AURP & TUFF Advocate on the Investment in Maryland's Communities of Innovation
AURP CEO, Brian Darmody, along with The University Financing Foundation President and Past AURP President, Kevin Byrne , testified in Annapolis, Maryland in favor of a $16 million state technology investment fund.

The fund would be used to support infrastructure and leverage additional private capital to research parks and other technology clusters in Federal Opportunity Zones, as well as other areas in Maryland on a competitive basis.

In the state of Maryland, there are four research parks that are AURP members, along with The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company , an AURP Annual Corporate Partner, which is headquartered in the state as well.

Working with state legislatures is one of the key areas of support provided by the AURP State Practice Group, providing insight and recommendations to universities, communities and states wishing to establish or expand research parks, innovation districts and other communities of innovation in their areas.

Contact Brian at [email protected] , with any questions and additional inquiries.
Innovation Advocacy Council (IAC)
This week, AURP participated in the Innovation Advocacy Council' s “Day on the Hill” in Washington, D.C., as a partner with SSTI.

AURP CEO, Brian Darmody and AURP Board member, Julie Lenzer, CIO at the University of Maryland, were among the participants convening with Congressional Representatives advocating for more funding through the U.S. EDA for the Regional Innovation Strategies (RIS) program.

 RIS applications are open through
11:59 PM ET on Thursday April 4!
Thank You to Our Incredible Sponsors of Spring Training 2019!
If you're interested in becoming a sponsor,
contact Brian Darmody at [email protected].
AURP Members Making a Splash at
AUTM's 2019 Annual Meeting
The AUTM 2019 Annual Meeting took place in Austin, Texas, with near record breaking attendance and many AURP members in attendance, as well! AUTM, the Association of Technology Managers, is a leading technology transfer organization. AURP frequently partners with AUTM. Past-AURP board member and Past-AUTM President, David Winwood, helped to connect members from AURP and AUTM. KAUST’ s Kevin Cullen presented on the changing metrics of technology transfer in a very compelling session.

Representatives from Ballard Spahr’s Atlanta office sponsored a reception and discussed the upcoming AURP International Conference taking place in Atlanta on November 4-7, 2019, reminding attendees to save the date for the big event hosted by Georgia Tech.

Meet AURP's New Team Member
Diana Horn
Meet Diana Horn, our new Executive Administrator ! Diana has a history of providing service and support to a variety of industries, ranging from construction to travel. Her positive attitude and willingness to take on tasks makes her a jack of all trades and an excellent asset to our team.

Diana graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and was appointed Vice President of Alumnae Relations with the Sigma Kappa Sorority. Additionally, she performed as a back-up singer for different tribute shows in local venues. In 2017, Diana relocated from her hometown of Las Vegas, NV, to Tucson, AZ where she spends her weekends hiking and enjoying the beautiful Arizona landscape and people. 
D Tell Us What/Who You Want to Hear at AURP International Conference 2019
AURP Is Looking for Speakers!
Accelerating Innovation:
Programs, People, Places

AURP is accepting presentation proposals for its
2019 International Conference on November 4-7 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Submissions are due before March 29, 2019.

Check out the AURP Career Center to discover your next career opportunity:

  • University of Missouri-Kansas City, Vice Chancellor for Research
  • University of Illinois, Managing Director, Discovery Partnership Institute
  • University of Illinois, Director of Administration, Discovery Partnership Institute
  • University of Illinois, Director of External Engagements and Partnership, Discovery Partnership Institute
  • Iowa State University Research Park, President
  • University of Toronto, Director, Real Estate
  • University of Delaware, Associate Vice President for Technology Commercialization and Business Development