Welcome to the Academic Affairs newsletter. Browse updates and announcements, connect to tips and resources, and check out stories from around campus.
On the eve of the start of Fall Quarter, I’m sure each of you is far busier than you could ever have imagined. This edition of the Academic Affairs newsletter is intended to give you a few quick updates on some timely items.
First, you’ve hopefully all received the campus notice about the Exposure Notification program that the state of California is allowing us to pilot on our campus as part of our multi-faceted strategy for minimizing the impacts of COVID-19. Please consider joining me in this voluntary and anonymous program -- the more of us who participate, the better it can help us protect our health.
Second, the campus has established a rapid intervention framework so we can respond in a swift, coordinated manner if acute COVID-related issues arise. The framework includes continuous data monitoring, tailoring of interventions to address emerging trends, and engagement of student, Senate, and campus leadership. Please continue reading this newsletter for details.
For the latest information on campus plans, please visit the RTL website or take a look at our recent presentation to San Diego County. Our colleagues in the County’s Public Health Department have been very thoughtful and supportive partners in these challenging times.
Looking into the future, colleagues are starting to ask about how we will structure our research and teaching in the winter and spring quarters. We anticipate that winter will be much like fall -- mostly remote, with options for in-person teaching at the discretion of the instructor-of-record or TA. That is the assumption being used by departments as they build their winter schedules. At this time, it seems likely that spring will be similar -- and academic units should plan for this in thinking about how to enable students to complete courses required for their degrees.
As we continue to plan for the weeks and months ahead, we will be taking into account the feedback that academic appointees provided about the impact of COVID-19 on their professional lives through the Academics@UCSD survey. A link to a summary of the results is included below.
And finally, I wanted to make sure you were aware of the note the Chancellor and VC-EDI sent out today, reminding us all of the importance of standing with and being supportive of our Black colleagues and community members at this time.
I am deeply grateful for all of the hard work each of you has undertaken over the past six months to keep the scholarly, educational, and service mission of the university intact in unimaginably difficult circumstances. Your dedication, creativity, and generosity toward your colleagues and students are inspiring.
Engaged Teaching updates!
The KeepTeaching website ( has been relaunched with new and improved strategies and resources to help faculty offer student-centered, engaging, and inclusive remote/hybrid courses.
Digital learning support for instructors
A growing list of faculty are developing fully online courses, and this fall, hundreds of students will take new online versions of SE 1, PSYCH 3, and MMW 121R. The Teaching + Learning Commons Digital Learning Hub has a team of experts that provide comprehensive services and resources to support departments and instructors develop engaging and student-centered courses, including strategic instructional design, assessment formulation, course material development, funding opportunities, technological tools, media services, and more.
Faculty who have partnered with the Digital Learning Hub to launch online courses have found it a helpful exercise that has strengthened their teaching practice and the learning environment experience for their students. Instructors interested in learning more about the support services and resources available should visit the Digital Learning website (digitallearning.ucsd) or email for an individual consultation. .
2020 Convocation
Join us on Tuesday, September 29 at 4:00 pm PT for our 15th annual convocation, the signature event that formally welcomes new students to our Triton community. This year’s ceremony will be offered virtually and is open to all first-year undergraduate students, transfer students, and incoming graduate students. Learn more at
Academics @ UC San Diego
The Center for Faculty Diversity and Inclusion, a unit of VC-EDI, partnered with the Office of Operational Strategic Initiatives, Institutional Research, Academic Personnel Services, and a committee of senior faculty to conduct a survey of academic appointees in Spring 2020. In response to the pandemic, the Academics@UCSD survey included six questions about the impact of COVID-19 on academic appointees. A summary of the responses to the COVID-19 questions is available on the center’s website ( .
A more in-depth analysis, along with broader survey results and implications for unit leaders, will be released soon, and academic appointees will be invited to roundtable discussions about the survey during Fall quarter.
Campus rapid intervention framework
Campus leaders have outlined a formal structure and process to guide decision-making about campus operations and ensure that UC San Diego is able to respond swiftly to issues related to COVID-19 as they emerge. In addition to following state and county orders and monitoring the spread of COVID-19, a broad range of indicators will be tracked daily and used to inform potential interventions in support of the health and safety of our campus community. Review the campus framework for details.
Have questions about campus operations?
Be sure to visit the Return to Learn website ( the latest updates about the university’s response to COVID-19.
We encourage you to share this information with colleagues who may have limited access to digital communications.
New! Touchless printing stations
Opt in to the COVID-19 exposure notification system
UC San Diego students, staff and faculty are invited to participate in the State of California’s pilot of CA COVID Notify, a new voluntary and anonymous program that uses the exposure notification system from Google and Apple. CA COVID Notify can quickly alert you if you’ve likely been exposed to COVID-19, allowing you to seek medical attention and reduce risk for your friends, family and the Triton community. The more people participate in the program, the more effective it will be at identifying potential exposures and reducing the spread of COVID-19. Read the article from UC San Diego Health or recent campus notice for details about the California COVID Notify program.
Tritons Vote 2020
This year’s presidential election will be unprecedented and will likely bring controversy and discord. As we saw following the 2016 election, the outcome may cause distress for many of our students, faculty, and staff. It can be particularly challenging for international students and scholars who may not be familiar with the nuances of U.S. civics.
To help our campus community prepare, we convened the Election 2020 Sensitive Issues Response Team, which focused on developing intensive, ongoing education opportunities; proactive voter engagement and outreach to student organizations; trauma-informed support services; campus safety protocols and potential unofficial gatherings; and a coordinated communication strategy. Visit the updated Free Expression website ( to learn more about how you can engage and encourage civil discourse that is reasoned and respectful.
Several materials are available for download to help support the Tritons Vote 2020 initiative, including PowerPoint presentations, door hangers, digital assets and more. Review now.
2019-20 Fundraising outcomes
UC San Diego has had another record-breaking fundraising year. In 2019-20, we raised $344.4 million in support of the Campaign for UC San Diego. This is the third consecutive year that we have raised more than $300 million and is another step toward establishing a culture of philanthropy on our campus and throughout our community. Review the COVID-19 donor impact report or check out the updated COVID-19 campaign website for more information.
Using G.R.A.P.E.S. for health and wellness
Faculty are encouraged to review this webinar with information about how they can support students who may be in distress during this challenging time.
Digital resources for students
The Laptop Lending program will continue to make loaner laptops, hot spots and iPads available to students with limited access to digital resources.
Service milestones
We are excited to announce that we will be holding a virtual Service Awards Ceremony on Thurs. October 15 to honor staff who have reached 10, 15, 20, and 25+ years of qualifying service. Congratulations to all of the award recipients in Academic Affairs (30+ year honorees listed below), and thank you for your dedication and commitment to UC San Diego.
Becky Arce (40 years)
Gabriela Montoya (35 years)
Jennifer Roth (35 years)
Jude Poole (35 years)
Rebecca Burrola (35 years)
Sandra Dredla (35 years)
Sarah Spear-Barrett (35 years)
Valerie Krikes (35 years)
Yvonne Borrego (35 years)
Dennis Kelliher (30 years)
Lynn Field-Karsh (30 years)
Richard Thomas (30 years)
Atkinsons give nearly $7M to UC San Diego
Richard and Rita Atkinson have committed nearly $7 million via a charitable trust to establish and endow a physician assistant education program at UC San Diego (pending approval by the University of California).
Data from the Association of American Medical Colleges predicts the shortage of physicians in this country could reach up to 120,000 by 2030. As the region’s only medical school, the gift will help UC San Diego develop healthcare professionals to fill the gap.
“As UC President Emeritus, former UC San Diego Chancellor and a generous philanthropist, Richard Atkinson’s contributions to the University have been profound. Richard and Rita Atkinson—an accomplished scientist, Associate to the President, and benefactor herself—are exemplary University citizens. Their service has made the University stronger, their impact is felt to this day. Their visionary leadership on behalf of medical education at UC San Diego will resonate for years to come,” said UC President Michael V. Drake, M.D. Learn more
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