Welcome to the Academic Affairs newsletter. Browse updates and announcements, connect to tips and resources, and check out stories from around campus.
Dear Colleagues,
This moment in the quarter is a natural time for us to pause and reflect. Last week, we observed Veteran’s Day, a holiday when we recognize the service that so many of our colleagues, students, and neighbors have provided to the nation. At present, we are still following the progress of our national elections, which provides a time to think about the processes and ideals that underpin our democracy. And next week, we will observe our Fall Break, including the Thanksgiving holiday that is often centered around the appreciation of friends and family.
As I exchange emails and engage in discussions with many of you over the course of each week, I have been noticing that several themes frequently recur:
First, a desire for open reflection on just how challenging and fatiguing our professional (and personal) lives are right now. Things are not easy, and it is important that we acknowledge this as part of having authentic conversations about current realities and in order to support fellow Tritons who are feeling overwhelmed.
Second, expressions of gratitude for the many instances where colleagues are supporting one another and being actively, intentionally, thoughtfully kind. That time you recently answered a colleague’s questions about remote teaching, lent a piece of lab equipment, praised someone’s work, or simply acted with patience has probably had far more positive impact than you may have imagined.
Third, a determination to take the hard-won lessons of 2020 and use them to transform UC San Diego. Even while dealing with more pressures and complications than usual, people are generously stepping up to do the work required to dismantle systemic racism, make our educational system more resilient, and unleash creativity across many areas of endeavor. This is an extraordinarily concrete expression of their belief in the importance of our mission as a university.
Thank you for the many ways you support one another, our students, and the university every day. I greatly appreciate my opportunities to work with you and to learn from you.
With best wishes for a restorative Fall Break,
Elizabeth H. Simmons
No indoor instruction for remainder of Fall Quarter
In response to the surge of COVID-19 cases at the local, state, and national levels, California lawmakers have halted reopening plans and prohibited indoor gatherings. New State and County orders require all universities to move any indoor instruction to outside spaces or the remote learning environment for the remainder of fall term. If you are an instructor whose course includes an in-person element, that course element must be transitioned to an outdoor classroom or the remote learning environment no later than Monday, November 23. To explore options for outdoor teaching, please contact AVC Jensen ( Once you have confirmed your choice (remote or outdoor), please notify the ASE’s for your course, as well as your department chair, dean, and students.
Teaching tents take shape
Instructors interested in using outdoor classrooms for the remainder of Fall Quarter or Winter Quarter should contact AVC Jensen ( to reserve space. Review this week’s Q&A with AVC Jensen for more information or check out this video of instructors using the outdoor spaces.
Reflecting impact of COVID-19 in academic reviews
As noted in the recent campus notice, academic appointees and reviewers are encouraged to consider challenges presented by COVID-19 as part of the academic review process. Candidates are invited to include a brief self-reflection in their academic review files, documenting in their own words how the pandemic has affected their academic activities. Department chairs may consider detailing such challenges in their recommendation letters, and deans are also encouraged to provide a broader perspective of issues that should be taken into consideration when evaluating candidates. Please visit the AP website for additional information about academic review guidelines and processes.
Faculty town halls
Thank you to everyone who joined us November 12 for the town hall focused on classroom culture and assessment. Those of you who weren’t able to attend can review a recording of the discussion and the presentation slides on the Return to Learn website.
Join the upcoming Enrollment Management forum
Please join us for the annual Enrollment Management forum to learn about enrollment trends, collaborative partnerships and what’s on the horizon for 2021. The forum is scheduled for 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Friday, December 4. Please RSVP by Monday, November 30. We hope to see you there!
Plans for fall break
As we look forward to the fall break, please remember to follow public safety guidelines, including social-distancing and face-covering requirements. Please review the campus notice and holiday travel advice for more information about how you can keep yourself, loved ones, and our community safe.
Students living on campus are welcome to continue doing so over break, while those who choose to travel are encouraged to remain home and take their classes remotely for the remainder of the quarter. Students who plan to leave campus for 18 hours or longer must complete the Returning Home Notification form available on the Housing Portal.
New state travel advisory
The California Department of Public Health has issued a travel advisory for non-essential travel. California residents are encouraged to avoid non-essential travel to other states or countries, and any returning California residents or visitors must self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival in the state to help reduce the risk of virus transmission. Visit for more information, including the latest status updates.
60 years of creating better tomorrows
Six decades after its founding, UC San Diego continues to challenge expectations and drive positive changes locally and globally. Help us celebrate by sharing a video with a happy birthday message or story about what UC San Diego means to you. Post your message on social media with #UCSD60. If your profile is private, you can direct message it to @UCSanDiego or upload via
Zoom-free Friday afternoons
Employees are encouraged to avoid scheduling meetings on Friday afternoons to carve out time for individual, focused work. By using the last few hours of the workweek to check things off your to-do list, you’ll be able to head into the weekend with a sense of accomplishment so that you can relax and rejuvenate. Review the recent campus notice for additional suggestions for finding balance in a Zoom-intensive world.
As part of the Tritons Flourish Initiative, CAPS is offering several online-based programs that provide evidence-based intervention and interactive support for mental health. All tools are free and anonymous - you do not have to be a CAPS client to sign up.
WellTrack is a suite of mobile-friendly self-help tools and courses that use aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help you identify, understand and address your mental health. It is a great way to integrate wellness into a busy daily routine. Visit the WellTrack website ( to download the mobile app and sign up using your email address.
Visit CAPS comprehensive self-help library to find mobile apps and other resources to help support your mental health and wellbeing. The library includes tools for issues such as procrastination, sleep, mindfulness, relationships, anxiety, and more.
Annual turkey calling show
The UC San Diego Library’s annual Turkey Calling Show is going virtual this year! Join host and bandleader Scott Paulson on November 25 for a live Facebook Premiere of a short and sweet version of this beloved event, which will feature demonstrations of turkey calling devices and exciting tales of turkey adventures. No registration required. Visit the event website for more information.
No barrier too big
When the pandemic forced academic programs to move online, University Extension explored how they could use the shift as an opportunity to expand its reach to students and educators around the world. Extension, in partnership with Boz Life Science Research and Teaching Institute, is offering a 10-week remote course in neurobiology to students in a Ghana orphanage, along with students from underserved communities in California and Oregon. Read the full article to learn more about the program and students’ reactions to the course.
#Giving Tuesday
On December 1, UC San Diego will take part by asking our community to give back to The Hub Basic Needs Center to provide essential support to students facing food and housing insecurity, and financial uncertainty. Our partners at UC San Diego Health will also participate by raising funds for the newly opened La Jolla Family House, a haven of hope and comfort for families with a loved one in long-term or critical care. Get involved by making a gift on Crowdsurf ( Choose your cause, and make your impact!
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