It’s great to see that Week 1 of Fall Quarter has gone so smoothly. This is a real testament to your hard work, your dedication to academic continuity, and your attention to safety basics like masking, distancing, completing the daily symptom screen, joining CA COVID Notify, and getting a free test every other week.

Because communication is ever more important in times like these, I wanted to mention a few recent developments in this arena:

  • We’ve restructured the Academic Affairs website ( to make it more navigable and highlight key initiatives  

Again, thank you for everything you are doing to support our students. They rely on us not only for academic courses, research opportunities, and logistical help -- but for mentoring, advising, and encouragement. All of this takes a lot of energy on your part -- so please remember to seek the support of your colleagues and networks, and to prioritize your own well-being.

In closing, here’s a brief video with some recent images of what’s been happening on campus.

Stay safe and stay in touch!
Elizabeth H. Simmons