Dear Colleagues,

Congratulations on bringing the 2020-21 academic year to a successful conclusion!

As you head into the summer, I hope you will have the opportunity to take a break from what has been an absolutely relentless pace of work over the last 16 months.

And then, if you find yourself thinking about what lies ahead professionally, I wanted to be sure you are aware of the wide variety of programs the university offers internally and through external partners to help you achieve your career goals.  

A number of internal programs for academics are described on the Academic Personnel website here or the website of our Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion here or the site of the Teaching + Learning Commons here. The Office of Research Affairs also spotlights internal funding opportunities and offers assistance with research proposal development

Among our key external partnerships: UC San Diego is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). NCFDD provides ready online access to mentoring, tools, and support needed for faculty in both Senate and non-Senate appointments to be successful in the Academy. Information about their special virtual Faculty Success program is discussed below in the body of the newsletter. Please visit the website of our Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion to learn more.

On the staff side, UC San Diego Staff Education & Development (SED) offers a variety of options related to Learning & Development, Organization Development, and Learning Technologies at the campus and system levels. SED is also responsible for oversight of professional development policies and use of educational benefits, so they can help you make your professional development plans. Descriptions of the many opportunities available are given in the SED website and newsletter.

I wish you a relaxing and satisfying summer and will look forward to seeing you on campus again in the fall.

Best wishes,

Elizabeth H. Simmons