AURP CEO, Brian Darmody,
along with
The University Financing Foundation President and Past AURP President, Kevin Byrne
, testified in Annapolis, Maryland in favor of a $16 million state technology investment fund.
The fund would be used to support infrastructure and leverage additional private capital to research parks and other technology clusters in Federal Opportunity Zones, as well as other areas in Maryland on a competitive basis.
In the state of Maryland, there are four research parks that are AURP members, along with
The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
, an AURP Annual Corporate Partner, which is headquartered in the state as well.
Working with state legislatures is one of the key areas of support provided by the AURP State Practice Group, providing insight and recommendations to universities, communities and states wishing to establish or expand research parks, innovation districts and other communities of innovation in their areas.