Your monthly news & updates
Welcome to the Anti-Violence Partnership's newsletter! Through this monthly email, we'll keep you up to date on everything that's happening at AVP. We'll highlight events we hold, people we cherish and news we think is relevant to the world of victim service.
Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Our weekly trauma-sensitive yoga classes continue through March 18!
The yoga classes are free of cost, like all services at AVP. If you or somebody you know could benefit from our trauma-sensitive yoga group, please see the flyer for contact information (or don't hesitate to reply to this email!). We hope to see you there!
AVP Continues Relationship with Theatre Exile
AVP first partnered with Theatre Exile for their production of On The Exhale in December and are proud to continue to build our relationship as they open Babel.
Babel is currently running and is set to close on March 8. As with On The Exhale , there is a "How did you hear about us?" question on Theatre Exile's check-out page, and selecting "Anti-Violence Partnership" will donate $5 of your ticket price to our organization!

Jacqueline Goldfinger's play isn't easy to summarize, but Theatre Exile provides the following description:

"A talking stork, lesbian moms, and the power to build your own baby. In this version of a near future society, prospective parents learn within the first weeks of conception which traits their child will have and what behaviors it is likely to exhibit. With rapid advances in reproductive technology today, modern eugenics is science’s Wild West."

What could be better?
AVP's Juliana Collins on "How To Handle Grief"
Juliana Collins, LSW, one of our bright, brilliant therapists, was recently published on the essential Therapy For Black Girls blog with an essay titled "How To Handle Grief (Of All Kinds)." Read her powerful writing here:
Meet AVP
A few words from Director of Community Services Lisa Christian
What's your job title at AVP and how would you describe what you do here?

As the Director of Community Services, I provide in-office as well as in-school therapy and clinical support to individuals, families and school communities adversely impacted by the trauma of violence and violent crime. In addition, I provide crisis response and grief counseling in varied communities seeking support to cope with sudden traumatic events that result in loss. I also provide training around issues of trauma as it relates to violence, violence prevention, vicarious trauma and grief/loss.  

Why did you decide to get into victim services?

I enjoy the challenges of simultaneously working with diverse populations of people, diverse communities and the myriad of systems that impact how our services are provided.

What part of your job means the most to you?  

The most meaningful part of my job is being able to develop relationships with so many individuals and families who taught me invaluable lessons of courage, faith, hope and resilience. I am very grateful and appreciative of them and my colleagues. 

Is there anything you'd like to focus more of your effort toward as further define your role here?   

In the future I would like to work to help build more collaborative relationships for the purpose of service expansion to under-served populations, training and violence prevention. I'd also like to use animals for trauma response and support.
Intra-Familial Homicide Training
And finally, our Intra-Familial Homicide Initiative team has a training on working with children scheduled for 2/26. We're sharing this last because, fortunately and unfortunately, the training has proved very popular and has maxed out its registrants.

While you can't sign up for our 2/26 session, please remember that AVP holds training sessions in Philly regularly, and the best way to get notified and get your space claimed is to subscribe to this mailing list!

Our trainings are free, fun and informative and we love working with you to put them on! Keep a lookout for them!