Your monthly news & updates
Welcome to the Anti-Violence Partnership's newsletter! Through this monthly email, we'll keep you up to date on everything that's happening at AVP. We'll highlight events we hold, people we cherish and news we think is relevant to the world of victim services.
AVP's Offices Are Closed
Unfortunately, the most notable news this month, COVID-19, has impacted AVP as much as it has every business in the wor ld. Our offices will be closed and our employees will be any reason, please email [email protected] or leave a voicemail at (215) 567-6776 (we will continue to check our voicemail!). We apologize for the inconvenience.

With COVID-19 making events unsafe and irresponsible, there have been a few postponements in our world. Our final trauma-sensitive yoga class was postponed yesterday and the 19th Annual PCVA Candle-Lighting Ceremony, originally set for April 3rd, has been postponed to June 19th . It's possible the event will be further postponed or canceled, and we will update you here and on our social media as more is announced.
Social distancing, school closures and the decision by many businesses to have employees work from home has hurt everybody in ways we may not have been able to predict. Below, find a number of resources that can help in this chaotic time:
Hopeworks Spring Hackathon
AVP is assisting with the 2020 Hopeworks Hackathon in Camden on April 25th!
The Hackathon is an annual event that teaches young adults how to code and find tech jobs in an ever-changing market. This year's theme is gun violence. AVP's Youth Violence Outreach Director Emily DeCarlo Outpatient Therapist/Intake Coordinator Chris Harlen (see below!) has attended monthly call-in meetings as an advisor, answering questions from students.

You can find more information on the Hackathon here . Hopeworks is a special organization in general, and this specific event is a beautiful chance for people to learn workplace skills that are beyond valuable.
Meet AVP
A few words from Outpatient Therapist/Inpatient Coordinator Chris Harlen
What's your job title at AVP and how would you describe what you do here?

My official title is Outpatient Therapist/Intake Coordinator. I like to say I do a little bit of everything. I'm a therapist who works with adults out of the counseling center. I do also go to two schools-- Strawberry Mansion and Edison-- to do individual and group therapy with students who may have been impacted by community violence. As intake coordinator, I manage our waitlist and handle the intake process for all clients who work with our counseling center.

Why did you decide to get into victim services?

I got into victim services wanting to work more closely on trauma. I have a big background working with the juvenile justice field and seeing that made me want to get involved in victim services.

What part of your job means the most to you?  

I generally feel very privileged to get to spend the time I do with all of my clients. Spending time with them, hearing their stories and helping to provide some hope is the best part. Client-facing, whether in school or in our counseling center, is rewarding. 

Is there anything you'd like to focus more of your effort toward as you further define your role here?   

I would love to find ways for us to provide our services within the juvenile justice system. There's a lot of abuse that goes on that doesn't have to do with the initial trauma and, because of that, isn't really addressed, and I'd like it if we could assist with that.