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                 February 2017
From the President....
At their meeting February 9 - 10, 2017 in Las Vegas the American Society of Civil Engineers APM Standards Committee took the significant step of accepting ATRA's request to do away with the "Brick Wall" stopping requirement and replace it with something more acceptable to modern automated vehicles. This requirement originated from the railroad industry and essentially limits reducing headways (time between vehicles) below about 3 seconds at 30 mph. Furthermore, headways get even higher at higher speeds. 

Gene Nishinaga, who assisted in getting the change accepted, says his company, Transit Control Solutions, is developing control software that can achieve headways as low as one second at 60 mph if compliance with the "Brick Wall" criterion is removed. This effectively trebles capacity at double the speed. 

This change helps put driverless transit on a par with driverless cars. However, the change has to be put out for full-committee ballot and public comment before it can be officially adopted. If adopted, it will be included in the 2018 edition of the APM Standards.

You are invited to attend an ATRA Board meeting by telephone on Thursday, February 23rd 2017 from 1 to 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. To call toll-free from the US, Canada or Mexico dial +1-866-676-8817. Conference ID number 61223122. Email Secretary@advancedtransit.org for additional numbers.

Peter Muller
As always, enjoy reading!

Best regards,
Peter Muller, P.E., ATRA President
SMRT teams up with NTU, JTC to collaborate on transport research

SINGAPORE - The Nanyang Technological University (NTU), JTC and SMRT signed an agreement that aims to "seamlessly integrate" traditional bus and train services with new transport modes. Read more...

skyTran to build pod car pilot project in India at own cost

skyTran, a NASA technology partner, is among three firm that the government has chosen to build pod cars-driverless vehicles that run along a pre-determined route. Read more...

Masdar City Sustainable Mobility Solutions Competition - Competition To Develop Next Phase Of Driverless Transit Network

As part of the recent Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, Abu Dhabi's renewable energy firm Masdar announced the launch of a new competition to develop the "next phase" of Masdar City's driverless vehicle transit network. Read more...

Virginia Beach residents weigh in on transportation options post-light rail

Virginia Beach City Council will soon set goals for the future of public transportation in the city, but first it heard what locals and visitors from neighboring cities had to say.  Read more...

India, Three Companies Approved to Test Driverless Pods

India, Three Companies Approved to Test Driverless Pods: The National Institution for Transforming India, established by the Narendra Modi government on 1 January 2015 and better known as NITI Aayog, has approved testing of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) systems for a 13 km long project from the Gurugram-Delhi border to Badshahpur Mod. Read more...

Niti Aayog clears testing of NASA skyTran's futuristic pod cars

A Niti Aayog committee has given its approval to a government proposal to test three rapid transport systems using pod cars. Pod cars are futuristic driverless vehicles that ply on pre-defined routes.  Read more...

AEM Announces 'Build' Phase Finalists in Infrastructure Competition

MILWAUKEE, Wis., Jan. 31, 2017 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) announced the five finalists in the "Build" phase of the Infrastructure Vision 2050 Challenge, an incentivized competition launched by the trade association to solicit groundbreaking ideas and solutions that address some of the principle challenges facing the country's infrastructure. 

Pod taxi dream sold, reality poses big hurdle 

NEW DELHI: Introduction of driverless pod taxis to ferry passengers within cities and for inter-city movement will take longer. Niti Aayog, which recently went through presentations by three major players that had bid for a pilot in Gurugram, has suggested that each of them can build a 1km stretch each to test the technology at their own cost, sources said. Read more...

Three times faster than flights: Hyperloop can do Delhi-Mumbai in 70 mins

Travel from Delhi to Mumbai can become less than a third -to 70 minutes - of what it takes in a flight, at costs cheaper than flight tickets.

The mode of transport is called a Hyperloop, a concept that was drawn maverick Tesla CEO and chief architect, Elon Musk on a white paper in 2013. Read more...

Amid Hyperloop hype, Bengaluru lines up own big-ticket mobility projects 

Bengaluru to Chennai in just 30 minutes? That is what Hyperloop One, a Los Angeles-based high-speed transport technology firm, has proposed for India. The Bengaluru-Chennai route is among 35 global routes where possible trials of Hyperloop -an airline-speed travel concept mooted by tech tycoon Elon Musk -could happen.

Slovakia's Hyperloop Moves a Step Closer to Not Being a Joke

THE WORLD IS one step closer to seeing people in pods shot through near-vacuum tubes at hundreds of miles per hour. This totally tubular transportation transformation just may start in ... Eastern Europe. Read more...

Subways and Pods: What Denver's Transit System Could Have Been

Once upon a time, Denver leaders envisioned elevated personal rapid transit and a below-grade subway. While funding never materialized, what can be learned today?

Masdar eyes sustainable mobility solutions for Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi's renewable energy company Masdar is inviting selected industry specialists to develop the next phase of the driverless vehicle transit network serving its flagship sustainable urban development Masdar City.
Government Plans to Turn Sejong into "Self-Driving City"

SEJONG, Jan. 10 (Korea Bizwire) - Sejong, South Korea's de facto administrative capital, will become the world's first city dedicated to self-driving vehicles. Read more...

City OKs study on innovative transit line

After kicking the tires for a few years, Mountain View city leaders are now laying down money for what some might call a moonshot project to solve the area's traffic troubles. Read more... 

The above links are to articles that appear relevant to advanced transit but no guarantee is made as to their accuracy and no verification of the integrity of the associated websites has been made.


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