SDPD Officer does his field work at CYAC
                CESAR MARTINEZ
We would like to thank San Diego Police Department officer Mr. Cesar Martinez for choosing the Community Youth Athletic Center as the location to work on his field study for his Master's in Sociology.  Cesar was born in El Salvador and grew up in Fontana, CA. He obtained his B.A. at Cal State Fullerton in Criminal Justice and is currently working on his Master's in Sociology at Arizona University.  In the time that he has been involved, Cesar has added value to the organization in many ways. He participated in this year's CYAC Battle of the Badges, one of our biggest fundraising events, which raised over $35,000.00 in support of CYAC's programs and services.  Cesar was one of our monthly speakers and provided motivation and encouragement for our kids to stay in school.  He talked to the kids about how he decided to become a police officer
and how getting a college education has helped him succeed in his career.  The kids listened intently and reported that they felt that he cared about them and wanted them to be successful.  Cesar has been an all-around asset to CYAC, even helping with minor building repairs as well as strategizing for our fundraising endeavors.

Thank you Cesar!

CYAC Takes on the Waves

On August 25th our CYAC boxers went to Pacific Beach to learn about safety tips when going to the beach. A few of our local lifeguards were kind enough to donate their time to teach our youth how to be safe while having fun in the ocean.

On that beautiful sunny Summer day our youth had the opportunity to enjoy the refreshing waves. The lifeguards provided surf boards and boogie boards for everyone. Since boogie boards are easier to navigate in the waves, many decided to take on the challenge of trying to use a surf board for the first time.

The lifeguards were glad to work with our boxers and offer them surfing lessons. After enjoying the water, our boxers gathered around the lifeguard truck and they learned what equipment was used to rescue people who were struggling in the water. The youth were surprised to learn that when the lifeguards were called to save an individual's life, they were also placing their lives at risk every time.

After this event our boxers gained respect for the lifeguards, once they understood this concept. Also, they learned how to avoid any life threatening situations by simply keeping close to the shore. Thank you to our local lifeguards who volunteered their time to show us how to be safe at the beach.   


Reaching for the top of the Mountain  
T his month at CYAC our boxers decided to try a different exercising activity and went hiking to Cowles Mountain. Not only did our boxers decided to take on the 3 mile hike, but a few parents decided to join the hike also. 
The competitiveness could be seen as they all raced to the top. Yet, at the same time, teamwork was evident when they encouraged one another to continue hiking and complete the hike. Those that were accompanied by their parents, were also encouraging their parents to continue the climb up the mountain. 
The hike was more difficult than most expected, but was a challenge they all enjoyed. The satisfaction of making it the well known Cowles Mountain plaque brought a smile to everyone. Especially, since the majority had never hiked. The scenery from the top of the mountain was admired and was a nice change from the routine boxing exercise. Our boxers enjoyed the hike so much that our youth asked repeatedly "Where is the hike?"  

At CYAC we like to promote health and fitness. We want to demonstrate to our boxers that there are endless possibilities to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and having fun at the same time. Since our athletes requested to continue new activities such as hiking, stay tuned for our creative ways to stay in shape.  

Boxer of the Month: Jessica

This month we would like to congratulate Jessica Ramirez, boxer of the month. Jessica is a 14-year-old, freshman who attends San Diego High School. She is from Logan in San Diego. Some of her favorite classes are "Big History"and"Biology"
She loves history and learning about the different cultures around the world.  She is also fascinated about astronomy and believes there are other people in this universe besides us. Her favorite sport is boxing. She likes boxing because of the adrenaline she feels when she steps into the ring to spar.   She likes the fact that not only guys, but also girls are allowed to be strong, powerful, and even Olympic fighters.  The main reason she loves boxing is because, it doesn't matter, who you are, where you came from, or what you look like, as long as you have the desire you can be great in this sport.

 Get in shape now, join our Fit 4 Life crew!


The CYAC's Fit 4 life class starts at 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Coach Raul  incorporates new boxing techniques and workouts to keep the classes exciting and fresh.  


If you or anybody you know would like to join our Fit 4 Life class please contact Clemente at or Gracie at (619-864-2684)


Thank you for your continued support and friendship.  Because of you, we are "Making a difference for our kids one round at a time."


Clemente Casillas | President

Community Youth Athletic Center

(619) 474.2922


  Amazon Smile:

Please select the CYAC when you shop online at  A portion of your checkout price will go to the gym, so you're helping the kids with every purchase you make.


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More photos of the kids working out, at competitions and on field trips can be seen on our Facebook page: