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Message from EVC Simmons

Dear Colleagues,

Week four and the weather is warming. Students are everywhere now: sitting on the Sun God Lawn, crowding the eateries, flocking in and out of classroom buildings, watching films outdoors in the early evening enjoying all the outdoor amenities of the campus as they study, socialize, and volunteer.  

What makes it possible for them to be here in person and get the full benefit of the academic, research, and changemaking opportunities at UC San Diego? You do. All the work you do every day to advise our students, help them untangle their financial aid questions, teach them in the classroom, create opportunities for them to join your studios or research labs – this is what has kept our university going through the pandemic and brought us to where we are today. Please know that your amazing and continuous efforts are seen and deeply appreciated. 

One of the most amazing student-focused events of the spring quarter has been the symposium on Enhancing the Black Student Experience. Collaboratively organized by the Black Student Union, the Black Graduate and Professional Student Association, and the offices of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, the symposium is increasing awareness of the Black Student experience, fostering intentional and sustained action for improvements, and promoting pro-Blackness. The final session, Noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, April 22, will focus on Collaborative Opportunities at UC San Diego – please attend if you are able!

Speaking of collaboration, I’d like to close by mentioning that two new arrivals to our campus are eager to get to know colleagues throughout UC San Diego and spark partnerships around areas of mutual interest. Jim Rawlins, our new AVC for Enrollment Management, (jrawlins@ucsd.edu) wants to increase our connectivity to local communities and help us recruit an undergraduate class with ever-broader interests and backgrounds. Jessica Berlanga Taylor, our newly arrived director of the Stuart Collection, (jberlangataylor@ucsd.edu) is looking forward to integrating the Collection more deeply with the broader artistic, educational, research, and community engagement missions of UC San Diego. Please be in touch to welcome them to campus and let them know how you’d like to collaborate.

Wishing you all the best,

Elizabeth H. Simmons


Assessment for Advancing Equity Grant Applications Now Open

Applications are now open for the Assessment for Advancing Equity Grants! Academic units are encouraged to apply for this funding opportunity to support learning outcomes assessment efforts. Selected faculty will receive: 

  • Up to $10,000 to support learning outcomes assessment
  • Recognition as an Equity Assessment Fellow
  • Opportunity to contribute to a culture of assessment

This opportunity is sponsored by the Executive Vice Chancellor and the Dean of Undergraduate Education. The Teaching + Learning Commons is hosting informational workshops to support any faculty interested in applying. To register for an upcoming workshop, click here. More information about the application process can also be found on the Assessment for Advancing Equity Portal. Email assessment@ucsd.edu with any questions.


Triton Days 2022

The Enrollment Management team would like to thank everyone who helped make the virtual and in person Triton Days events for admitted first years such a success. Over 9,000 students and guests registered to join us throughout the week for four days of virtual programming that culminated in our in-person event on Saturday, April 2. The events provided a platform for students to learn more about UC San Diego through virtual sessions, as well as an opportunity to visit campus in person to meet their college, take a self-guided tour, talk to academic programs and support services, meet with student organizations, and say yes to UC San Diego.

Triton Days organizers look forward to seeing everyone at the Triton Days events for admitted transfers coming up virtually from May 9-12 and in person on Saturday, May 14. Your partnership and participation is essential to ensure our guests feel welcomed, informed, and engaged, and the team thanks everyone for your collaboration and support in welcoming our newest admitted Tritons.

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Jessica Berlanga Taylor Selected as New Stuart Collection Director

Jessica Berlanga Taylor, has been selected as the new director of the Stuart Collection and started in her position on April 18, 2022. An accomplished curator, writer and art project manager, Berlanga Taylor has curated numerous exhibits and commissioned more than 40 works of art, 11 of which were created for public spaces in Mexico City. Berlanga Taylor hopes to continue to grow the collection and expand its impact on our community. She is the first new director of the collection since Mary Beebe, the founding director of the collection, retired at the end of 2021 after 40 years in the role.


Pulitzer Prize-Winning Poet Speaking on Campus on May 5

Jericho Brown, the 2020 Pulitzer Prize Winner for Literature, will be speaking on campus as part of the Humanities Program and New Writing Series on Thursday, May 5 from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Price Center Theater. Brown, who won the Pulitzer for his poetry collection, “The Tradition,” will read from his recent works and then answer questions. For more information, or to register for the free event, please visit the event page online.

Collective Impact Highlight
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Save the Date! Our next Collective Impact event will be held virtually on May 26 from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. This event will focus on sharing the themes and work groups around which Collective Impact work will be organized at UC San Diego and share how recent work has been completed using this collaborative framework. More details and a link to the event will be shared soon!

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Black Girl Magic: "And Justice for All"

Join the Black Staff Association on Thursday, May 5 from 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. for a panel discussion about the Honorable Ketanji Brown Jackson’s historic confirmation as the first African American woman on the United States Supreme Court. Register for Black Girl Magic: “And Justice for All." 

Student Employment Opportunity

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor is hiring student assistants to work with the office team. Anyone who knows of students interested in on-campus employment can direct students to the online job link: https://app.joinhandshake.com/emp/jobs/6104330

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Upcoming Staff Development Opportunity

Crucial Conversations training has been used by more than 1 million people and 300 of the Fortune 500 companies to improve productivity, quality of work, relationships, and overall performance. This course will address how to hold high stakes conversations more effectively to get better results by learning:

  • How to spot the conversations keeping you from what you want
  • How to get your motive right and stay focused on what you really want
  • How to stay in dialogue when you're angry, scared, or hurt
  • How to be persuasive, not abrasive
  • How to make it safe enough to talk about almost anything

Note: This course consists of five two-hour sessions occurring Monday-Friday. Please consider registration for this course very carefully as the cost of the class is non-refundable after the registration deadline has passed. The next session of this course will be offered Monday through Friday, May 16-20, 2022, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Registration is online through the UC Learning Center and the fee is $273.

Enjoy Pretzels and Root Beer at Staff Association Event

April 26 is National Pretzel Day! Celebrate with the UC San Diego Staff Association by enjoying big pretzels and root beer in Town Square, just outside the Chancellor's Complex, on Tuesday, April 26, from 12 to 1 p.m.

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Sustainable Sneakers: UC San Diego Scientists Create the World's First Biodegradable Shoe

Stephen Mayfield, a molecular biology professor at UC San Diego, now has a stake in the business of footwear alongside partners Michael Burkart and Robert Pomeroy from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. We spoke with Mayfield about how he gets his inspiration.

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