same page. No more searching for documents.

And that's just the beginning!

ATG succeeds when our attorney agents succeed. Learn more about how you can maximize the features of ATG GO in your office.
ATG GO: The Future is Here
ATG GO is the best way to place orders, examine title, make changes, and connect with ATG team members.

While older systems may be familiar, they are not the most efficient way to conduct a real estate business.

Contact us to discuss how ATG can support your real estate practice.