Issue #117 | June 25, 2021

In This Issue:

Marketing Tip of the Week
Recent Podcast Recordings
Media Leads for Authors

Please note: This content is only for Authority and VIP members
of the Nonfiction Authors Association.
You must be logged in to the site to access members-only content.
Copyright (C) 2021 by the Nonfiction Authors Association.
Please do not share or distribute.
Tip of the Week
How to Write Great Blog Content: What to Actually Write About
Keep it short and sweet. Blog posts don’t need to be full-length articles. A single paragraph with a quick tip or a link to a favorite resource can do just fine. Mix it up by writing shorter and longer posts. If a post becomes really long, break it up into a series and mark them “Part 1,” Part 2,” “Part 3,” etc.

Develop lists. Readers love numbered lists, which is why you see headlines on most magazines that read “8 Ways to Save Money” or “7 Signs Your Marriage Needs a Boost.” Lists aren’t just popular with readers; they’re often easier to write. But lists don’t need to consist of full paragraphs. You can also list resources, book recommendations, technology tips, favorite tweeters, and much more.

Post excerpts from your books and products. If you’ve authored a book or written a special report or ebook, share occasional excerpts on your blog. As a bonus, these can spark product sales.

Mix it up. Your blog doesn’t have to consist solely of articles and stories. Mix it up by adding videos, podcasts, interviews, photos, or even a funny cartoon (provided you get permission if it’s someone else’s work). 

Recent Podcast Recordings
Featured Content for Members

Media Leads for Authors

The following media leads are compiled exclusively for Authority and VIP members of the Nonfiction Authors Association.

If you’re interested in contributing to any of these media outlets, please review submission guidelines and follow the instructions carefully. For help compiling your pitches, you can also download our exclusive report:

We are excited to bring you this benefit and hope it brings you many opportunities to build your platform, gain media experience, and sell more books!

Wishing you tremendous success,

Stephanie & the NFAA team

P.S. We want to hear your success stories! When you land a media interview as a result of these leads, please share with us here.
Issue #117
1. Erica James Travel Show
Type: Podcast
Host name: Erica James
Contact email:
Program Description: The Erica James Travel Show is a travel show, hosted by a professional travel agent that is trying to assist people to not only travel the world but to do is safe, smart and be organized and prepared for anything.
Submission Guidelines:  I am looking for people who travel with their kids, generational travel and have the best travel tips for traveling with kids, all generations in a family that can help with my month theme of "Family Travel." If interested, please fill out the form at
2.  Chat And Spin Radio Talk Show
Type: Podcast
Host name: Ron Clark & Ian Johnson
Contact email:
Program Description: Chat and Spin Radio is the place to get local and national news, traffic and travel and local events in your area. We keep our listeners fully up-to-date on what is happening nationally and abroad.
Submission Guidelines: Radio Talk Show interviewing Podcasters, Book Authors, Businesses, Artists, and other guests for 10 minute interviews. We are looking for Podcasters to come on our Radio Talk Show to let our Listeners know about your Podcast. If interested, please email
3.  Zero to Strong (new show)
Type: Podcast
Host name: Roberta Knox
Program Description:  Zero to Strong features conversations with mission-driven and culture-shifters who are innovating, creating, and daring to lead through strong. We offer unique and invaluable strategies to assist with personal and leadership development, and communication support.
Submission Guidelines: Zero to Strong is looking for guests who are nutrition experts, fitness experts, and/or health & wellness experts. If this is you, please send an email to
4.  The Jimbo Paris Show
Type: Podcast, Radio Show
Host name: Jimbo Paris
Contact email:
Program description: The Jimbo Paris Experience is a long form conversation hosted by Jimbo Paris an entrepreneur with numerous guests, that include anyone that is considered successful in their desired field.
Submission Guidelines: Currently looking to speak with spirituality entrepreneurs. If you are a good storyteller that is open to the idea of talking on a podcast that has a 4,000 listener Facebook page, then this could be a good environment to bring your expertise to a broader platform. If interested, please email the host at
5. The Mix
Type: Blog
Contact email:
Blog description: So, welcome to The Mix. Whether you’re 13, 25, or any age in between, we’re here to take on the embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts you have. We give you the information and support you need to deal with it all. Because you can. Because you’re awesome.

Submission guidelines: Guidance
Let your personality shine in your writing or filmmaking – be honest and authentic
We welcome edgy topics, but please don’t resort to shock tactics
If you wouldn’t say something to someone’s face don’t put it in your film or writing
The Mix offers advice and support on many issues under 25s face – remember your piece should always provide a service to your reader or viewer
Please proof your piece before submission, we have staff that will also look at it before it is published and will send you feedback so don’t panic if you are not a grammar whiz
All submissions must be original content that you own the rights to including image right
Please fact check your piece – provide sources of information if you’re quoting another source
Where will my piece be published?
Articles will be published on either the Blog or Your Voices section of The Mix. Articles may also be shared on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Films will be uploaded to our YouTube channel and will also be published on either the Blog or Your Voices section of The Mix and shared via our social media channels.
Please note: No articles that contain explicit product promotion or that visitors to our site might find offensive will be published. We don’t pay for contributions to The Mix site.
To get in touch or to submit your piece contact
6. Two Drops of Ink
Type: Blog
Blog description: Two Drops of Ink is a literary blog devoted to literature and writing in a broad sense. For the reader and writer, we publish short stories, poetry, essays, literary criticism, book reviews, and biographical profiles of authors, interviews, letters, and academic essays or treatise.
Submission Guidelines:   Two Drops of Ink is accepting submissions for all genres except “R” rated posts, romance as the overriding theme, or anything politically partisan. Political, philosophical, or ideological discussions are excellent – that can make for exciting reading; however, partisan rants don’t fit here.
We are looking for fresh perspectives on all genres and literary topics. Here are some examples:
  • Grammar
  • The art of writing
  • The craft of writing
  • How to publish
  • How to query a book
  • Book reviews
  • Writing purposefully for an online audience
  • Building an online following
  • Creative non-fiction
  • Memoirs
  • Poetry
  • Essays
  • Historical Fiction and non-fiction
We understand that how something is said is just as important as what is said.
Each writer has that unique way of turning a phrase and using their authentic voice. We hope to extend the following benefits to you as a writer if your work gets published on our site.
Specific Submission Guidelines
  • Word Count
We ask that articles be 1000-1500 original words; however, we will work with authors if they exceed 1500 words. We will also consider a series.
  • Articles Are Original, Unique, or Updated
 We will not consider writings that have been published elsewhere, including your website. We expect non-plagiarized writing. If you are uncertain about the various forms of plagiarism, click here for a description. 
We exclude poetry from the ‘published elsewhere’ requirement because of its unique artistic value. 
  • Posts are Value-Added
 Make sure your submissions are not just unique regarding perspective but also relevant to the times. Our readers and subscribers are interested in value-added articles that include:
  1. A “how-to” that clearly defines writing, editing, and other writing topics.
  2. Frequent writing blunders and solutions
  3. Overcoming writing difficulties
  4. Links when quoting others, citations where needed, and it’s often helpful to link to concepts, foreign words or phrases, or even to your blog if the topic is similar
  • Make sure your submission is well-written
Two Drops of Ink expects that articles demonstrate proper grammar, clarity, style, tone, and punctuation. 
We ask that you edit for the obvious and then edit again for those pesky mistakes we all make. 
If your submission is selected, we will do an editorial review. If it does not meet Two Drops of Ink’s standards, but the overall concept is appealing, we may ask that you ‘revise and resubmit’ your article, which is not a rejection of your submission.
When the article passes our initial examination or your resubmitted work is better, we will email you further instructions. Please submit your guest post in a Word.doc(x) format -no Google Docs, please.
Use proper citations when necessary
Give proper attribution when citing statistics, quotes, or references. Provide an accurate citation in the article and hyperlink to the verifiable source, including photos and images.
  • Use Subheadings
Subheadings are clues for the reader about what will follow. Make them interesting, use keywords from your post, and have the content that follows each subheading be roughly 300 words, which helps with SEO. 
  • Reinforce your post with images
Images are the visual clue that accompanies your words. Make them as enjoyable as your writing. Two free sites for commercial use photos are: and 
  • Accompanying Bio
All work submitted needs an accompanying bio and high-resolution photo of the author ( or the best picture you have).
We prefer a headshot (Jpeg) image; we would like our readers to see you and read you. However, we would ask that it not be a vacation or family shot, etc.
  • Posts can be withdrawn or pulled down
Two Drops of Ink may reject any guest posts that do not meet the guidelines mentioned above. We will also pull any posts that we later find to be false, misleading as to the author, or information in the bio. 
  • Publication License Agreement
When submitting, you agree to an “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International” license with Two Drops of Ink to publish your original articles.
Two Drops of Ink may then, in turn, use extracts, quotes, or portions in a subsequent article to refer back to your original guest post for further exposure.
A Final Note: 
Barring an emergency, you cannot help, we want you to engage with the readers who leave comments, or likes. . 
All comments are important, so we ask that our writers check for comments and respond. 
Ready to submit? 
Please follow the guidelines and then forward your word.doc(x) article to: with Two Drops of Ink submission in the subject line.
7. The Change Agent
Type: Magazine
Contact email:
Publication Description: The Change Agent is a biannual magazine for adult educators and learners published by the New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC) at World Education.

Submission Guidelines:  The Change Agent features writing by adult learners. All submissions must be received by the deadline to be considered for publication. Suggested length is 200-1000 words. We pay $50 stipends to adult education students whose work is accepted for publication. All submissions are reviewed by our Editorial Board. Final decisions are made by The Change Agent Editor. Please see the current call for articles for more details about our current theme by visiting

8. Elite Personal Finance
Type: Blog

Blog Description: ElitePersonalFinance is a network of industry experts looking to give you sound financial advice! Our goal is to pass personal finance knowledge to millennials while enhancing it to better apply in today’s digital world.

Submission Guidelines: ElitePersonalFinance is a highly trusted finance blog with content from some of the best in the finance sector. We are always looking for talented writers who want to share their guest posts on our site. Rules:
·        Aim for 1,000 to 3,000 words per post.
·        Avoid including any promotional links.
·        Include original artwork if possible.
·        Send as a .doc attachment.
Accepted topic:
·        Personal Finance
·        Business
·        Make Money Online
·        Save Money
·        Loans
·        Credit Cards
·        Identity Theft
·        Credit Report
·        Guides
·        Articles
·        Unique Content
·        Helpful Tips
ElitePersonalFinance accepts unique, interesting, helpful content for our readers.
If this is of interest to you, send us an email at with the title of your post idea, and we’ll let you know whether to move forward.
Success Story?
We want to hear about your successful media appearances! When you receive media coverage as a result of submitting to any of our weekly media leads listings, please tell us about your results here.
You could get featured on our blog!
Media source looking for guests?
If you or someone you know host a podcast, blog, or other program seeking guest contributions, we want to hear from you!
Submit your Call for Submissions through our online form to get considered for featured placement in this weekly newsletter.
Watch your inbox every Friday for Media Leads for Authors,
available exclusively to Authority and VIP members of

Corrections? Please report any changes, issues, or inaccuracies here.
We respectfully request that you do not share this information.
(C) 2019 by the Nonfiction Authors Association

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