Call for Abstracts
AVS 64th International Symposium and Exhibition
October 29-November 3, 2017, Tampa, Florida
The rapid development of experimental tools using synchrotron radiation sources (storage ring (SR) or free electron laser (FEL)), providing photons with micron to Angström wavelength tunability, ultrahigh brightness and short pulse options, has opened unique opportunities to explore the exotic properties of matter hardly accessible by any other techniques. Static and dynamic experiments in many dimensions with desirable spatial, depth and time resolution have led to breakthroughs in understanding and improving the material functionalities. A great part of these studies have been dedicated to explore the materials surface and interfacial properties, playing an essential role in the performance of novel micro- and nano- structured materials with applications in electronic, magnetic, energy and medical devices, and also relevant to some environmental issues. This topical session will provide a forum for communicating the most recent achievements in surface and interface research using SR and FEL radiation from IR to hard X-rays and the prospects for a brighter future.
SA1+MI-Overcoming the Temporal and Spatial Limits of X-Ray Scattering Methods for In-Situ Analysis
- Aaron Lindenberg, Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
- Peter Müller-Buschbaum, Technische Universität München, Germany, "Understanding Solar Cells Structure and Functioning via GISAXS and GIWAXS"
SA2+AS+HC+SS-Frontiers of Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Surface & Interface Processes with Variable Depth Probe, High Spatial or Temporal Resolution
- Kristina Edström, Uppsala University, Sweden, "Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopies for Studies of Components of Energy Devices"
- Anders Nilsson, Stockholm University, Sweden, "Studies of Surfaces and Catalysis in real time with X-ray Free Electron Laser"
SA3+2D+AC+MI-Recent Advances of Diffracting/scattering and Spectroscopic Methods for Correlated and 2D Materials
- Carla Bittencourt, University of Mons, Belgium, "Functional Materials Expoited with Spectroscopy and Microsopy"
- Giacomo Ghiringhelli, Politechnico Milano, Italy, "Recent Breakthroughs using RIXS at ESRF"
- Thorsten Schmitt, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland, "Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering on Low-Dimensional Correlated Transition Metal Oxides and Oxide Heterostructures"
SA4+AS+HC+SS-In Situ and Operando Characterization of Interfacial Reactions in Energy & Electronic Devices
- Karen Chen-Wiegart, Brookhaven National Laboratory, "Spectro-Imaging of Functional Materials"
- Regina Dittmann, Forschungzentrum Jülich, Germany, "Devices Characterization Via in Operando Spectromicroscopy"
- Zhi Liu, Shangai University, China, "Probing Electrochemical devices in situ using APXPS"
SA5+AC+MI-Frontiers in Probing Properties and Dynamics of Novel Heterostructures and Magnetic Nanostructures
- Elke Arenholz, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, "Photon Science Revealing Exotic Properties of Magnetoelectric Multiferroic"
- Christian Gutt, University of Siegen, Germany, "Ultrafast Magnetic Order through Disorder - How Ultrafast Spin-Diffusion Leads to New Magnetic Structures"
- Jan Vogel, Néel Institute, CNRS, France, "Magnetic Skyrmions in Ultrathin Magnetic Nanostructures"
SA6-X-ray Photon Correlation Spectroscopy for Dynamics Studies
- Laurence B. Lurio, Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, "Structure and dynamics of Polymer films using coherent beams"
- Anders Madsen, European XFEL GmbH, Germany, "Forefront Applications of XPCS"
SA7-Synchrotron and FEL-Based Analysis Poster Session
AVS Technical Library-This year we are inviting all Symposium presenters to submit their PowerPoint slides as a PDF for inclusion in the AVS Technical Library. All presenters will be contacted prior to the meeting with the instructions and deadlines. We hope you will also consider participating in this exciting program!
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