Greetings! ATRA's new committees have mostly already had their initial meetings and are formulating their plans and establishing their budgets. The committees are:
- Project Intelligence
- Research and Education
- Outreach
- Regulatory
- APM Standards
- Membership
- Conference
Some committees could still use a few extra members so, if you are an ATRA member, please feel free to volunteer. Committee activities are a good way to contribute, get involved, learn more and meet new people.
Greenville County recently received two responses to its request for proposals to undertake a study of ATN feasibility in Greenville, Mauldin and Clemson in South Carolina.
As always, enjoy reading!
Best regards,
Peter Muller, ATRA President
ATRA membership is an opportunity for you and your organization to contribute to a better world by leveraging advanced transit to improve mobility and accessibility. Membership works best for those that get involved and contribute.
This is a FREE news summary. If it has been forwarded to you, you may want to
Autonomous vehicles, smart cities: moving beyond the hype.
Robbert Lohmann
You might be surprised that the chief commercial officer of a company delivering autonomous vehicles would begin an article with the suggestion that we need to get past the hype. And yet I do; because we have to, and urgently so. The hype prevents the development of autonomous vehicles that address actual transit needs. And the hype is holding Smart Cities back.
Updated paper
By Dr. J. Edward Anderson
The History of the Advanced Transit Association (ATRA)
Year Twelve - 1987
By Dr. J. Edward Anderson
Firm to study ways to link Delhi & Jewar airports soon
GREATER NOIDA: The Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA) board on Thursday finalised the terms of reference for appointing a company to study ways to connect Delhi’s IGI airport, the capital city and the upcoming Jewar airport in Greater Noida
Miami-Dade now plans Personal Rapid Transit for Beach link
After 15 years of Baylink talks, the rapid-transit corridor linking Miami Beach to downtown has been resurrected, but it doesn’t look anything like old plans. Rather than plant heavy, expensive rails, Miami-Dade commissioners say Personal Rapid Transit [PRT] vehicles of four to six people can solve Beach traffic and also draw more tourists.
The SkyWay Project Offers A Multifaceted Solution To Urban Transportation
The past year has highlighted three main trends in the transport sector – artificial intelligence, electric cars, and hyperloop high-speed transport. This trio has been formed not by chance: in many ways, the media attention was focused on these subjects because Elon Musk, the main technological celebrity of our time, had a hand in the developments of all three trends.
Old Airport Road Metro line dumped to accommodate pod-taxis?
Has the controversial pod-taxi sabotaged a much-needed and proposed Metro Phase 3 line through the crowded Old Airport Road? Although the Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation (BMRC) had clearly indicated this line in its pre-feasibility report, the Karnataka Budget has entirely skipped it.
Without a comparison of the capacity of the road, the Metro and the Pod Taxi, how can the reader judge the veracity of this article?
United States Autonomous Trains Market 2018- Thales Group, Alstom, Hitachi, Bombardier Transportation, SIEMENS
The report Autonomous Trains Market 2018 presents a widespread and fundamental study of Autonomous Trains industry along with the analysis of subjective aspects which will provide key business insights to the readers. The United States Autonomous Trains Market 2018 research report offers the analytical view of the industry by studying different factors like Autonomous Trains market growth, consumption volume, market trends and Autonomous Trains industry cost structures during the forecast period 2018-2022.
This report is of interest to the extent ATN can compete with automated train technology.
A study on cooperation of urban transport means: PRT and light rail
It is difficult to organize urban transport in the city center. Existing buildings, narrow streets and working infrastructure make it difficult to use the oldfashion transport means such as trams or buses. The new idea consists in elevation of the transport in the very city above ground level (typical PRT systems cover rare areas like airport or fairgrounds). The study analyzes the hierarchical, layered system consisting of a ring light rail and PRT (Personal Rapid Transit) serving as commuter network. It is shown in the case of an exemplary city that the proposed solution is possible and reasonable. Ridership and vehicle mileage of the entire system are calculated for the light rail analytically, and in the case PRT by simulation.
What riding the Hyperloop will really be like
Virgin has unveiled a stunning prototype of the pods that will carry passengers at speeds of up to 760mph (1,200 kmh) when it launches its Hyperloop service in Dubai.
Hyperloop's low friction design means that passengers will be able to travel the 87 miles (140 km) between the city and neighbouring Abu Dhabi in 12 minutes, a journey that takes around 90 minutes by car.
Note the large pod diameter - capital cost is apparently not an issue.
Driverless cars may ferry Thane locals to Metro stations
Thane roads are soon to be equipped with state-of-the-art Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) system, which will ease commuting for passengers. The authorities made a presentation on PRTS during a metro project review meeting, held between the Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) and the Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (MMRDA) on Saturday.
EXCLUSIVE: 'skyTran' connecting Abu Dhabi theme parks to begin in 2020
The initial phase of an overhead rail system on Abu Dhabi’s Yas Island connecting two major theme parks will be launched in 2020, the chief executive of the island’s master developer has said
The above links are to articles that appear relevant to advanced transit but no guarantee is made as to their accuracy and no verification of the integrity of the associated websites has been made.
Editorial comments are in italics.
| Advanced Transit Association| 303-800-1529 |