November 12, 2020
Abilene Gives Thanks
Check out our Facebook Page for daily reasons why we're thankful!
It's a Wonderful Life
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the show schedule has been updated to accommodate all patrons either in person or via online streaming services.
5 Tips to Promote Shopping at Your Business This Holiday Season
While 2020 has been tough on small retailers, there's still time to capitalize on the holiday season to meet your sales goals. 
Holiday Open Houses & Events
Abilene businesses and organizations are busy preparing for the holiday season!
Open House
Saturday, November 14
8:30 am - 1 pm
The Flower Box, 421 N Spruce St

Join us for our annual Open House! We will have all of our Christmas displays ready for your shopping pleasure. Check in on Facebook while you're here to receive 10% off at checkout. There will be giveaways and refreshments!
22nd Annual Abilene Motorcycle Toy Run
Sunday, November 15, 2020
2:00 pm
Lumber House True Value Parking Lot
Masks & Social Distancing Encouraged
All toys and proceeds will benefit the Abilene Toys for Tots program.
Coffee & cookies will be served at Lumber House
Raffle for Riders
Chance to win a mini-bike!
Dona Ackerman - 785-479-6960
Tom Bliss - 785-787-9012
Open House
Saturday, November 14
10 am - 5 pm
Countrypolitan, 317 N Broadway St

Visit Countrypolitan in downtown Abilene for a great selection of Christmas decor!
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thursday, November 26
Abilene's Victorian Inn Bed & Breakfast, 820 NW 3rd

Thanksgiving will be here soon. Call now to reserve your dinner for pickup. Complete Turkey dinner, mashed potato, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberry, pumpkin pie $14.99 cash. Reservations by phone only (785)263-7774 
Open House
Friday, November 27 - Sunday, November 29
C'est La Vie, Things to Fall in Love With, 109 NW 3rd

Join us for our annual Open House! We will have all of our Christmas displays ready for your shopping pleasure. Check in on Facebook while you're here to receive 10% off at checkout. There will be giveaways and refreshments!
Winter Prairie Christmas Brunch
Saturday, December 5
10 am - Noon
Amanda's Bakery & Bistro, 302 N Broadway

A fundraiser for the Arts Council of Dickinson County.
Night of Christmas Magic
Saturday, December 5
Downtown Abilene

Join us for the annual Mayor's Holiday Tree Lighting (at Little Ike Park). Downtown businesses may stay open late and offer special incentives for shoppers.
Abilene Convention & Visitors Bureau