E-News - AUGUST 2019
Thank you for your faithfulness in giving to the Envision project. As I write this note, we are just days away from completion of our newly remodeled youth area including classrooms, a worship center and welcome foyer, our newly remodeled preschool/children’s area which will provide both security and a welcoming environment for children and their parents, and our new Welcome Foyer where we can greet new individuals and families and introduce them to the ministries of NHBC. Join us in August as we dedicate these new facilities to God’s glory.

I can’t wait to see what God is going to do through you!
Stepping Out Testimonies
Many of our membership are “stepping out” into the community. This focus each month will allow you to hear from them, know how you can pray for that outreach and perhaps be inspired to join in as well.

National Heights Women on Mission are blessed to be a part of Stepping Out Ministries with Robberson Elementary School by sharing God’s love with their students, teachers and staff. One way that we demonstrate our servant hearts with the staff is by giving “Goodie Baskets” during holidays and Teacher Appreciation Days.
WOM ladies bake cookies and sweet breads for the baskets, and include other goodies such as gourmet coffees and hot chocolates, specialty tea bags, and personal notes to encourage each member of Robberson’s team.
I Peter 4:10 reminds us that “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms.” Sharing what we have with Robberson staff enables WOM to do just that...to love others. “My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action.” 1John 3:18.
christmas in august
That’s right! We’re getting ready to start our Christmas Choir again! And soon our halls will be filled with the sounds of voices practicing and learning their music. Remember how much fun we had last year?!! And to begin the festivities the choir is excited to host their 8th annual Christmas in August. And you’re invited! 
Last year’s Christmas celebrations were such a memorable time in the life of our church. And, I am so excited about our celebrations this year.  
We will be presenting the plans, music, and schedule of practices for the 2019 Christmas celebrations on August 25th in the Fellowship Hall during a luncheon event. So, if you want to be a part of this year’s Christmas Choir, you’ll want to be there.
Prime Timers
Here we are already in the month of August, and time to have a great and blessed time with other Christians at Prime Timers. Our meeting will be August 15 at 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We have watched the remodeling of our building and are in great anticipation to know and see what may be coming next. This month we will have Gary Dollins come and tell us about the past work and the next work to be done. We are anxious to see what the Lord has for us next. Following Gary’s talk we will have a carry-in lunch and we ask that you bring a dish of your own choosing. We will start eating about noon. All are welcome to come. Please remember to bring food staples and paper goods for Grand Oaks Missions. Our hostesses for August are: Belle Bass and Delores Thompson
~~Carl Rose
We want to welcome both Betty Horstman and Carol Mazzuca to our church family as we witnessed their beautiful public profession of faith through baptism.
On Tuesday, August 13 , Women on Mission has a real treat in store. Mike Haynes, our Director of Missions for Greene County Baptists, spent some time this past March teaching and training pastors in Moldova, Eastern Europe. Mike and wife Robin will be sharing with us via video and personal experiences. They will be speaking at about 10:45 in Fellowship Hall. Both men and women are invited to attend to learn more of this interesting country and how Baptist work there is progressing.
The WOM meeting actually begins at 9:30 with a business session. Reports of the Welcome Bags assembled and delivered to 50 kindergarten children at Robberson Elementary School will be shared. A report from the nominating committee for new officers for the 2019-2020 church year will be given and then prayer for our missionaries who have birthdays during the month of August.
There will be a coffee/snack/share time from 10:15. Hostesses for the morning are Judy Divine and Marti Blattert. Come and join the time of sharing and learning together.

Women on Mission will gather on Tuesday, August 27, for a work day at 9:30 a.m. This will be a meeting devoted to mission action activities. The women will be working to reorganize the quilt closets, re-evaluating the work to be done, and making a quilt for Grand Oak Mission. Each year our women make 6 to 8 bed-size quilts and 40 to 50 baby and children’s quilts for the mission center to distribute to families in need.
Some of the women will also be making salvation bracelets. These are used by the Greene County Baptist Mission Teams in their outreach ministries in Mexico each summer. Just this past month our church delivered over 6,000 salvation bracelets to the mission teams going to Mexico. We thank all our young people as well as the women who made this possible. The bracelets are wonderful “attention getters.” They are a great way to get a conversation started when meeting someone new, especially one who speaks another language.
The work day begins at 9:30 in Fellowship Hall. A coffee/snack/share time will occur at about 10:15 with Mary McLemore and Barbara Vallely as hostesses. The work day will conclude at about 11:30 with no lunch being served. New workers are always welcome. Come and enjoy the sharing time together.
August 6: Six Flags
Cost: $25 (includes ticket and food voucher) Leave NHBC at 8 a.m. - Return around 10 p.m. Deadline to sign up is Sunday, August 4.
Thank you for all the prayers, cards and visits since I have been at Elfindale Manor. You are all such an encouragement. I truly appreciate my NHBC family.
~~Leima Cannefax
Thank you for all the wonderful wedding shower gifts which are now in our ranch home in North Dakota. We also thank you all for the support we have received from our church family. If you happen to be passing through Perth, ND we will take time out from ranching to fix either locally grown steaks or our own personally caught ND fish. Thanks again!
~~Josh and Ashton Guthrie
Thank you to Bro. Vaughn for your visits and prayers while I was in the hospital and rehab. Thanks also for the prayers and cards from Sunday School classes, WOM and the church. National Heights is awesome!
~~Ralph Arnold
Thank you for remembering Roberta with a gorgeous plant. She loved her church family dearly. Comforting to know she had so many wonderful friends. God bless each of you.
~~Joel & Carolyn Skidmore
Thank you for remembering our Pop Tab program in your summer plans. While it’s certainly not uncommon for vacationers to need to buy something accidently left behind at home, no one ever expects to ask the Ronald McDonald House for funds to purchase a necessity during their stay in our House. That is exactly what the funds generated from our pop tab recycling are used for . . . and so much more!
~~Ronald McDonald House of the Ozarks
Care and Share Ministry to widows of the church community will gather on Thursday, August 29, at 11:15 at Golden Corral North for their monthly informal luncheon. This is an informal time of sharing and praying together. Visitors and new members are always welcome. If you have need of further information, contact Phyllis Sanford or Mildred Burns.
The family of Mildred Sevy. The family of Roberta Skidmore. The family of Deloris Howard.
Click the Button Below for the Church Calendar
*We want to say thank you and God bless. This has helped us many times. Prayer request for guidance and to help us make it through the storm. And joy to help us see the best in everything.
*Thank you for the food. You are the best people.
*Thanks a lot.
*Thank you.
*Thank you kind people. God bless.
*God bless you all.
*Several specific prayer requests for family members of those who visited the boxes.
Thank you for your continued support of the Blessing Box ministry. Each week volunteers prepare 14 bags to fill the boxes at NHBC and the West Kearney McDonalds parking lot. Along with your donations of goods, the ministry spends approximately $100 a week to make sure the boxes have non-perishable food items, paper goods, bibles, and devotional items. During the summer months, donations have not met the need, so we need your help! You can contribute by marking your offering envelope “Blessing Box” with your donation, or leave items in the blue wagon across the hall from the sanctuary. Your donations help us show the love of Jesus in a tangible, practical way to the people of North Springfield. Thank you for giving to the Blessing Box ministry!
August 19 is the deadline to have articles in for the September Newsletter.
E-mail articles to: nhbc@nationalheights.org
This month’s Deacon’s meeting will be Sunday, August 11 at 4:30 p.m.
Mildred Burns & Patti Crocker
Jerry McCall & Barbara Fisher
Pat Welch & Melissa Baugh
Aug. 4:     Steve & Marti Blattert
Aug. 11:   Melissa Baugh & June Denton
Aug. 18:   Ron & Darlene Gideon
Aug. 25:   Molly Faulkner Team