To: AZELLA District Test Coordinators

From: Kelly Koenig, Associate Superintendent, Student Achievement and Educator Excellence Division and Audra Ahumada, Deputy Associate Superintendent, Assessment Section

Date: April 1, 2021

Subject: Reminder - AZELLA Art Contest for EL Students

This is a friendly reminder that the Arizona Department of Education's Assessment Section is seeking original artwork by Arizona’s English learners. If selected, the artwork will be used for the revised Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) document covers and supporting test materials.

Student artwork is being accepted until May 14, 2021. To be eligible for consideration, a signed parental Consent and Release form must accompany any art submission. An English and Spanish version of the Consent and Release form are included below.
Please include the following information with the submitted artwork:
The artwork must be submitted on an 8½” x 11” sheet of paper in “Portrait” format. Paint, watercolors, crayons, colored and regular pencils, etc. may be used.

Original digital artwork, including original digital photography, will also be considered. The electronic file should be CMYK 200-300 dpi, .eps or .tif files, and must also be 8½” x 11” in "Portrait" format. Original digital artwork submissions should be sent via email, along with the completed Parent Consent and Release Form and the student demographic information listed above, to

There is no specific theme required for the artwork; however, ADE may not consider student artwork that includes copyrighted images.

To submit AZELLA artwork, please mail to:
Arizona Department of Education
Assessment Section
1535 West Jefferson Street, Bin #6
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
We look forward to your participation in the AZELLA Art Contest. If you have any questions, please contact Candis Middlebrook at