Tips For A Pet Safe Holiday
This year the holiday season is bringing more friends and families together as we emerge from the recent pandemic. As you plan your festivities, here are some important tips to help keep your pet safe, happy, and ready for the holidays.
Deck The Halls – But Keep an Eye on Fido
Decorations make the holidays bright and happy, but if your pet gets mistletoe, holly, or poinsettias…and they’ll be spending the holidays at the clinic. Mistletoe and poinsettias can cause gastrointestinal upset and cardiovascular problems, while holly will cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
If your decorating includes tinsel, you may want to consider something less attractive to your cat. As appealing as this shimmering plaything might be, if ingested, these shiny strands can obstruct the digestive tract, cause severe vomiting, dehydration, and possibly require surgery to remove.
In addition, keep breakable ornaments away from an inquisitive pet. They may look appetizing, but a mouthful of glass means a trip to the vet. Batteries, Christmas lights, and lighted candles can also pose potential hazards to your pet if left unattended and within paws reach.
Sweets and Treats and Things Pets Shouldn’t Eat
The holidays are always full of good food and sweet treats. While humans handle these foods with little issue (except the occasional overindulging), a pet’s digestive system will not. Fatty, spicy, and any sweets with xylitol (an artificial sweetener), should NEVER be given to your pet. For more on specific foods that are hazardous to your pet’s health, visit our
website page here.
Holiday House Rules
If your pets insist on being the official greeters for your holiday parties, here are a few things to keep in mind so everyone will enjoy the festivities.
- Not all guests are pet lovers. Make sure your guests know in advance if your pets will be in attendance. If they are uncomfortable with pets, be prepared to crate or locate them in another area, away from the gathering.
- Pets greeting your guests at the door may be acceptable but make sure they have a collar with identification in case they decide to run away. Microchipping your pet is recommended and will offer the best opportunity for a safe return. To have your pet microchipped call the clinic for an appointment.
- If you give your pets a quiet place to stay, make sure they have plenty of water and comfortable bedding.
- Many pets become anxious if there is lots of noise, especially if it’s a New Year’s Eve party and fireworks will be part of the celebration. Consider having our vets prescribe medication to help manage their anxiety. It’s safe and effective. Make sure you call the clinic for an appointment.
- Pets are curious by nature. Make sure your medications are locked away in a secure place. Tell your guests to keep their purses and items secure as well or place them in a designated room away from your wet-nose, furry pals.
Finally, if your pet is not a partygoer and would like to get away from it all, AVAC is the perfect place to board them, allowing you to concentrate on your human holiday party guests. Make sure you reserve a kennel or suite early before we’re all booked up.
Wishing you and your pets a safe and happy holiday season!
Julie Grimes, DVM