The Buzz
No Woo Woo. Just Science.
August 2021 By Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS, FAAMA
Feeling rusty about shoulder anatomy? Unsure of which structures to palpate for shoulder lameness?

Successful treatment of any painful condition requires solid knowledge of anatomy coupled with proficient myofascial palpation.

Download this month's handout on muscles of the canine shoulder and learn where to examine and why.
What's a "waste basket" diagnosis? It's an imprecise descriptor for a medical condition that fails to pinpoint and identify the actual problem. This is what "medial shoulder syndrome" (MSS) has become: a catch-all phrase for ambiguous shoulder issues in dogs. Can we do better? Yes. First, download this month's free handout on shoulder muscle anatomy. Then, take 30 minutes to watch Dr. Robinson's lecture on MSS to improve your results.
Complete Module 1 of our integrative rehabilitation program and earn 8.5 Hours of RACE-approved CE. Topics include: movement therapy for complex conditions, the role of fascia in rehabilitation, tibial plateau-leveling osteotomy (TPLO) drawbacks, feline myofascial palpation, How to See a Dog, medical acupuncture, photomedicine, and more. We have over a hundred students so far!

The full course comprises 177 hours and includes a home-based interactive section and 35-hour onsite internship.
Above, Dr. Krista Williams, one of our Canadian students in eMAV, works with her sweet baby, George, on demonstrating big points on the Pericardium channel.
Dr. Natalie Wong performs electroacupuncture for a rodeo bull in the image below. A recent graduate of the distance-learning version of Medical Acupuncture for Veterinarians, Dr. Wong said this about eMAV:

"eMAV has been a great way to receive a high quality education while transitioning through the many phases of my career. Between the pandemic, veterinary school, and my first job as a veterinarian in a rural town, getting my large animal acupuncture certification has become possible. The resources provided are fantastic and the CuraCore team is always so supportive, timely, and available." THANK YOU, DR. WONG!