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AVV's First National Security Seminar

August 18, 2-4 p.m.

American Legion Post 180

Vienna, VA

American Veterans Vote


August 3, 2024

Our Strategic Goals

  Support Veterans and their Families

  Defend our Constitution as Written and Amended

  Protect the Nation at Home and Abroad 

Attention: Check Out AVV's Website and Join Us Here!

From the CEO

Click On the Picture Below to View the Video

Video Mission Statement

Governor Youngkin: “Mr. President, we have a chance of winning Virginia!”

President Trump: “We win Virginia, and it’s LIGHTS OUT! What do we need to do?”

Governor Youngkin: “FIRST, we need to talk to our Veterans! - We have Veterans everywhere! - We have to make sure they get out and VOTE. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do!”

Lights Out

I know American Veterans Vote (AVV) members readily accept this mission! We couldn’t have said it better. I address this article first to our Members, present and future (650+ and growing!). I then address all our Veterans and Veteran supporters who subscribe to our messages and hopefully consider joining AVV.

With over 850k Active-Duty Service Members and Veterans in Virginia, we can make the difference between winning and losing in the crucial, always close elections ahead. 

Bob Wood

CEO, American Veterans Vote

LTG (R), US Army

But every vote, in every district, whether early or election day, must be legally cast, reliably counted, and readily reported. The sidelines in this election must be empty of Veterans and Veterans Supporters as we all take the field. Change through the Ballot Box will only happen if we commit to Vote, Volunteer, and Lead. 


There are no “safe or ‘hopeless’ districts.” Every vote counts to elect candidates statewide as well as determine ever-close Congressional races. “Down ticket coat tails” only exist if Veterans and Veteran Supporters set the pace and example in assuring Every Veteran, Every Vote is a reality.


This reality requires work within our AVV community in the short 90 days before November 5. Necessary information for coordinating actions is posted and updated on our Website.


AVV’s Actions:

·      Strengthen and expand AVV regional networks of Veterans, and Veteran Supporters and allies – within and beyond Virginia

·      Increase AVV membership, AVV subscribers, and AVV website users.

·      Increase donors and donations; refine strategic plans through early voting, election day, and post-election assessments. 

·      Adjust financial budgets and manpower allocation to support high payoff election operations

·      Increase “educate, inform, confirm” activities across all channels and statewide to our key audiences

·      Enable AVV members to act as key influencers within their regional, community, and personal networks **


 Veterans and Veteran Supporters Action:


·      Register & Vote – Election Day (Good), Early in Person (Better), Absentee (Best) – see AVV Vets2Vote site here

·      Volunteer - AVV (Good), Campaign (Better), Polls (Best) – see Protect the Vote - Virginia here

·      Lead – Regional (Good), Community (Better), Personal (Best) – see Contacts on Your Phone!**


**Practically, to reach as many Veterans and Veteran Supporters who may need further convincing to vote, personal influence “Vet to Vet” has the most impact. As a key enabler, AVV or other AVV allies have organized our State Veteran database to provide short call or contact lists of nearby Veterans or Veteran Supporters whose vote could determine victory!**


Briefs well....what can one person do? At a well-attended AVV event last weekend in NOVA, discussions with candidates and political leaders repeatedly cited successful examples of small teams with SOF like influence, ie. Small teams organized and committed to local activities using information and personal contact to influence outcomes. 

While GOP entities organize to work within defined localities, units, and precincts, Veteran and Veteran Supporters have the flexibility to influence more broadly at neighborhood, church, family, work, friend level. There are no boundaries which is so key to turning out Every Veteran, Every Vote. And, in Service we’ve all been asked to do hard but necessary work. This point was well made by the nation’s first Veteran.

Our goal of Every Veteran, Every Vote is daunting. As Governor Youngkin points out in the video at top, there is a very large number of Veterans to target to put Virginia in play this year. But we have a good idea where these Vets are.

See chart below:

*Numbers based on VA estimates 2019


The number of Veteran Votes “to get” are substantial in the districts we need to win or hold, and equally large across the state. NO SAFE DISTRICTS. We know Virginia Vet turnout in Presidential elections averages 80%. That’s 20% of friends, neighbors, workmates who need to help Virginia Veterans TURN OUT THE LIGHTS.





Bob Wood


CEO, American Veterans Vote

AVV Website

Inspiration Corner



Michael B. (Yama) Hoyes


July 2024 is a month that generations will long remember…likened to November 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated, or December 1968 when the world first got a glimpse of “Earthrise” as photographed by Apollo 8 astronauts from the vantagepoint of our moon. Some might use the word “providential,” expressing a “manifestation of divine intervention” regarding the attempted assassination of former President Trump.

Later in the same month, we saw President Biden withdrawing from the presidential race. We also saw some of the monuments within our nation’s capital defaced with “Hamas” written on them and our nation’s flag burned. The irony being that our inheritance in the USA allows us the freedom to conduct even deviant behavior that other nations/groups would not. I think of those latter circumstances as “prodigal,” meaning wasting or squandering one’s inheritance (the liberty we treasure), but having the opportunity to be forgiven for the sake of unity.


In Luke 15:11-32, we read about the “prodigal (lost) son.” When that son asked his father for his inheritance, he was really wishing that the father was dead, so he could have his share of the estate. The father provided the inheritance, and that son went off squandering everything to such a degree that he had absolutely nothing left…and then he remembered that even his father’s servants lived better than he found himself, so he returned to his dad, who remained at work. What was that dad’s response when he saw that son? Joy! His father enthusiastically welcomed him back, uniting that son with his family.


So, what are we as Veterans to do? We should be ready to factually state policy differences, elevating the conversation away from the personal. We should stand our ground, knowing that we, though flawed, are standing on solid ground, not ground that shifts with the blowing winds of societal desires. We should encourage others to unite with us, and celebrate when they do, after all this is the United States of America. We should PRAY for those whose worldview is flawed (lost). And, it goes without saying, but we MUST VOTE and encourage EVERY Veteran (and those who support Veterans) to do so, just as the father in the above story continued to work his land. 

A Veteran's Perspective

Fight's On - Steps to Win


Paul Judge


Assess past fights:

Have you heard that Virginia is in play this presidential election cycle? Don’t think for a second it will be easy. In 2020, Biden/Harris won by 10 points and Warner won by 13! The state elections in 2021 were a different story, but Youngkin won by 2 points and those results now seem like an anomaly given the election results in 2022 and 2023. This is a heavy weight fight; it will take every Veteran vote to put VA in play.

Know what it takes to win:

In short, Virginia Veterans must vote at record levels. AVV deep dive analysis reveals what it takes; a Veteran voting rate above 80% can make the difference in local, state, and national elections. If we deliver, then there is a good chance our country will protect the Constitution, correct our national security posture, and get some meaningful legislation passed to truly help Vets. Virginia Veterans should vote early and immediately contact 10 or more Veterans and Veteran supporters to ensure they will vote too. The result can be a knock-out punch.

Focus on the mission: 

A lot will change between now and November 5th. The Democrats have a new nominee and the big spending just started. We can only imagine what the October surprise will look like and how an enthusiasm shift in the electorate might manifest. It doesn’t matter! Don’t let them distract you. If every Virginia Veteran casts a vote, we will significantly impact the election and elevate the importance of policy work that will address Veteran needs. You should know, all the candidates look at the data post-election and adjust their legislative efforts toward those groups with high voter turn-out. Just stay focused on the mission, make sure all your Veteran supporting friends and neighbors turn in a ballot.

Have a good corner:

AVV has the website and resources to convince the most cynical voter that they are not wasting their time casting a vote. It doesn’t matter if someone lives in a deep blue or deep red area, the vote still counts, impacts key elections, and influences policy makers after post-election analysis is complete. There are organized regional AVV teams and members in your area ready to connect. In fact, the AVV website and newsletter have direct links to register, vote, and track your vote to ensure it is counted. A good fighter has a top-notch team in their corner, and this election is going to take every veteran to remember their oath and do their part.

Every Veteran, Every Vote!

American Veterans Vote, Inc. (AVV) is a volunteer team of Veterans and Veteran supporters. We are a 527 Political Action Committee with a nationally-focused mission to promote the political power of Veterans and Veteran supporters in support of our three strategic goals:

  • Support of Veterans and their Families
  • Defend our Constitution as Written and Amended
  • Protect the Nation at Home and Abroad

AVV’s goal is to help Veterans maximize their political voice by supporting Veterans’ ability to Vote, Volunteer and Lead.

"Every Veteran, Every Vote."

We don't speak FOR Veterans... we speak AS Veterans.

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