Welcome to the Academic Affairs newsletter. Browse updates and announcements, connect to tips and resources, and check out stories from around campus.
Dear Colleagues,
Amidst the general sense of dislocation the pandemic has cast over us all, this week we have also been contending with an extra layer of uncertainty while awaiting the election outcomes. When life is so deeply disrupted, it can be helpful to reflect on values and goals -- and on accomplishments that remind us how we are making progress as a university community.
In that spirit, let us first remember how our students, faculty, and staff have created abundant resources and virtual gatherings to sustain our sense of community and to support free expression in academic settings and wider contexts. As part of this, our colleagues in Political Science have generously prepared an Elections 2020 Town Hall to promote a non-partisan understanding of the American election process and help us all focus on the future.
Let us also recall that we are currently educating our largest ever cohort of students, enabling them to realize their academic dreams and become part of the international community of scholars. The need to do most of our teaching remotely and to limit the occupancy of our research labs and artistic studios has not diminished our dedication to academic excellence. Rather, the constraints seem to have spurred our creativity, in line with the campus ethos of non-tradition.
It is also notable how our dedication to equity, diversity and inclusion is continuing unabated. Faculty and staff have done outstanding work to make sure that their students’ and colleagues’ studies and careers are compassionately supported. At a time when everyone is facing obstacles, I constantly hear individuals expressing concern about barriers that are uniquely impacting peers from traditionally underrepresented groups -- and suggesting ways to ameliorate the difficulties. This spirit of caring for others is a wonderful expression of our Principles of Community.
Indeed, it is precisely this compassionate, creative, and inclusive spirit pervading our campus that has made Return to Learn possible. The many layers of care we are offering one another through enhanced cleaning, remote work, masking, distancing, and free asymptomatic testing are effective precisely because we are approaching them consistently and continuously. Our successes are being widely commended -- and you are an integral part of that success.
Thank you, again, for your determination to continue building a strong future for everyone at our university.
Best Regards,
Elizabeth H. Simmons
Stand strong against bullying
Register now! Teaching-focused Town hall - Nov. 12
Dive deeper: Course delivery
Overwhelmed with too many resources and not enough support?
The experts at the Engaged Teaching Hub are available to help instructors! Request an individual consultation with one of our education specialists for personalized remote instruction and pedagogical support. Email us at or fill out our brief consultation request form and we will respond within 24 business hours.
Being "First-Gen Forward"
Research shows that despite advances in postsecondary education, first-generation college students face more obstacles earning their degrees compared to their peers. UC San Diego has been designated as a First-Gen Forward Advisory Institution and showing your support for our first-gen scholars can have a huge impact supporting their path to success.
Continuing faculty tech liaisons program
The EVC Office will continue to provide funding to divisions to support faculty technical advisors throughout the 2020-21 academic year, including Winter and Spring quarters. Instructors interested in connecting with their department’s tech liaison should reach out to their department chair for more information.
Celebrating 50 years of Thurgood Marshall College
Born from protest, UC San Diego’s Third College - known today as Marshall College - brought social justice issues to the forefront of our campus community. September 26, 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the college’s inaugural class enrollment and the start of their year-long celebration. Visit for information about how you can commemorate Marshall College - contribute to the virtual yearbook, review a message from the founding provost, check out upcoming events and more!
Guidance about Fall Break
Nov. 26-27
While fall break provides an important respite from the rigors of the academic quarter, it is essential that each Triton follows best practices to help keep our university community as safe as possible. Students living on campus are welcome to continue doing so over break; those who choose to travel are encouraged to remain at home for the remainder of the quarter - they may earn housing credit and finish the remainder of their courses remotely. All Tritons are strongly encouraged to follow masking, social-distancing, and other safety protocols over the break. It is extremely important to strictly adhere to masking and distancing following your return both at work and in social interactions. Please review the campus notice and holiday travel advice for more information about how you can keep yourself, loved ones, and our community safe.
Interim university travel policy
An interim policy related to official university travel during the COVID-19 pandemic took effect October 21, 2020. The policy applies to all individuals who engage in travel for business purposes, including staff, faculty, and students. Please review PPM 1-1 for details, including the essential travel approval procedure.
Family COVID-19 testing available
UC San Diego Health offers drive-up testing for patients and community members ages 3 and up with results typically within 24 hours. Insurance coverage and the cost of testing depends on whether you’re experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and whether you receive your primary care at UC San Diego Health. To learn more or to make a testing appointment, see COVID-19 Testing.
Protecting health records during a pandemic
Open enrollment now through Nov. 24
Open enrollment is a once-a-year opportunity to review your employee benefits and make changes to your healthcare coverage. Check out a summary of your benefits on UCPath and visit UCnet for tools to help you decide which plan is best for you in 2021. Please review the recent campus notice or Open Enrollment website ( for details, including information about the Nov. 24 virtual benefits fair, answers to frequently asked questions, and more.
New insurance benefit program
As a reminder, UC San Diego employees are eligible to participate in a multicampus program that provides favorable terms on personal auto, homeowners and renters insurance products from MetLife Auto & Home®. Visit the MetLife Choice ® website to learn more.
Let's talk Zoom burnout
From academics to socializing, Zoom has become a part of our daily life. While it has been an amazing platform to stay connected and continue working and learning during these unprecedented times, it does come with a downside: Zoom burnout. Tune into our latest episode of Live Well, Be Well where we discuss the signs and symptoms of Zoom burnout, as well as strategies for overcoming it. Listen now.
You're invited! R-course workshop
You are invited to attend an Educational Innovation workshop for faculty members who want to learn more about the approval process for R(emote) courses and the support available when creating this type of course. The program is scheduled for Wednesday, November 18 2:00-3:30 pm PT, and will include intellectual property considerations, tools for instructors, as well as a Q&A period. Please register online to join and help us spread the word to others you think may be interested. We look forward to seeing you!
Remote teaching resources
UC San Diego commits $2.5M to Black Studies Project
Highlighting the importance of the Black Studies Project at UC San Diego, a recent commitment by Chancellor Pradeep K. Khosla and Executive Vice Chancellor Elizabeth Simmons increases current support for a greater impact on curriculum, research, programming, institutional structure and campus life. The BSP will receive $500,000 a year for five years, allowing the initiative to expand efforts to support, produce and disseminate scholarship and mentoring focused on racial and social justice across our university and beyond. Read more.
A slice of UC San Diego student life
Learn more about how our socially responsible scholarly community of over 40,000 students - UC San Diego’s largest class to date - is adjusting to the new norms of university life during the pandemic. Read more.
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