Take These 5 Absolutely Splendid Day Trips To Kansas Small Towns
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Have you ever felt like you just wanted to explore, but you didn't know where? You might not think of Kansas when you're looking for adventure, but it can be found in even the simplest places. These small towns in Kansas are the perfect day trips to take on those days when you feel extra adventurous. Just pick one, and start planning your amazing day!
Site Selection
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Abilene's Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum is included in the Kansas Department of Commerce's 2018 Economic Development Guide.
More visitors are coming...
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Last year more than 200,000 people visited the Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, and Boyhood Home. Renovated museums like this often see an attendance surge of up to twice as many visitors each year in the 18- to 24-months after a renovation is complete. The Dickinson County Heritage Center also is working on an expansion project. Old Abilene Town continues its renovation, and the City will celebrate 150 years of official incorporation in 2019.
Interest in Eisenhower will be increasing everywhere...
June 6, 2019, marks the 75th anniversary of D-Day -- which was the invasion led by Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower that resulted in the turning point of World War II. Global celebrations and remembrances will be bringing attention to Eisenhower and his hometown. Also next year, there will be an unveiling of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Statute in Topeka at the State Capitol grounds. Then in May 2020, the
under-construction Eisenhower Memorial will be dedicated in Washington D.C.
See what plans are already in the works and share your feedback about what else can be done in the community to help make the most of this opportunity for celebration and economic prosperity at the
Abilene Round Table.
That's a Wrap!
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Thank you to everyone who visited the Abilene, Kansas booth at the 2018 Kansas State Fair! We enjoyed hearing your stories about Abilene, sharing our community and inviting you back to our five-star community.
Also, thank you to all of the volunteers who helped staff the booth. Your help is very much appreciated.
Save the Date - Oktoberfest
Throwback Thursday
The Junction City Weekly Union
September 25, 1869
In 2019 Abilene will celebrate its sesquicentennial - 150 years of official incorporation. Abilene was officially incorporated on September 3, 1869.
From the Kansas State Historical Society:
Before Abilene's incorporation, in 1869, the settlement of difficulties was largely a personal matter. Very seldom did a third party interfere in a quarrel. Sometimes the two litigants would retire to some more or less secluded area, and when both were ready they would start shooting. Stuart Henry says, "When you heard one or two shots, you waited breathlessly for a third. A third shot meant a death on Texas street." [43] Friends of the participants often witnessed these affrays, but so long as the general rules were observed there was no interference. [44]
It was evident to the law-abiding citizens that municipal organization was necessary to bring order out of chaos, so on September 3, I869, there appeared before the court of Cyrus Kilgore, probate judge of Dickinson county, Kansas, a deputation of citizens bearing a petition signed by forty-three citizens, "praying for incorporation." [45] Kilgore, after inspecting the document and finding it in order, granted the prayer and Abilene became an incorporated city of the third class. J. B. Shane, T. C. Henry, Thomas Sherran, T. F. Hersey, and J. G. McCoy were appointed by the court as trustees of the city until an election should choose a mayor and council. T. C. Henry was selected by the group as its chairman and the board carried out the functions of a mayor and council until May, 1871. Since the I869 cattle trade was on the wane, very little was done to curb the lawless element that year. Some fundamental ordinances were passed, but there was very little attempt at administration and execution. [46]
In the spring of 1870 the board of trustees met again and elected T. C. Henry as chairman and appointed W. Fancher, a teacher in the school, as secretary. Thirty-two saloons were licensed, [47] closing hours indicated, houses of ill-fame in the city limits were outlawed, [48] and an attempt was made to recognize and enforce laws against the more flagrant crimes and secure some semblance of decency. City offices were created, including that of the city marshal, and ordinances were published. [49]
5 Star Reviews - Seelye Mansion
Beautiful stately mansion in historic Abilene
What a joy it was to step back in time to experience life in the Seelye Mansion. Original artwork, furnishings, and period appropriate gardens delight and astound.
"The proudest thing I can claim is that I am from Abilene."
Dwight D. Eisenhower
June 22, 1945
Abilene & Smoky Valley Railroad
Steam Locomotive #3415 Operating Schedule
Saturday, October 6
(short run departing from the Dickinson County Heritage Center) - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Sunday, October 7
(last steam run of the year) - 2.p.m.
Diesel Locomotive pulled dinner trains - $45/person
Saturday, September 22
- Brookville Hotel - Fried Chicken
Saturday, October 13
- Mr. K's Farm House - Prime Rib
Saturday, October 27
- Brookville Hotel - Fried Chicken
*Advance purchase required*
Dickinson County Heritage Center
40th annual Heritage Day Festival
October 6, 2018 - 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
The 40th annual Heritage Day Festival (formerly known as the Chisholm Trail Days) features living history with demonstrations of threshing, steam engine carousel rides, antique tractor show, classic car show, model trains, blacksmith, and much more.
Tickets are $5 in advance and $7 at the gate. Children 12 and under are $2. Call the Dickinson County Heritage Center for tickets at 785-263-2681.
Tombstone Talks in Solomon
October 13, 2018
The Dickinson County Heritage Center presents the 4th Annual Tombstone Talks. There will be two Tombstone Talks this year at two different locations. The first installment will be on October 13 in Solomon. The troupe will be paying homage to the great men and women of Solomon, Kansas at the Prairie Mound Cemetery. You will meet at the Solomon Senior Center for refreshments and then loaded onto the bus for the cemetery. You will take a guided walking tour through the cemetery in the evening to hear reenactors tell the stories of some of the more colorful characters of Dickinson County from their own tombstones, lit by lanterns. Get in the Halloween spirit with an evening in the cemetery.
For tickets, call the Heritage Center at 785-263-2681.
Tickets are $5 for all ages.
Tombstone Talks in Abilene
October 27, 2018
Join us for the 4th Annual Tombstone Talks at the Abilene Cemetery. Reenactors will present the life of the more colorful characters of Dickinson County from a first person narrative. Join our tour guides through a evening tour through the cemetery, stopping at the graves of those historical icons in Abilene's history.
Tickets are $5 for all ages, call the Heritage Center for more information at 785-263-2681.
Great Plains Theatre
Great Plains Theatre Presents "Disgraced"
Great Plains Theatre will be presenting
Disgraced, by Ayad Akhtar, the next production in their After Dark Reader's Theatre Season. This show tells the story of four people with very different backgrounds at a dinner party and has been described as a "combustible powder keg of identity politics" that will have audiences thinking about it long after the show has ended.
The Great Plains Theatre After Dark Reader's Theatre series features more adult contemporary pieces than the traditional season and produces them for one evening only. Disgraced will be performed
September 20, at 7:00 p.m. Admission is $5 for the public, FREE for Season Ticket holders.
"Disgraced rubs all kinds of unexpected raw spots with intelligence and humor" (Newsday). "In dialogue that bristles with wit and intelligence, Akhtar puts contemporary attitudes toward religion under a microscope, revealing how tenuous self-image can be for people born into one way of being who have embraced another.... Everyone has been told that politics and religion are two subjects that should be off-limits at social gatherings. But watching these characters rip into these forbidden topics, there's no arguing that they make for ear-tickling good theater" (New York Times). "Add a liberal flow of alcohol and a couple of major secrets suddenly revealed, and you've got yourself one dangerous dinner party" (Associated Press).
The Education Academy at GPT has assembled a local cast from Abilene, Manhattan and Salina which will read the play from music stands with the action and settings described by a Narrator. This play does include very intense situations and adult language. It was the winner of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.
Todd Oliver's Funniest Night of Your Life
Have you ever met a talking dog, a real talking dog? Get ready, because on Friday and Saturday October 12 and 13 at 7:00 pm and Sunday October 14 at 2:00 pm, you're going to meet the funniest comedian on 4 legs! "Irving" with a little help from his friend Todd Oliver, is going to talk up a storm. If you ever wondered how a dog looks at life, this little home-raised companion is going to give it to you straight from the dog's mouth. He won't mince words, and if he does it's Todd's fault anyways. (He's a ventriloquist).
Todd Oliver grew up loving dogs, ventriloquism, music and magic. As a young boy he studied piano, guitar, voice, and the variety arts. Along the way he created some wooden headed characters and performed around the world. You'll also meet a bunny named Alice and 3 beautiful birds.
Todd Oliver and Friends have been featured on Late Show with David Letterman, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, The Today Show, a couple episodes of Walker Texas Ranger, and in 2012 they were a top 4 finalist on Americas' Got Talent.
A major draw for many years on Showboats in Branson MO, and Nashville TN, as well as other major entertainment venues, Todd is now touring, bringing his brand of clean family fun to towns across America.
So sit back and get ready, you might even be on stage yourself, Todd turns audience members into real live ventriloquist dummies! Either way you're going to have a doggone, rocking good time with "Todd Oliver, The Funniest Night Of Your Life ". Tickets $20 for Adults and $15 for students can be ordered by calling 785-263-4574 or going to www.greatplainstheatre.com or visiting us at 401 Cottage Ave Abilene, KS 67410.
Greyhound Hall of Fame Museum
Greyhound Hall of Fame Museum
Open daily 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Free admission
Seelye Mansion
Abilene's Historic
Seelye Mansion
is a must-see! Furnished with items from the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair, remodeled by Frank Lloyd Wright and home to a wooden
bowling alley that's more than 100 years old, it's no "wonder" this beautiful mansion was named one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas - Architecture winners by the Kansas Sampler Foundation.
Tours Daily!
Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sunday 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m
Upcoming events:
- Beauty & the Beast @ Great Plains Theatre - October 5, 6 & 7
- 40th Annual Heritage Day Festival @ Dickinson County Heritage Center - October 6
- Hope Lives @ Sterl Hall - October 10
- Tombstone Talks @ Solomon's Prairie Mound Cemetery - October 13
- Oktoberfest @ Old Abilene Town - October 20
- Tombstone Talks @ Abilene's Cemetery - October 27
- Not Another Christmas Letter @ Great Plains Theatre - November 30-December 2, 4-9
- Night of Christmas Magic - December 1
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