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Message from EVC Simmons
Dear Colleagues,

I hope that your summer is going well!

As we develop our plans for returning to more frequent in-person work, there has been a lot of reflective conversation about expectations related to co-locating in a contained space with colleagues in the COVID era. I’d like to mention that we should also remind ourselves of proper safety guidelines and procedures for the wide variety of campus environments we work in.

As part of realizing our principles of community, which include “fostering the best possible working and learning environment,” we must actively promote the safety of all individuals. Beyond the public health measures put into place in the last 18 months, there are other safety procedures established for our collective protection long before the pandemic. 

Please make it a top priority to provide appropriate refresher training for colleagues and students working in our campus facilities. Guidelines for research safety and training resources are available from Environment, Health & Safety, as are the guidelines for reporting incidents; prompt reporting is essential for addressing the issues that led to a given incident. There is also a list of individuals who can be contacted if you have any questions about which policies or trainings may be appropriate for your functional area.

Maintaining safe environments in which to research, learn, and work is a responsibility we all share. Thank you for your continued vigilance and attention in this area.

Best regards,

Elizabeth H. Simmons
Relocation of Postdoctoral Affairs to Grad Division

All postdoctoral affairs staff and support functions have been strategically relocated to the office of the Dean of The Graduate Division. This organizational transition will build synergism between resources and career development programs for graduate students and post-doctoral scholars. It will also allow postdoctoral affairs to become a more prominent focus for the Dean of Graduate Division, as well as the Executive Vice Chancellor, retaining focused support for professional development needs of postdoctoral scholars. In turn, the Office of Research Affairs will more fully dedicate resources to supporting the burgeoning needs of visiting scholars and academic researchers. Research Affairs and the Graduate Division are pleased to work together on this shift to ensure a seamless process for all.
Office of Undergraduate Education is now Division of Undergraduate Education

The Executive Vice Chancellor - Academic Affairs recently notified the Academic Senate that the Office of Undergraduate Education has been officially renamed the Division of Undergraduate Education. This name change is purely a change in terminology, and will result in no curricular, organizational, programmatic or financial changes, beyond web site and printed material revisions. This change for the Office of Undergraduate Education will put undergraduate education and graduate education, as administered through the Graduate Division, on an equal footing on the UC San Diego campus.
Upcoming Return to Learn Town Halls
Visit the Return to Learn website to register for upcoming virtual town halls and view information from previous sessions. Follow the links below to register for upcoming town halls:

We will continue to have town halls throughout the summer. Please be sure to check the Return to Learn website for more information.
FREE WSJ subscription for faculty, staff, students

The UC San Diego Library is sponsoring a pilot program that allows UC San Diego students, faculty and staff to create a free personal account to access The Wall Street Journal via the publisher’s direct platforms. This program is currently scheduled to run through June 2024. For more information, visit
Say Hey! Programming Connects Students with Faculty and Staff

Student Retention and Success is offering a once-a-month opportunity during the summer for all students to establish or renew their academic, personal and social connections at UC San Diego, on July 27, August 26, and September 16. For questions or more information about these events, please email Student Retention & Success at Students can RSVP for the events at
UC Whistleblower Resources Available Online

The UC System whistleblower hotline is independently operated to receive calls or web-based reporting from faculty, staff, students or members of the public. The hotline allows for anonymous reporting, forwarding reported concerns to appropriate university officials for processing. This hotline is staffed seven days a week, 24 hours per day and is capable of receiving reports in a number of different languages.

Reports can be made through the web-based form or by calling (800) 403-4744. More information about the whistleblower process can be found on the UC Whistleblower website and on posters displayed in various employee areas.
Staff Education & Development Opportunities

Upcoming Classes/webinars include:
  • Project Management Practical Training Program: This blended learning program will be offered in Summer 2021 and Winter 2022;
  • People-OnTheGo Classes via Webinar: Microsoft Excel, project management, and effectiveness classes, all via webinar, through the end of the year.

Regularly check Remote Work Tips, Training and Resources on Blink, and subscribe to the Staff Education & Development mailing list to receive updates about that page, and about future trainings, programs, and events.
Lean Higher Education: Increasing the Value and Performance of University Processes

Date: Thursday, August 5, 12 - 1 p.m.
Location: Zoom Meeting, Register in advance for this meeting

This training will be led by Bill Balzer, a professor at Bowling Green State University, who is the author of “Lean Higher Education: Increasing the Value and Performance of University Processes.” He is a professor of industrial-organizational psychology and also holds an appointment as Vice President Faculty Affairs and Strategic Initiatives.

Contact: Business Excellence Community of Practice (BECOP),
Career Development Tip

The new "jobs" site was recently launched as ( also redirects there). Have you checked it out? It is bright and inviting, with easier navigation - for example it is easier to view Campus and Health jobs separately - and includes information for job seekers, ranging from Employee Career Development, to Veterans' Opportunities, to Benefits that even long-time staff may not know about. It’s worth a visit!
Transitioning the Workplace: Managing Anxiety

To support a healthy return to campus and public life, the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) is hosting a weekly “Transitioning the Workplace” discussion group. This is a great opportunity to come together in community to discuss your experiences during this time of transition and to learn about strategies to bolster your resilience and adaptability. The group is hosted weekly on Tuesdays at 11 a.m. and is facilitated by an FSAP counselor. Register for the Zoom group online.
Be the First to Know About Parking and Transportation Updates

Learn more about flexible parking options, pay by app, permitless parking, Triton Commuter Club/Commuter benefits/emergency ride home options/shared ride benefits, Public transit (EcoPass discount for staff and faculty) by signing up for parking service updates:

  • Carpools allow for:
  • Use of HOV lanes to commute to campus
  • Park in reserved carpool spaces
  • 3+ person carpools park for free in valet lots
  • Guaranteed rides home in case of illness, unscheduled overtime, family emergencies
  • No zipcar application fee and rental credits

Fellow Tritons who leave their cars at home help eliminate the traffic, parking and environmental impacts of driving alone. If you choose to take a lower-impact mode to campus from your off-campus residence and you’re unable to travel home in the same way due to an emergency, you may qualify for an Emergency Ride Home (ERH) at no cost or a significantly reduced cost.

The ECO Pass provides faculty and staff unlimited access to all regional MTS and NCTD mass transit bus and trolley/light rail routes at a 25% discount. ECO Pass is a 30-day recurring regional transit pass through MTS Compass Card.
Employee Return to Campus Support Desk

Between now and September 1, employees will gradually be invited to return to campus for on-site work. A Support Desk has been established to address any questions and concerns campus staff employees may have about returning to campus. The Support Desk is available now with service Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Contact the desk by phone at 858-246-3570 or by email at
Lean Six Sigma Scholarships

Learning how to apply Lean Six Sigma principles can provide tangible outcomes that positively impact our campus community. Scholarships are available to staff with at least one year of service at UC San Diego. The scholarship application is open through August 12, 2021. More information on the LSS Green Belt course scholarship can be found on the Office of Operational Strategic Initiatives scholarship page.
New Family-Friendly Benefits for UC Employees

Earlier this month, information was shared on some exciting new benefits to support employees in taking time off to care for a family member or bond with a new child. Effective July 1, the Pay for Family Care and Bonding program will give eligible employees the option to replace some of their income during approved leave and the Adoption Assistance Plan will offer reimbursement for eligible adoption-related expenses.

UC San Diego Admits Record 52,946 First-Year and...

Navigating the coronavirus pandemic over the past year presented high school and community college students with many unexpected challenges, yet their drive to earn a college degree did not wane. The University of California San Diego received...

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UC San Diego Receives $35 Million in State Funding for...

California legislators have allocated UC San Diego $35 million to design and build a new coastal research vessel with a first-of-its-kind hydrogen-hybrid propulsion system. The new vessel, which will be operated by Scripps Institution of...

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