Region has 6,274 more people working compared to one year ago.
Unemployment rate in Mountain Area region was 2.7% as of September 2023. As of September 2023, 6,274 more people working compared to September 2022.
Unemployed Individuals by month (Buncombe, Haywood, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania Counties):
September 2023 6,987
August 2023 7,702
July 2023 7,470
June 2023 7,551
May 2023 6,752
April 2023 6,466
March 2023 6,916
February 2023 6,696
January 2023 6,808
December 2022 6,285
November 2022 6,781
October 2022 7,343
September 2022 5,953
August 2022 6,938
As of September 2023, the Asheville metro has a record number of jobs, people working and number of people in the labor force.
Note there are some statistical disparities between the data reported for the Asheville metro and the Mountain Area Workforce region as the metro includes Haywood County but does not include Transylvania County. The Mountain Area Workforce region includes Transylvania County but not Haywood County.
Total Labor Force 229,587
Total Employed Labor Force 221,681