It's a perfect time to say thank you!

The MSM and the Friends of the Maine State Museum are fortunate to have such loyal fans and supporters - in our great state, all across the country, and even abroad! As we prepare for Thanksgiving, we send the most heartfelt thanks your way.

We couldn't be more grateful for the patience of our customary visitors while the doors are closed and we're creating an even more colorful, exciting, thoughtful, engaging, and up-to-date museum for you.

We appreciate the many friends, including many, many teachers, who've gone online to join us for special events or have browsed the website to find intriguing items in our collections database, read about previous and upcoming exhibits, or download rich educational resources!
Glimpse of the museum's Bicentennial exhibit, Regional Struggle, National Story: Maine's Path to Statehood, which had to close in March 2020. You can explore the online exhibit here.

Please stay in touch through email and social media as we bring more museum highlights, videos, and museum talent to you from online and offsite.

What better time to support a museum you love?

During this extended construction hiatus, we've been gratified by so many who have expressed their appreciation and affection for the museum with financial and/or moral support. Before this meaningful holiday begins - and as the end of 2021 approaches - we ask you to consider a contribution.

Here are two ways you can pitch in and make a difference. Keep this great Maine history and natural science museum healthy, productive, and inspiring!

On CYBER MONDAY (Nov. 29), if you shop on, you can designate Friends of the Maine State Museum to receive 0.5% of your purchases!

On #GIVINGTUESDAY (Nov. 30), please support this outstanding cultural institution with a generous end-of-year gift to the Friends. Just click the button below!
We are glad to have you
in our corner!

Please stay healthy and happy
during this holiday season -
and always.