The campus is working to finalize the intertwined details of a phased return to campus activities in the fall, consistent with the latest public health developments and policy changes. Information on everything from research and instruction to travel and testing is being made available on the Return to Learn website, which is being updated regularl y. We will be watching closely as our peer institutions on semester schedules start their fall terms, to see what further lessons we can glean for our start of Fall Quarter instruction on Thursday, October 1. 

As you are probably aware, while the federal guidance regarding continuing international students was rescinded, the White House issued new guidance regarding new incoming students on July 24: new nonimmigrant students will not be able to enter the U.S. to enroll for fall in a purely online curriculum . Once again, there has been an amazing outpouring of support from faculty, staff and students on our campus, with offers to help our new international students start their studies. The International Students & Programs Office is gathering additional clarification about the guidance; once the details are known, we will be reaching out to departments, colleges, and divisions so that we can provide our students with the support they need in a coordinated fashion.

My sincere thanks to our students, faculty, and staff colleagues for the enormous efforts that have allowed us to uphold the highest standards in teaching, learning, research, and public service during an unprecedented time of crisis. Your dedication, innovation, and commitment to academic excellence make me proud to be a Triton. Given all of the hard work you have put in over the last five months, I'd like to encourage each of you to take time to step away from screens, relax, and recuperate. While sheltering in place may make it a difficult time for a getaway, please utilize all the virtual wellbeing resources campus has to offer, have a staycation, or just take an afternoon off to nap or reconnect with your family. 

Wishing you all the best,

-Elizabeth H. Simmons