Local News from Avon Supervisor Lisa Rusch
August 24, 2016
Coming Soon... Avon Township Touch A Truck
September 24, 2016
We have been getting inquiries on when Touch A Truck will be taking place!  We are thrilled that you enjoy this FREE Family Event!


Saturday -  September 24, 2016
1:00p- 4:00p

Thank you to our Sponsors:   Scotty's Hot Dogs, Dietz Law Offices, West Insurance
Washington Street to Close at Railroad Crossing
Grayslake, IL-The Lake County Division of Transportation (LCDOT) will temporarily close Washington Street at the railroad crossing west of Lake Street, to raise the railroad track at the grade crossing and rebuild the temporary grade crossing and roadway approaches. This closure is part of the Washington Street Underpass construction project.  The closure of the crossing will be from Saturday, September 17th thru Sunday, September 18. You can find more information about this project at:

Detour Route: Washington Street, to IL Rte 83, to Rollins Road, to Hainesville Road. Local traffic will have access to the Metra Station Entrance west of the railroad tracks. Washington Street will be closed to all traffic from east of the Metra station entrance to Lake Street.

Washington Street Traffic Update!

Update on Washington St. From Grandview to Haryan:

Traffic moves to the new eastbound pavement on Friday, September 9th.  We will be working all day to install the pavement markings and relocate the signage to open the new lanes.  Please use caution all day long on your trips through the project.  We hope to open the new lanes mid-afternoon.  We will install temporary driveways and temporary roads, so please be very careful if you live on the project or use the side streets.
We are working with the contractor to revise their work plans at Hainesville Road.  We may begin work there right away to get those turn lanes back to commuters as soon as possible.

Again, please use extra caution and expect to see flaggers and workers all day on Friday, September 9th, as we work to open the new lanes to traffic.

School is in Session ...  Please Drive SAFE
Summer is almost over, and Fall is upon us.  It also is the sign of school buses are in full swing!  Click on the above video for Back to School:  Driving Safely with School Buses  or click here for more tips from the National Safety Council - Back to School Safely!
Hainesville Village Hall Presents:
Civil War Encampment Event
Civil War Encampment Event




COUCH POTATO Voting ????
A large voter turnout is predicted for November's election, and this will result in long lines at the voting sites.  Please help us encourage Lake County citizens to choose to vote by mail - you know - like a couch potato. This option allows any registered voter to receive and mark a ballot from the comfort of his or her own sofa!

If you would like to register to vote in person - please come on in Avon Township!  

For more information:  
Call Avon Township 847-546-1446 or
Lake County Clerk Carla Wyckoff's office at  847-377-2400
Avon Township Registers Voters....
4 Students from the Round Lake High School - Transition Center registered to vote!

We were honored to register them.

The photo was taken as they were taking the voting oath.

Are you registered yet?

It is not too late...
From the desk of:  
Jeanne Kearby - Avon Township Clerk
  Consolidated Elections April 4, 2017

Elections for Township positions seems so far away. It is not even winter for goodness sake. However, there are a couple of dates that are worth remembering if you are planning to run for any position at Avon Township.

Every four years all elected officials for Avon Township are open. Whether you are running as a part of a slate or running as an independent candidate, there are 8 positions, Supervisor, Highway Commissioner, Assessor, Clerk and four Trustees. Nomination petitions may start being circulated on September 20, 2016. The first day to file nomination papers is December 12, 2016. With those dates in mind, you may pick up filing information packets on September 13, 2016. This gives potential candidates one week to copy and organize their materials. Packets are available at the Avon Township office during normal office hours.

Please take this opportunity to review the State of Illinois Candidate’s Guide 2017 available on the website. Take some time to find out the responsibilities of each position and the requirements to hold the office. You may also find information on

It has been my pleasure to serve you as Avon Township Clerk and I will be happy to help in any way that I can.

I can be reached at or call 847-546-1446 x305

Grayslake Public Works Facility
585 Berry Avenue
Grayslake, IL 60030

Monday - Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm
Saturday 8:00 am to NOON
Excluding Holidays

Cuba Township:  Road District Facility
28070 Cuba Road
Barrington, IL

Monday - Friday 7:00 am to 2:30 pm
Excluding Holidays
Highland Park:  Firearms Training Center
1180 Half Day Rd
Highland Park, IL 

Every Tuesday 7:00 am to 1:00 pm
1st Saturday of month 7:00 am-- 1:00 pm  Excluding Holidays

Grant Township:  Road District Facility
2535 Molidor Road
Ingleside, IL

Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Excluding Holidays
  Items Accepted
  • Cable Receivers
  • Cameras
  • CD Players
  • Computers (including tablets)
  • Computer Drives
  • Cords and Cables 
  • Digital Converter Boxes
  • Digital Video Disc Players
  • Digital Video Disc Recorders
  • Electronic Keyboards
  • Electronic Mice
  • Facsimile Machines
  • Holiday Lights
  • Mainframes
  • Modems

  • Monitors
  • PDA Organizers
  • Portable Digital Music Players
  • Printers
  • Satellite Receivers
  • Scanners
  • Shredders
  • Small Scale Servers
  • Stereos
  • Tablets
  • Telephones
  • Televisions
  • Video Cassette Recorders
  • Video Game Consoles

DID YOU KNOW....   That you could also recycle foam?
The Village of Highland Park now has foam recycling. Stop by 1180 Half Day Road from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. every Tuesday or on the 1st Saturday of the month to recycle foam.
Did you know....
Avon Township has an electronic reader board?
Not for Profits, Villages and others are able to submit an upcoming event* on the board. 

Please submit your request in writing to 

For more information call 847-546-1446 x304      

*subject to approval  
News From Supervisor Lisa Rusch
Hello!  Welcome to Avon Township!
We hope you are having a great week!

Do you like our newsletter?  Is there something you would like to see in the newsletter?  We welcome all suggestions!

Our goal is to keep you informed on issues in the area that impact you.  If you have suggestions on how we can improve the newsletter please let us know. 

If you know of residents or neighbors who you think may like to receive local news, please forward this to them and invite them to sign up.  Thanks for passing on the news. 

If you need to contact me, please call me at

847 546-1446 x 304 or stop in the office.

Thank you,

Lisa Rusch, Supervisor

Like us on Facebook
Contact Your Township Officials
You are always invited to our Avon Township Meetings.  
They are held on the 2nd Monday of the Month.

Next Month's meeting will be held on September 12 at 7:00 pm