Dear Colleagues,
I hope that this message finds you well amidst this busy mid-Winter Quarter season. Even as we are engaged in the academic endeavors of the current year, this is the time when we begin discussing the strategy and budget planning that will guide the future.
As you have seen in a recent update from the Chancellor, UC San Diego is conducting a refresh of its strategic plan and everyone is invited to contribute to that conversation through an IdeaWave. I hope you will share your ideas so the refreshed strategic plan can reflect your perspective and contributions to the university.
On a more sober note, due to the concerning news about the state budget, we are currently engaged in planning for a 3% cut to the FY25 recurring core budget of the university [excluding financial aid]. While the more extreme measures used back in 2008 are not being contemplated, and while we do currently expect that salary increases will go forward, this is still a serious matter.
Back in 2020, when Academic Affairs had to undertake a 4% budget cut, a Summer General Campus Task Force of Budget Planning Guidance developed a set of principles to guide the process. Over the past few weeks, I’ve consulted with Senate Leadership, deans, chairs, and financial administrators in order to reflect on and update the principles so they can continue to guide us in the present circumstances.
The task force’s full report can be found here, but in summary these principles include a continued emphasis on shared governance when moving forward in the budget process; avoidance of long-term damage to our university’s ability to deliver quality education, original research and graduate training; maintaining a stable employee base and emphasizing strategic faculty hires; allowing academic units to make changes reflecting local realities and minimizing impacts on their core functions; giving flexibility in formulating budget cuts that best allow units to preserve their research and educational missions, and using shared governance to inform any cuts to overall campus operations.
Since the state’s budget for FY25 will not be finalized for several months, we are going to continue investigating budget options during that period and will not make final decisions until the state context becomes clearer. We’ll continue to communicate as the situation evolves and will welcome your thoughts.
Planning together for the future during times of uncertainty can certainly be stressful - but it can also be a source of optimism and community. I hope that if we stay in touch with each other and keep active conversations going, we can find the most positive and productive ways forward for UC San Diego.
Elizabeth H. Simmons