Your monthly news & updates
Welcome to the Anti-Violence Partnership's newsletter! Through this monthly email, we'll keep you up to date on everything that's happening at AVP. We'll highlight events we hold, people we cherish and news we think is relevant to the world of victim service.
Giving Tuesday
You may have heard of Giving Tuesday before-- it's the unofficial holiday after Black Friday and Cyber Monday where you donate to causes you believe in after a couple days of buying things for yourself. And buying things for yourself isn't bad! It's just nice to support the resources around you that make the world run a tiny bit smoother.

This year, with the help of our Social Work Intern Megan Crawford, AVP is launching our first Giving Tuesday campaign, centered around the hashtag #OfferHope.
We'll continue to update you on #OfferHope, through this newsletter but also our Facebook and Twitter accounts, as the big day approaches. We wanted to explain what we mean by #OfferHope right up top, to give you a sense of where we're coming from.

We're trying to focus less on "giving" as a one-way street, or a transactional relationship. The emphasis of #OfferHope, we hope, is that we're all in this together. Philadelphians, Pennsylvanians, victims of crime, people who have lost loved ones... we're all trying to get to a place where people don't have to live with the unnecessary trauma, shame and guilt that violence can force into our lives. By donating to the Anti-Violence Partnership, you're ensuring somebody in your community, however you define it, gets the treatment they need to get through the other side of what they're dealing with. We all get stronger together, and that begins with the hope that things can get better.

Again, there's no need to set a reminder to yourself to give on December 3-- Megan has more information headed your way! We can't wait to tell you more about where we're coming from with this campaign and where we plan to go with it!
AVP at the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office's One Stop Job and Resource Hub. D.A. Larry Krasner was present, but we don't think he was looking for work.
Our team, from left: Ako Kyong-McClain, Sheena Hunter, Kendra Van de Water, Sam Margolius and Carmetta Dickerson
Meet AVP
An interview with Gabrielle Lipkin, Therapist
Every month, we'll interview one of the people who makes AVP so special. This time, we sent our questions to Gabrielle Lipkin, a therapist and our longest serving staffer:

What is your job title and how would you describe what you do here?

I'm a therapist, I work with adult victims of crime. I provide grief and traumatic loss therapy for Co-Victims of homicide. I also work with adults that are victims or witnesses of other crimes.  

Why did you decide to get into victim services?

I felt so lucky to have a good education and be able to get my Masters of Social Work, I was moved to use my education to help others, not just benefit myself. I also had been interested in becoming a therapist. I found this job and thought it would be a great fit.

What part of your job means the most to you?
I'm so inspired by our clients, they amaze me. Our clients maintain faith despite all the hurt, pain, and loss they've endured. I feel so lucky to be able to witness their journey from their darkest and lowest days to a time they are feeling stronger and more whole.

Is there anything you'd like to focus more of your effort toward as further define your role here?
I want to continue to focus on my clients, putting them and their trauma recovery first in my work here at AVP.