May 30, 2020

Title: Prayer Flags
Artist: Lynne Pinchin
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 24" x 24"
Price: $700

It seems that ArtWithPanache missed the cut! When the Premier opened Phase 1 on May 19, only retail outlets with street-access were allowed to open. Our doors open into Talbot Centre Mall. (Sigh) I must tell you though, there are other London art galleries with street-access that are open and if you need an art fix they’ll be happy to see you. A small list for you: Jonathon Bancroft-Snell, TAP, Michael Gibson Gallery, Museum London, Westland Gallery, Artisans Alley and many more I can’t remember at the moment. To survive and thrive in this new reality I believe we must all support one another in this beautiful industry. In the meantime, enjoy our bi-weekly newsletter and read about our BeSquare show in August and by then maybe you can walk in through our front door.
Be well

Featured Artist: Lynne Pinchin
Walk Port Frank's beach and you will most likely find Lynne with an easel and umbrella painting the ever-changing clouds and waves. She says, "there is nothing better than painting 'Plein Air' on Lake Huron.

While painting 'Plein Air', Lynne feels the sky creates a new canvas everyday, with each season bringing exciting new landscapes to discover and paint. She calls Lake Huron her 'Heaven on Earth'.

Title: Free as a Bird
Artist: Lynne Pinchin
Medium: Acrylic
Size : 24" x 36"
Price $175
Title: Lost in Woods
Artist: Lynne Pinchin
Medium: Watercolour Board
Size: 24" x 36"
Price: $150
Title: Natalia & Pancakes
Artist: Lynne Pinchin
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 20" x 28"
Price: $400

Title: Summer Nights
Aritist: Lynne Pinchin
Medium: Acrylic
Size: 28" x 36"
Price: $800

Artist Challenge - The 1970's
The gallery isn't open - yet - but if you are in Talbot Centre take a peek . New 1970's art is now showing. Take a trip back memory lane to a time of hope and change.
Commissions Available
Whether you are looking for a special gift for a family member or friend or just would like to give yourself a special treat, have a look below for ideas. Contact the gallery who will then put you in touch with the right artist to create your unique painting or jewelry. See a sampling below.
Mary Lillyman
People and Pet Portraits
Lois Fuchs
Pet and People Portraits
Kit Cutting
Backyard & Pool Murals
Andy Gillet
Congratulations !
Congratulations to Lois Fuchs for having her self portrait accepted to the Pastel Society of America The PSA is the oldest pastel society in America and is largely responsible for the current renaissance of pastels in American art.

The Isolation Museum

Check out the following submissions to the Isolation Museum by our Gallery Artists. Mary Lillyman May 10th, Lyn Tremblay May 16th and Julia Armstrong May 18th.. Maybe you would like to submit too!
Calling All Artists!

The Be Square Show

August 17th to September 18th
We look forward to hanging your BeSquare paintings for this annual show. Please fill out the application on our website and forward it to Mary Lillyman Email:

  1. If you are hoping to have an Art Showing in the newsletter gallery or main gallery when we open, please contact Mary Lillyman at 519-870-7218 or to make arrangements. Please be prepared to send 4 or 5 photos in a jpeg file for consideration.
  2. Call Mary Lillyman at 519-870-7218 to buy any of the items shown in this Newsletter and arrange delivery to you during our "Stay at home" quarantine.
  3. Please sign up for the AWP FB page. There, paintings in progress, art ideas and other interesting links can be found.
Owner/Partner - Audrey Cooper .... Artistic Director/Partner - Mary Lillyman
Newsletter Editor - Julia Armstrong .... Facebook Editor - Kit Cutting
Website Editor ...Lyn Tremblay