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Message from EVC Simmons
Dear Colleagues,

Black History Month is here -- and we have terrific campus programming about Black history, culture, activism, and accomplishment available to inform, entertain, and inspire everyone on campus. Whether you’re seeking music, film, lectures, discussions, or immersive experiences, there’s something on the calendar that’s sure to appeal.  

At the same time, Black History Month reminds us all of our responsibility to work during every month of the year on making our university community a safer and more welcoming place for those who have traditionally been marginalized or excluded. As we begin to envision a post-pandemic future, let’s make sure that we build it in ways that improve upon the pre-pandemic past. Whether we are updating our policies, our use of space, our teaching methods, or our research project designs, let’s resolve to do so in ways that are transparent and inclusive to produce the more equitable outcomes we desire.

Speaking of a post-pandemic future: part of how we will get there is through widespread vaccination. So I want to make sure you are aware of the new vaccination webpage now available for UC San Diego employees. It includes eligibility details, how invitations are distributed, and instructions on scheduling an appointment through MyUCSDChart when invited. The new RIMAC vaccination site that opened on February 8th is primarily serving UC San Diego Health patients and campus employees. Students may be eligible for vaccination based on criteria related to campus employment.

If you have a little time to spare in the next few months, I encourage you to join those of us who have been volunteering at UC San Diego’s vaccination super-sites at Petco Park and RIMAC. Any adult can act as an Observer (monitoring the newly vaccinated and answering questions) or a Runner (keeping medical stations stocked with gloves, band-aids, and other supplies). As UC San Diego Health CEO Patty Maysent says, these sites are currently “the happiest places in town.” Everyone present has the satisfaction of doing something tangible to combat the pandemic, whether they’re there to receive shots or to help provide them.  

Wishing you all the best,

Elizabeth H. Simmons
Teaching + Learning Commons earns accreditation

The Academic Achievement Hub’s (AAH) tutoring program was recently approved for certification by the College Reading & Learning Association at Stage 1, Levels 1-2. It is one of the few programs to ever obtain approval for one, let alone two, levels upon the first submission, and this achievement builds on the prior accreditation of the Academic Achievement Hub’s Supplemental Instruction (SI) program in 2019. This certification sets professional standards of skills and training for successful tutoring programs, ensuring that AHH’s work aligns with evidence-based best practices. 

We greatly appreciate the work of our AAH professional and student staff, as well as the collaboration with our campus partners, that contributes to these successes and programming excellence.
Call for first-year and senior seminars

As a reminder, faculty are encouraged to submit proposals for first-year or senior seminars. First-year seminars allow incoming students to engage with faculty and peers in a small, supportive setting, while senior seminars promote exploration of advanced topics in a learning environment ideal for polishing critical thinking and analytical skills. Our students find these opportunities valuable and are particularly interested in taking seminars during the fall. Eligible faculty will receive $1,000 to support various teaching expenses. Please submit your proposals using the online form by Friday, March 5. Visit the program website for more information.

Call for research & experiential seminars

Faculty are also invited to submit proposals for research and experiential learning seminars, designed to introduce students to faculty-mentored experiential learning opportunities. Seminars are open to all students, with a special aim of reaching students who are unaware of or face obstacles participating in immersive learning opportunities. Eligible faculty will receive $1,000 in research funds. Please submit proposals using the online form by Friday, March 5. Visit the program website for more information.
Opening doors of opportunity - Abriendo puertas de oportunidad

The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU) is seeking applicants for the 2021 sessions of the HACU National Internship Program (HNIP). This program offers students the opportunity to receive valuable work experience through paid internships at federal agencies and private corporations nationwide. Such experiences have opened opportunities for some of the most talented students to earn additional competitive internships and full-time employment. The deadline for the 2021 summer session is February 26 for students on a quarter calendar. The deadline for the fall session is June 4, 2021. Students can apply online at

Please encourage students to take advantage of this unique learning opportunity. Download the promotional flyer here. We appreciate your help in distributing this information throughout your campus.
Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla cordially invites you to an evening honoring our scholarship benefactors’ inspirational generosity and celebrating our outstanding scholars past and present. Join us Thursday, February 25, 2021 6:00-7:00 pm.
Design Lab's new faculty director

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Mai Thi Nguyen as the next Faculty Director of the Design Lab, effective March 24, 2021. As Faculty Director, Dr. Nguyen will convene and lead a diverse multi-disciplinary community to develop systems that can be trusted, used and appreciated, and to ultimately weave design into the fabric of academic, research and community life at UC San Diego. Many thanks to the search advisory committee and the members of the university community for their thoughtful contributions to the recruitment process.
Search for next dean of Extension

We are pleased to launch the search process for the next dean of University Extension. The search advisory committee will begin reviewing candidates immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Please review the campus notice for details about the position and the search process.
We will be hosting the second Educational Innovation Expo on Thursday, March 4, 2021 from 9:00 am - 3:30 pm. The event will showcase exciting pedagogical work happening at UC San Diego and help build a strong community of practice where we share challenges, successes, and opportunities in educational innovation. See a sample of some of the topics that will be highlighted below.

If you or someone you know is doing inspiring and innovative pedagogical work, the expo would be the perfect event to present it! If you are interested in participating, please fill out the Presentation Interest Form by this Monday, February 15. Additional event details will be distributed soon. Questions? Contact

Student-designed Assessments: A Pilot Study in Engineering Education

Assistant Teaching Professor Saharnaz Baghdadchi will introduce a method that involves student-designed exams. The implementation of the method in an engineering class, students' perceptions, lessons learned, and future directions will be discussed

Digitally Transforming a Class

This session will showcase how the Japanese Studies Program transformed from a traditional "book and lecture" class to a "flipped classroom." It will look at both the changes from teachers' perspectives as well as the students' perspective
Supporting Students During Unprecedented Times

Dr. Christina Lambert and Dr. Tiffany O'Meara discuss the stressors that students are experiencing within our current social context. Suggestions will be made for how to support students during these challenging times

Funding for Curricular Innovation, Novel Pedagogy, and New Learning Experiences

Research Development and Foundation Relations will share funding opportunities that provide support for faculty developing new educational experiences. Learn about federal-agency and philanthropic programs that support undergraduate and graduate education, including special opportunities for research training, international collaboration, and STEM pathways.
Get teaching support

The Teaching + Learning Commons’ Engaged Teaching Hub and Digital Learning Hub are offering regular drop-in hours for instructors. Simply join the Zoom call during the designated hours and a consultant will be available for an informal consultation or to answer questions. For details and information about other upcoming events, please visit the Keep Teaching website.
Upcoming Return to Learn town halls

The next Return to Learn Town Halls are scheduled for February 17th for staff and February 18th for faculty. Visit the Return to Learn website to register and review information from previous town halls.
The way you get data is changing

As an initial step of transitioning the university to new business tools, the Student Information System (SIS) and Enterprise Systems Renewal (ESR) teams are gathering information to understand how faculty and staff currently use SIS and blended data in their work.  

We are asking you to contribute to an inventory of business processes and applications that use data from existing university information systems. To submit your responses, so please 1) connect to the VPN and look up what has already been captured; 2) then complete the data use inventory form. Please complete one form per process or application. We would appreciate your input by Friday, February 19. Visit the ESR website for details. Questions? Contact the SIS team (
Please join us Friday, February 26 for the 19th Annual Black History Month Celebration and Scholarship Awards Ceremony. This year's theme is The Black Family: "Representation, Identity, and Diversity". The Black family has been a topic of study in many academic disciplines such as history, literature, visual arts, sociology, anthropology, and social policy. Celebration of the family offers a rich tapestry for exploring the African American past and present. Register online.
Associated Students in partnership with the Department of Political Science, invites faculty, staff and students to join a webinar on February 17 for a conversation with Grassroots activist, Black Lives Matter co-founder, and UC San Diego Alumna Alicia Garza. Through a moderated discussion and audience questions, this webinar will cover civic engagement, politics, and more. Register online.
Adaptive recovery: Learning to live and manage amidst challenging times

As life as we know it will continue to be uncertain for the next 18 months, how will you adapt to make the best decisions for yourself and others? How will we move forward as a society as information continues to change? Join us Tuesday, February 23 as National Security Analyst Juliette Kayyem provides an overview of this global pandemic within a crisis management framework, and how to strategize within this period of adaptive recovery. During this live event, Kayyem will discuss what we can learn from 2020 and what it can teach us about becoming resilient organizations, teams and individuals. Review event details on the UC San Diego skillport platform.
Take care of yourself

Next month will mark one year since UC San Diego’s operations shifted significantly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic continues to impact our lives and disrupt our routines, it’s normal to experience feelings of anxiety, grief, loneliness, fear and sadness. During these times of heightened stress, self-care is more important than ever. If you are looking for support, explore these updated offerings and resources from our Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, including articles, apps, support groups and individual counseling.
Taking the lead with motivation and engagement

The best leaders are masters in workplace motivation and engagement. In this free, 20 min. course, you will learn techniques for motivating and engaging yourself and others, in both onsite and remote situations. Visit the UC Learning Center for course details.
Forging ahead with perseverance and resilience

Accomplishing tasks and staying focused on achieving your goals requires grit and persistence. An adaptive mindset helps you focus through the distractions, information overload, demanding pace, and the accompanying stresses that can often pull you off task. In this free, 30 min. course, you'll learn to develop personal resiliency, adaptability, and perseverance. You'll explore the resources and people it takes to sustain perseverance, and you'll discover actions to help you build a work-life balance, sharpen your focus, and foster the resilience perseverance to face and overcome setbacks. Visit the UC Learning Center for course details. 
Evenings of nonconventional wisdom: Virtual event series

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