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Election Integrity - Absentee Ballots

For more than a decade, it is has been my job to conduct elections here in Chesterfield with integrity and deliver the results quickly and with certainty.

Absentee Ballots used to be the exception - and used on rare occasions, but today both parties are pushing for more and more absentee ballots. Why is this a problem? well, in the last primary election in Detroit, 72% of the absentee ballot counts failed to reconcile - 72%!

The current Secretary of State put in place a system that is not capable of checking 3.3 million signatures for verification.

Please take a moment to view the following videos on absentee ballots. If you have viewed my videos previously, you can start the video at 28 seconds.

View Video on Absentee Ballots

Ballot Harvesting

Ballot harvesting or ballot collection, as it is formally called, includes the practice of groups or organizations collecting and turning in individual voters’ completed election ballots. While the concept may appear to be helping others cast their votes, ballot harvesting is viewed as a way to take advantage of voters and groups began going door to door to encourage or even induce voters to cast a ballot for their candidate or party.


in 2020, this resulted in several precincts showed voting over 100 percent of registered votersThe current Secretary of State didn't seem to notice.

Please take a moment to view my video on ballot harvesting and why it is ruining our democracy and taking the power away from the people.

View Video on Ballot Harvesting
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