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I'm happy to be able to report that the concrete campus plans for Fall Quarter operations are coming together. For the latest information, please keep checking the Return-to-Learn website. In the meantime, here is a quick overview:
- UC San Diego is presently planning to offer about 30% of our Fall 2020 courses using an in-person or hybrid modality, with the rest taught remotely. Continuing students have already enrolled in fall courses, choosing their preferred class modalities directly; entering students are now starting to enroll. We will be tracking enrollments, classroom space and course modality changes in real-time, and working with departments and colleges to make necessary adjustments. Meanwhile, Information Technology Services is upgrading the WIFi in residence halls and improving classroom technology to support hybrid and simulcast courses.
- To make the classroom experience healthier for faculty and students, the campus will be requiring face coverings in class, providing personal lapel microphones for instructors, enhancing the daily cleaning schedule, providing sanitation supplies in each classroom, improving ventilation in campus buildings, and specifying social distancing requirements for classroom ingress, usage, and egress. Based on a suggestion from faculty, we are identifying outdoor spaces for potential instructional use.
We appreciate how creatively UC San Diego’s instructors have worked to provide our students a rigorous, intellectually engaging academic experience, in a novel educational environment. As fall approaches, the Teaching and Learning Commons and our keep teaching site are ready to assist faculty with refining their remote course elements and we will also sustain the departmental technology liaison program to provide discipline-specific assistance during the academic year. Units interested in developing full-blown online courses or requesting R-course approval for key offerings are encouraged to consult the Digital Learning Hub.
At the same time, it’s important that we not let the pandemic be our only focus.
There have been notable developments in our core areas of scholarship, education, and inclusion this summer. To just name a very few: The Black Studies Project has earned major reinvestment from the Chancellor, the EVC, the Division of Social Sciences and the Graduate Division to further the expansion of its intellectual impact, mentoring of rising scholars, and community engagement. A research team spanning the physical, biological, and computational sciences and engineering has been awarded NSF funding to launch a Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC). And colleagues from across campus have collaborated to engage a diverse cohort of students in summer research, entrepreneurship and preparation for the next stage in their educational pathways through initiatives like the Summer Research Conference, the Converge Summer Incubator, the TRELS summer scholarships, the PATH program for transfer students in the arts and humanities, the SPIS program for new CSE students, the STARS academy for aspiring graduate students, and ENLACE for rising high-school and college seniors.
Finally, as you think ahead to teaching and advising students in the new quarter, please do remember that they – like all of us – are experiencing stress and anxiety. Anything we can do to provide greater clarity around expectations and a listening ear when they encounter challenges will make a big difference. Please see the Academic Updates below for specific resources available to help in working with students.
Wishing you all the best,
-Elizabeth H. Simmons
Supporting our students
As we prepare to start the new school year, it is important for us all to remember that incoming students are new to UC San Diego and may not be familiar with the services and programs available on campus -- or in the remote learning environment. Faculty and staff are encouraged to explore ways to connect and support people new to the Triton community. Please review the information below or visit the Academic Success website to connect to many of the resources available to help support our students.
The revamped Virtual Advising Center (VAC) is the primary mechanism for providing guidance to students. This helps minimize the number of places students are directed to for assistance. For this reason, colleges and departments are required to use VAC to address both general and academic advising questions from incoming and continuing students.
The Academic Enrichment Programs (AEP) office offers general resources related to mentoring undergraduate students, such as advice for writing more informative letters of recommendation, guidance for mentoring minority students, and more. Check out their list of resources for mentors and email your suggestions to
Student Retention & Success also offers a host of resources to help faculty and staff support our transfer, undocumented, underrepresented, first-generation, and military-connected students. Visit to learn more about what you can do to help support our underserved student populations.
Student parents, caregivers and guardians face unique challenges and additional responsibilities while pursuing their degrees. Visit the Students with Dependents website for more information about resources available to them on and off campus.
Return to Learn Town Halls
Faculty are invited to join the upcoming virtual town hall on August 18, 2020 from 3:30-5:00 pm PT. Senate Chair Corr and EVC Simmons will lead a discussion about plans for Fall 2020 in local, state, and national contexts. Register online here.
Planning is underway for the next staff town hall on Thursday, August 27. Stay tuned for details from Human Resources!
Teaching students of color in STEM
Review a panel discussion featuring faculty members from the Jacobs School of Engineering and Physical Sciences to learn about effective pedagogical approaches for teaching and supporting students of color in STEM fields. Watch now.
Starting to plan for Winter and Spring Quarters
As a reminder, we will continue to use the same scheduling process used for Summer Quarter when planning for Winter ‘21 and Spring ‘21, building schedules via the Instructional Scheduling Assistant (ISA). Unlike planning for Fall Quarter 2020, AVC-EI Jensen will not be collecting information about Winter ‘21 and Spring ‘21 courses: department chairs, provosts, and divisional deans will be responsible for evaluating the balance of in-person/hybrid offerings for 1st and 2nd year students.
The initial schedule for Winter Quarter is due to the Office of the Registrar by Thursday, September 3, 2020 and the schedule will be finalized in late October. Planning for Spring Quarter will begin in mid-November.
Please be sure to review the August 5, 2020 email regarding updates to the class scheduling process for details. For more information regarding the class schedule process and timelines, please contact Cindy Lyons, University Registrar,
Graduate and postdoctoral fellowship opportunities
Every year, The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans supports thirty New Americans, immigrants or the children of immigrants, who are poised to make significant contributions to US society, culture, or their academic field. Each Fellow receives up to $90,000 in financial support over two years for their graduate education, and they join a lifelong community of New American Fellows. Please encourage eligible students to apply online August 14-October 29.
China Scholarship Council (CSC) is the single largest official source of funding for Chinese graduate students and scholars to study or research abroad. It is a common form of funding for the Chinese visiting scholars and PhD students at UC San Diego. CSC is currently including UC San Diego as a destination university for CSC scholarship applicants. You may direct any prospective CSC scholarship applicants from China to the CSC office, or the Educational Affairs office at the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles at 213-807-8023.
University Extension's Retention Initiative
We are pleased to share that University Extension has just been awarded funding from the UC Office of the President (UCOP) for a proposal related to certificate completion. The initiative will investigate the causes of undergraduate attrition among residents of San Diego and Imperial counties and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to improve retention in adult education programs as well as provide training to over 200 residents per year in areas that align with job market demands.
Initiatives for Advancing Faculty Diversity
We are also pleased to share that UC San Diego is undertaking two major projects aimed at advancing faculty diversity.
An interdisciplinary cluster hiring project led by PI’s Thandeka Chapman, Ivan Evans, Makeba Jones, Linda Awdishu, and Frances Contreras will recruit 10-12 faculty whose research is focused on racial/ethnic disparities in health, medicine, and the environment with a significant focus on the Black Diaspora and African American communities. The recruitments will advance research benefiting communities of color, and diversify curricula in STEM disciplines while expanding DEI courses outside of the humanities and social sciences. The faculty positions are being created and funded by UC San Diego; the UC Office of the President has provided $500k in one-time funding to assist with aspects of the recruitments.
Building on the Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion’s existing infrastructure of faculty affinity networks, a second initiative will seek to improve retention of underrepresented faculty through a holistic strategy for academic success and retention. Activities such as coaching for faculty mentors and coalition building will complement ongoing institutional change efforts in the EDI Office to improve faculty wellbeing, success, and engagement. The UC Office of the President has awarded $200k in one-time funding to launch this project on our campus.
21-Day Anti-Racism Challenge
All Tritons - faculty, staff, students, and alumni - are invited to join UC San Diego’s first ever Chancellor’s 21-Day Anti-Racism Challenge. By taking one action a day, you can help further our awareness, compassion, and understanding of the detrimental effects of structural racism on people of color in America.
Campus financial strategy
The Summer General Campus Task Force on Budget Planning recently concluded its work developing principles and recommendation to guide budget reduction planning in response to the global health pandemic. Review the report to see the task force's conclusions as well as an account of their deliberations. Many thanks again to everyone who participated in the collaborative effort - your contributions have allowed us to establish a framework for making necessary reductions while protecting the university’s core teaching and research missions. The divisional deans have incorporated the report's recommendations into their newly updated draft plans which are now under review.
If you weren’t able to join the Senate Summer Town Hall on August 11, be sure to check out the video recording and presentation for more information about the campus operating budget and financial pressures.
Staff, we want to hear from you!
Staff employees are encouraged to share their feedback about their work environment, including how COVID-19 has impacted their experience this year, by completing the brief Staff@Work Survey. Check your email for your unique survey ID and passcode, and submit your responses online by Friday, September 11. Questions? Contact Learn more.
Celebrating 50 years of Geisel Library
A yearlong celebration will kick off in September to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of the University Library. Visit for information about the Library's rich legacy, signature events and exhibitions, and more. Learn more.
Triton staff strong
Hosted by the Staff Association and the Chancellor, this year’s Staff Summer Celebration will be held online August 18-20. The appreciation event will give staff opportunities to connect with one another in activities such as Triton trivia, craft demonstrations, and a talent show! Register today and be sure to check out the Staff Association event page for details. Learn more.
Foreign government-sponsored talent recruitment programs
The Flip to Remote: Responding to COVID-19
Review this conversation between Dean Cristina Della Coletta and Professor Monte Johnson as they discuss what happened when Monte moved his courses online: more student engagement and the opportunity to update his curriculum to directly speak to the pandemic, using classical text. Watch now.
This year’s homecoming will feature virtual events for students, alumni, faculty, and staff October 19-25. Visit for more information, including the full schedule of events and media toolkit. Be one of the first to register and you could win a Homecoming Spirit Pack to celebrate in Triton style!
Managing remote teams
Calling all supervisors! Join Terri Winbush, Senior Director Labor & Employee Relations, and Anne Curtis, Director of Staff Learning and Development, on August 20 for an interactive webinar designed to help you adapt your management skills to the evolving remote work environment. Learn more.
Be sure to check out the other resources on UC Learning Center for managing virtual teams. Learn more.
New! Library curbside pickup service
Undergraduate Library Research Prize Winners
Congratulations to Garret Martin, Ashley Amaladhas, Syreeta Nolan, and Jack Whiteley, recipients of the 2020 Undergraduate Library Research Prize. Co-sponsored by UC San Diego Library, Office of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, and UC San Diego Alumni, the prize is awarded annually to recognize outstanding scholarly work of undergraduates who demonstrate critical thinking, problem-solving, and strategic use of services and resources in support of the university’s mission. Read the press release for more information about the prize and the students’ research. Read more.
UC San Diego raises $1.45 billion for research,...
The coronavirus pandemic might reduce UC San Diego's enrollment this fall. It has already slowed the school's massive construction program. But UCSD will maintain its standing as one of the 10 largest research universities in the country. The...
Read more
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