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One Text With . . . !

For this issue's "One Text With . . . ", we're very happy to feature Rick Sanders, President and Director of Iowa State University Research Park!

AURP: "Hey Rick What's a new development or project (or what's making news) at ISU Research Park?"

Rick: "The Iowa State University Research Park is in full bloom.

In addition to the wild flowers and native prairie in our 35-acre nature park, we have three new buildings coming out of the ground. Our 18 existing buildings welcomed a new facility in December and two more projects are nearing completion. I love springtime! 

AURP"Thank you Rick - and so do we!"

Resources & Announcements

NSF and DOE Partner on New Internship Program on Clean Hydrogen Energy

The NSF and the Department of Energy, through its Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, have launched a joint training and professional development opportunity for NSF-supported graduate students in the area of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The opportunity, named Hydrogen INTERN, is offered through the NSF Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students (NSF INTERN) program. Read more.

AURP and Member Institutions Attend UIIN Conference 2024 in Madrid

AURP and its member institutions were in full force at the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) Conference in Madrid, Spain. The 2024 conference, Shaping the Future of Talent and Innovation, addressed the shift towards strategic university-industry partnerships, leveraging new national government funding.

AURP Chief Strategy Officer Brian Darmody; NSF Division Director Thyaga Nandagopal; and Shandra Cordobes, Chief Technology Officer of Fundacion Tecnalia, Spain, spoke about the approach of the U.S and the European Union in advancing technology clusters through more applied research funding, such as the new NSF Technology Innovation Partnership Directorate (TIP) and related efforts in the EU.

Another panel featured representatives from U.S. universities discussing best practices in university-based economic development, and included Rebecca Robinson, Oregon State University, who moderated a discussion with Dominique Halaby, Georgia Southern University; Carol Stewart, University of Arizona; Lenore Vender Zee, SUNY Canton; and Amy Whitney, University of North Dakota.

Other U.S. universities represented at UIIN included Louisiana State University; University of Louisville; University of Minnesota; Ohio State University; and Texas State University with general discussion centering on how these institutions are engaging with their local communities and with industry.

AURP Members: Don't Miss Weekly Updates

Van Scoyoc Associates – Washington

AURP Members: With elections just a few months away, be sure to check out the Van Scoyoc Associates – Washington Update, a comprehensive digest report of key Washington, DC policy, budget and legislative updates available weekly in the Members’ Only section of the AURP website.

New Information!

Advancing Communities of Innovation:

AURP Benchmarking Survey 2023 (2.0)


Be informed with the new information shared in this updated version (new data) of this 2023 survey, Advancing Communities of Innovation: AURP Benchmarking Survey 2023 2.0. Read more.

Bayh-Dole Coalition Releases Video on Protecting the Act from March-In Rights Proposal

The Bayh-Dole Coalition recently released a new video about the Coalition and the importance of advocacy in protecting the Bayh-Dole Act.

If you're interested in joining the Bayh-Dole Coalition, click here.

Joseph Allen, Executive Director of the Coalition, says: "As you know, we're in the fight of our lives against the draft guidance on march-in rights and other attempts to reassert Washington micromanagement, but we're making an impact thanks to your efforts."

Annual Sponsor Highlight

Meet Wexford

Wexford is a trusted, long-term development partner. We collaborate with clients to create vibrant, mixed-use, amenity-rich communities that drive innovation across multiple disciplines, and are built on a foundation of research, discovery, entrepreneurial activity, corporate engagement, and community outreach.

#AURP Member & Industry News

The University of Michigan and the Detroit Regional Chamber have launched an initiative to foster innovation, technological advancement and economic growth from Ann Arbor to Detroit. The collaboration named Innovate Michigan aims to create an environment where innovation can thrive and drive Michigan’s economy forward. Innovate Michigan leverages the strengths of the Detroit Regional Chamber, with over a century of promoting economic prosperity, and U-M, the region’s largest producer of talent through its students, faculty and research. Read more.

The University of Maryland (UMD) received a new $500 million contract the largest research contract in UMD’s history from the U.S. Department of Defense to support the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security (ARLIS) and its mission of tackling complex national security problems via a multidisciplinary approach. Located in UMD’s Discovery District, ARLIS is one of 15 designated DoD University Affiliated Research Centers (UARC) in the U.S. and the only UARC dedicated to intelligence and security. Read more.

Purdue University has announced a new partnership with Elanco Animal Health Inc., which will become part of Indiana’s new One Health Innovation District. The announcement was made last month at Indiana’s 2024 Global Economic Summit after Purdue President Mung Chiang (photo) and Elanco President and CEO Jeff Simmons signed a shared memorandum of understanding with the Indiana Economic Development Corporation to establish a globally recognized research innovation district dedicated to optimizing the health of people, animals, plants and the planet. Read more.

St. Louis’s Cortex Innovation District is now hosting Washington University School of Medicine's newly opened Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building. Designed by CannonDesign and Perkins&Will, the 11-story, 609,000-square-foot facility is one of the largest neuroscience buildings in the world. The new building aims to advance research in areas including Alzheimer’s disease and brain tumors. The $616 million facility currently accommodates 1,000 faculty and staff members, plus 95 research teams. Read more.



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Economic Impact Reports

Research parks, innovation districts and tech hubs are strong economic, job-creating engines and contribute to economic development in local communities, regions, states and nations.

Our AURP website features current impact studies that illustrate the dynamic impact of university research parks, innovation districts and tech hubs.

Take a look at the The Beach at UNO 2023 Annual Report!

We're ready to include your impact report on our website! Learn more.


Check out the AURP Career Center to discover your

next career opportunity, including:

  • Executive Vice President and COO Research Triangle Park 
  • Vice President for Research Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston)
  • Senior Associate Director for Licensing and Strategic Transactions Stanford University
  • Executive Director of the UGA Innovation District University of Georgia
  • National Science Foundation Engines Program Director Activation Capital (Richmond, VA)
  • Director of Governance & Administration Activation Capital (Richmond, VA)
  • Assistant Director of Innovation Hub (Real Estate) University of Illinois-Chicago
  • President and Chief Executive Officer Cherokee Farm Development Corporation (Knoxville, TN)
  • President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nexus Louisiana
  • Executive Director of the NSF Engine: Louisiana Energy Transition Engine Louisiana State University

Would you like to showcase your Community of Innovation, tenant or university activities (including newly released Impact Reports) in an upcoming AURP Park Post? We want to hear your stories and news to share with our greater AURP community. Email us today!

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