DIAMONDcuts eNEWS | September 2020
Humans of All West – Rory White
When I was twelve, my parents moved out of Los Angeles because I was hanging around the wrong youth groups and we moved to Turlock, California. I started working on dairies as a way to make money...Read More
7HO12165 MONTROSS Hits Million Mark
As 7HO12165 Bacon-Hill MONTROSS-ET (EX-92-GM) approaches his eighth birthday, Select Sires welcomes him to the millionaire club. MONTROSS has made a tremendous impact on the Holstein breed, ranking as the No. 1 TPI® sire..Read More
Calling All College Students!
College students may just be getting the hang of “distance learning”, but it’s already time to start thinking ahead to hands-on experiences next summer! We will begin accepting applications for our 2021 All West Summer Intern position...Read More
Three New NxGEN Sires in September
NxGEN® is a membership program used to expedite the distribution of elite genetics from the Select Sires breeding program into the marketplace. NxGEN has been developed to continue protecting Select Sires’ ongoing investments for the long-term benefit of our member patrons....Read More
Legendary Millionaire 7HO13314 MOGUL Passes
We are sorry to share that legendary 7HO11314 MOGUL has passed away. MOGUL debuted as the second highest ranking young sire in the breed in December 2011 with a genomic proof of...Read More
Protect Your Genetic Investment with Convert Calf Care
CONVERT™ Calf Care products are a special blend of naturally occurring direct-fed microorganisms, L-form bacteria and specialized proteins that are essential management tools for production and environmentally related challenges....Read More
Herd Management Solutions
The Herd Management Products we offer meet a strict set of guidelines. These products need to help producers maintain healthier cattle, get cattle bred and help customers be more profitable to ultimately enhance our member/owner’s success through genetics....Read More
Sire Spotlight– 507JE1769 ARCHIE {5}
507JE1769 JX ARCHIE {5} is certainly in high demand following the August 2020 Sire Summary. He is now the No. 1 JPI bull in the breed at +152 GJPI and the No. 3 bull in the breed for Cheese Merit at +$598… but wait, there’s more! ....Read More
By now, you should have received a patronage check from your All West cooperative. A total of 1,200 patronage checks totaling $354,000 were put in the mail to our valued member-owners on September 15, 2020... Read More!
Calendar of Events
Nov. 26-27 Thanksgiving – All West offices & warehouses closed

Nov. 2-10 Louisville, KY North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) Dairy Show

Dec. 1 – Sire Summary Release Date

Dec. 25 Christmas Day – All West offices & warehouses closed


April 6 – Sire Summary Release Date

August 10 – Sire Summary Release Date

Dec. 7 – Sire Summary Release Date

What's On Your Playlist?
Chris and Anna Groeneveld at Groeneveld Farms in Monroe, Washington use Select DTX™. It is a unique direct-fed microbial product that is more effective than other Direct Fed Microbials because of the presence of L-form bacteria. Select DTX™ is designed specifically for feed challenges caused by molds and their metabolites. 

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Online Sire Directories
Looking for additional information about our sire lineups?
Check out our online directories for all breeds by clicking here

Be sure to check our social channels for industry announcements, new daughter photos, additional proof information, and more!