Dear Colleagues, 


I hope everyone was able to enjoy some relaxing and restorative times this summer. As we come back to a busy campus, buzzing with activity, I further hope we can carry feelings of cooperation and community with us as we delve into all the classes and events the fall brings. As members of the Triton family, we have Principles of Community to guide our behavior, as well as Initiatives to foster belonging and understanding and guidelines about how to combine free expression with productive dialogue. Above all, I hope we can remember, even in stressful times, that by working together as one community, we are able to accomplish great things.  

And, as we welcome new and returning Tritons, we want to ensure that all students have the support and resources they need to fully engage in learning, research, and community at UC San Diego. Our Collective Impact Working Groups have been working together to amplify programming and services to address these needs and I detail the progress they’ve been making in my latest blog post about the All-Hands Collective Impact Convening held for all working group members on September 13.  

An initiative launched out of the Affordable Learning and Financial Support Working Group is focused on increasing awareness of and enrollment in CalFresh (the CA supplemental nutrition assistance program) through the activation of a strategic communication plan. Results from the latest UCUES Survey showed that a staggering 43% of students at UC San Diego experience food insecurity – and the negative effects on physical and mental well-being are known to make it harder for students to focus on their studies and research. 

You can support the CalFresh awareness and access for students in these key ways: 

  • Include information on the UC San Diego Basic Needs Center and CalFresh in your course syllabus and PowerPoint slides (Download sample wording and slides here
  • Remind students of the Basic Needs Center’s resources including their CalFresh Live Well on Wheels Event on Wednesday, Oct. 9, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., in Town Square. County of San Diego workers will be onsite to offer direct assistance with CalFresh applications and students can receive an immediate confirmation of their application status  
  • Share CalFresh information with your colleagues and in meetings to spread awareness among our students 

Thank you in advance for your collaboration and for all that each of you do every day to support our students as their teachers, coaches, advisors, research PI’s, and all-around mentors. The very success of our research and educational mission depends on it. 

Best wishes for a successful fall quarter, 

Elizabeth H. Simmons 

Let's Chat!

Just a reminder that the easiest way for us to talk is to come in during my office hours. Click the button below to find out more and schedule a time!

More Information

Read the latest EVC blog post...

An Update on Addressing Student Equity Gaps with Collective Impact

As we start a new academic year, I want to highlight the work being done year-round by the dedicated faculty and staff who are participating in Collective Impact working groups aimed at closing equity gaps among our students. By fostering collaboration among our many unique programs, our Collective Impact approach is helping students succeed. The subject matter experts in these groups, using literature and experience, have identified areas where we can further support our students, and they are now leading collaborative efforts in everything from Affordable Learning Materials to Inclusive Instruction to Mentoring, Coaching and Advising. 

On September 13, over 70 members and co-chairs of these working groups met to update one another on their progress and to foster further collaboration. It was an incredibly lively and productive gathering, which I was privileged to join. 

Continue Reading... 

Latinx Heritage Month

Sept. 15 – Oct. 15, 2024 

Join UC San Diego to commemorate the 4th Annual Latinx Heritage Month, a month-long celebration of Latinx people and Latinx culture, and build community among students, faculty and staff. This year's theme is "Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together,” which recognizes those who came before us to create opportunities for future generations and those who continue to initiate and enact positive change.  

Check out the full 2024 Latinx Heritage Month (LHM) Calendar of Events 

Willo: Innovative Student Wellness App Created by Students

Developed for UC San Diego students by UC San Diego students, Willo uses artificial intelligence (AI) to integrate the university's wellness services into a highly personalized, user-friendly platform that guides users toward on-campus services – all free of charge. Willo is the result of more than two years of collaboration between UC San Diego students, Student Health & Well-Being, and the Jacobs Center for Health Innovation at UC San Diego Health. 

Learn more about the app’s story and unique, student-centered design at

Faculty and Academics Town Hall

Register for the Fall session to hear updates for faculty and researchers. 

October 30 at 1:30 p.m. | via Zoom 


Co-Hosted by: Elizabeth H. Simmons, Executive Vice Chancellor and Corinne Peek-Asa, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation 

Moderated by: Robert Continetti, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Educator Workshops: Teaching with Care in Challenging Political Times 

In each series, an education specialist will cover one technique related to teaching with care using a variety of mediums such as case studies and reflective discussions. Participants will learn how to balance care for student well-being with fostering learning opportunities through critical thinking, encouraging respectful dialogue, and acknowledging diverse perspectives students bring into the classroom. 

Building Flexibility in Elements of Your Course 

Friday, Oct. 4, 2024 from 10 - 10:50 a.m.  

Remote | Learn more and register 


There is No Such Thing as Perfect Teaching 

Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 from 9 - 10 a.m.  

Remote | Learn more and register 

Join the 14-Day Writing Challenge

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity’s 14- Day Writing Challenge offers a structured framework for Faculty to connect with their weekday academic pursuits and cultivate a consistent writing routine. Set daily goals, track your progress, and connect with peers to stay on track and accomplish your goals. 

Deadline to register: Sept. 27, 2024 

Apply for the Jefferson Science Fellowships for Faculty 

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2025 Jefferson Science Fellowships (JSF). These fellowships serve as an innovative model for engaging the American science, engineering, and medical communities in the U.S. foreign policy and international development process through a one-year immersive experience at the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).  

Deadline to apply: Oct. 15, 2024, 5 p.m. EST 

Title VI Training on Shared Ancestry

Join the Office of Student Affairs and Campus Life in the Department of Education for a training on Title IV. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs and activities that receive federal funding. This includes discrimination based on shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, which can include harassment. The training will cover how Title VI has been seen in cases across the country, what it means for us working with students and the university, and provide staff with resources to support our students.  

All faculty and staff are welcome to register. 

Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 | via Zoom

10-11:30 a.m. 

Zoom ID: 934 3091 2531 

2025 Summer Program Inventory 

Submission forms for 2025 UC San Diego Summer Programs are now open. To prepare and share the resources and information needed to efficiently and safely account for these programs, the Summer Planning team will begin collecting preliminary information. 

Please take a few minutes to complete the 2025 Summer Program Inventory submission form.  

The priority deadline for completion is October 16, 2024. For questions, please email Rocco Fragomeni, Director of Summer Planning. 

Staff@Work Anonymous Survey 

You should have received an email invitation to take the anonymous UC San Diego Staff@Work™ Survey on August 28. Thank you to each of you who has completed the survey. If you have not already done so, you still have time. 

The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, September 27. To take the survey, click on your unique survey link in the August 28 email invitation. Please do not delete that email before completing the survey, as it is the only way to access the survey and cannot be replaced. 

Your candid feedback is instrumental, and the results of this survey will be studied carefully and used to improve our services to you and your unit.  

To amplify the impact of your participation, for every completed survey response, $1 will be donated to the Triton Food Pantry, with a maximum contribution of $5,000. Visit the Tritonlytics website for more information. 

If you have questions about the survey, please contact

“Creating a Culture of Care: Supporting Students in Distress.” 

This free and interactive training is designed to assist faculty and staff in recognizing and supporting students in distress. What is a Student in Distress? A student whose academic progress or functioning in the university environment is adversely affected due to a number of indicators that are impacting their well-being and/or the well-being of others. This is an excellent training for any staff or faculty member that has frequent interactions with students. 

Three upcoming dates to choose from: 

October 17, 2024 | 9-10:30 a.m.


November 14, 2024 | 9-10:30 a.m. (Virtual) 

December 12, 2024 | 9-10:30 a.m. (Virtual) 


Register on the UC Learning Center and search the keyword “Students in Distress” 

For more information, please contact Chrystian Smith at 

New Triton Student System Town Hall 

Thursday, October 31 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. on Zoom 

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and the SIS Project are proud to present the inaugural Town Hall for the implementation of the new Triton Student System. 

You are encouraged to send your questions about the project through this registration form, or you can send your questions any time to

Learn more about how to stay informed about the project's progress on the Get Involved page. 

Safe Staff Training

October 23 | 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Hybrid | Eleanor Roosevelt College Room - Price Center 

Join AVC-SA Piya Bose, AVC-SL Patty Mahaffey, and Lt. John Smart for this revamped SAFE Staff Training (formerly known as SAMS Training) to prepare staff for on campus events, learn techniques for de-escalation, and ways of offering support for our campus spaces as we navigate global events, political tensions, and social movements.  

This training will be required in order to serve as a SAFE staff member during campus activities. Food will be served for those attending in-person. Register online.

CalFresh Live Well on Wheels Event

October 9, 2024, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 

County of San Diego workers will be at Town Square with their bus to offer CalFresh application assistance and students can receive immediate confirmation of their application status. Students can register with the online registration form

Learn more about CalFresh on the Hub Basic Needs Center website or contact the CalFresh Outreach Assistants at 

UCSD-JacobsSchool-20240322-Cortes-1200x628 image

UC San Diego Named Nation's 6th Best Public University by U.S. News & World Report

UC San Diego has once again been named the sixth best public university in the country, according to the 2025 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges rankings released today. Overall, UC San Diego ranked No. 29 on the complete list of over 400 of the nation's colleges.

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UC San Diego Library Presents Art of Science 2024

A fusion of beauty and discovery takes center stage as the University of California San Diego Library presents Art of Science 2024, a vibrant exhibition showcasing the awe-inspiring visuals that emerge from UC San Diego's pioneering research via the Library's annual Art of Science contest.

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UC San Diego is the First Aira-Enabled University in the United States

Aira is pleased to announce that the University of California San Diego is the first Aira-enabled university in the United States. Aira, a San Diego-based startup, leverages wearable technology, artificial intelligence and live, human agents to deliver real-time visual description for people who are blind or have low vision.

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