August 17, 2021 | Issue 93
From Our President
Dear Council of 101 members,

The backdrop theme of a Palm Beach Resort Lifestyle made a wonderful setting for our annual Summer Luncheon. Members and friends were in abundant attendance to enjoy a wonderful gathering over a delightfully planned meal. Not only was it fun, it was also beautifully decorated thanks to our event chairs, Elizabeth Francetic and Beth Baker. The definition of a graceful hostess duo, they brought together a fabulous design team to add beautiful floral arrangements, complementary pink and green table appointments and a fun take home favor. Another highlight of the day was the random prize drawings.

We had some lovely items donated by Ginny’s Orchids, The Monogram Merchant and Council of 101 floral designs by Christine Girand. Her lovely centerpieces were also available for sale. The luncheon menu was quite delicous with plenty for all of us and more to share with the staff.  To add to the beautiful rotunda decorations several of our Corporate Lease pieces were displayed on the walls as well as in the adjacent Martha Deneen Cotton Gallery. Dr. Aaron De Groft gave us a briefing and took questions regarding the museum expansion to an exciting downtown Orlando space. I am very grateful to all of you who helped make the Summer Luncheon such a memorable event. 

It's hard to believe August is already here! Soon, FOT chairmen will begin sharing with you, at our General Meetings and through social media including our website, some of the exciting details of what they have been working on over the summer. We are planning a fabulous Festival full of special events and fundraising opportunities which will kick off the holiday season for Central Florida families.

We’re looking forward to 10 days of “Sparkling Holiday Traditions” beginning with our opening Patron’s Gala on November 12.  We will showcase beautiful displays among gallery exhibitions with our members working hard in the background to make it come together.  If you have yet to sign up for a committee, you will be called soon so think about where you would like to serve. We will have opportunities to work remotely as well as within groups. No matter your membership status, I encourage you to get involved - it's a rich and rewarding experience.

We have received some very qualified applicants to fill the empty office position vacated by Paula who has moved upstairs to work for the museum director. She loves helping us and will be available to train our new hire to fill her shoes the best she can. Interviews are being scheduled and we hope to have this resolved very soon. Please be patient if you send an email to the office or leave a voice message. We check the emails daily but it could be 24-48 hours before you receive a response making sure it’s routed to the right person. 

I look forward to seeing you at the August General Meeting. It's a morning meeting and we will have beverages and very light bites. We will continue to abide by the museum guidelines for group gathering and keep you up to date. 

Please know how thankful I am for all you do and feel free to reach out to me any time.

With warmest regards,