October 2-3, 2019
Host: Research Triangle Park
The Durham Hotel, Raleigh, NC

Deadline Extended: June 14
Accelerating Innovation:
People Programs Places
November 4-7, 2019
Host: Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA

Deadline: June 14
Inaugural BIO Health Caucus - A Success!
On behalf of AURP, and our BIO Health Caucus Co-Chairs  Mark Romney  and  Rich Bendis , we would like to thank all who participated at the inaugural BIO Health Caucus, making it a grand success! 

Each of our  speakers  and sessions shared significant insight into what is on the horizon for our global biomedical innovation district. Everyone's active presence was paramount in our ongoing mission to help the AURP community thrive. This gathering of bio-focused professionals served as an opportunity to establish, promote, and assemble health-related anchor institutions, creating new technologies, developing biotechnology partnerships, and improving health outcomes.

The next  BIO Health Caucus  will converge at the  AURP IC2019 on November 5, 1:00 – 4:00 pm.
2019 Co-Chair
2019 Co-Chair

Negotiating salaries and benefits are critical in hiring and retaining a quality team. Take advantage of the information compiled to assist you and your university research park or innovation district in determining equitable compensation for your leadership team.

The AURP 2019 Salary Survey is open through Friday, June 14th.
(This and more in the recent Van Scoyoc Associates newsletter) 

The subcommittee on Small Business Subcommittee on Innovation and Workforce Development held a hearing to address the employment skills gap through apprenticeships and training programs. Panelists discussed ways private industry, academia and the government have partnered to meet the workforce needs of small businesses. 
The Dynamic Force Behind the World's
Fastest Growing Innovation Districts
A new method of driving innovation has broke ground at Wake Forest Innovation Quarter (WFIQ) . Already one of the world’s largest and fastest growing innovation districts, WFIQ has been selected along with five others to form the Global Institute of Innovation Districts (GIID) . Other participants are: St. Louis, Missouri; New York; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Melbourne, Australia. Read more on WFIQ.

Join your AURP network as we gather at Georgia Tech on November 4-7 for the AURP International Conference 2019 to l earn more from Julie Wagner , President of Urban Insight. and Thomas Osha , Senior Vice President, Innovation & Economic Development of Wexford Science & Techn ology, plus their panel of international guests as these ID experts discuss the findings from the recent GIID research.

Julie Wagner
Conceptual drawing of Bailey Power Plant
Thomas Osha
Registration OPENS in July! SAVE THE DATE!
#aurpic2019 #buildingtheAURPnetwork
New Growth, New Spaces

[ USA] Michigan State University’s first Public Private Partnership, or P3, is official.

MSU and Health Innovation Partners, a real estate development joint venture between MB Real Estate, Walsh Construction/Walsh Investors and Rockford Construction, have signed a long-term ground lease for the continued development of the Grand Rapids Research Center site. This includes planning construction for a medical innovation building and parking structure.

[INDIA] PSG-STEP (Science and Technology Entrepreneurial Park), which initially started off with an IT incubation facility, has over the years expanded to include electronics, nano technology and recently into biotechnology as well.

Bio-NEST – The Biotech Incubation Centre — established with Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council's (BIRAC) support, to nurture product innovation and start ups working at the intersection of bioscience and technology was inaugurated this morning.
Professional Partnership Opportunities
Connecting with professionals has never been so easy!
Last call to nominate a peer, park, or innovation district for recognition at this year's AURP Awards of Excellence at the International Conference 2019.

AURP will recognize this year's awards recipients, Outstanding (over 10 years) and Emerging Research Park/Innovation District, Innovation, Leadership, plus the NEW Rising Star Award (under 40). Deadline June 14th
Bring the global innovation network to your community, by hosting AURP 2020 International Conference. Here's your chance to showcase your Park or Innovation District. With the leadership of the AURP Board of Directors, planning committee, and AURP team, your institution will become the focal point and knowledge-hub for our global tribe.

For questions or more information, contact AURP at

Check out the AURP Career Center to discover your next career opportunity:

  • Michigan State University Foundation, Director of Ventures
  • Tech Parks Arizona, Executive Director at the University of Arizona Innovation Center
  • TEConomy Partners LLC, Economic Development Project Manager
  • TEConomy Partners LLC, Associate Economic Development Project Manager
  • Idaho State University, Vice President for Research and Economic Development