Dear Colleagues,

As we prepare for the fall quarter, I want to share a recent update from the UC Regents, the new Regents Policy 4408. This policy substantially updates prior guidelines for public and discretionary statements by academic units. It builds on and supersedes the guidance from the Academic Council issued in 2022 regarding department political statements, which was addressed in a message sent to UC San Diego academic leaders on October 28, 2023.  Among other things, Regents Policy 4408 clarifies that public and discretionary statements must be posted on special web pages set aside for that purpose (not departmental home pages), must include a disclaimer that they do not represent the views of the university, and must adhere to our university’s policies, our Principles of Community and our commitment to be anti-violence, anti-discrimination, and anti-harassment.   

While I know how busy this time of year can be, I will appreciate your reviewing this new policy and abiding by its guidance. Your continued dedication to making UC San Diego a welcoming and safe space for all of our students and colleagues makes a significant impact on our community.  


I look forward to continuing academic dialogues on many topics planned for the upcoming academic year and I anticipate seeing many of you at those events, both virtually and in-person, soon. If you would like to connect with me directly, I hold regular office hours and also “Reverse Office Hours,” where I come and visit your lab, studio, or classroom.  

Best wishes for a restful last few weeks of summer.

Elizabeth H. Simmons

Let's Chat!

Just a reminder that the easiest way for us to talk is to come in during my office hours. Click the button below to find out more and schedule a time!

More Information

Introducing Words of Welcome during Triton Weeks of Welcome (TWOW) 

Words of Welcome: A new TWOW initiative designed to inspire, ignite curiosity, and unite the Triton community by celebrating our shared strength and diversity. As part of this new initiative, a Common Read book was chosen for the entire Triton community to investigate and discuss: American Like Me: Reflections on Life Between Cultures, edited by America Ferrera. More information about an all-campus event centering on the book is forthcoming.

Words of Welcome Faculty and New Student Picnic

Join the first-ever Faculty and New Student Picnic on Tuesday, Sept. 24 from 3–5 p.m. at the Sun God Lawn.  

Faculty and Staff Sign-Up

We hope to have faculty and staff from every school and college present and ready to eat and socialize with our newest undergraduate and graduate Tritons, welcoming them to our community. 

Latinx Heritage Month: September 15 to October 15

Unite with the Triton community in a month-long celebration of Hispanic and Latinx history and culture.  


This year's theme is "Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together."  


Check out the full 2024 Latinx Heritage Month (LHM) Calendar of Events.

UC San Diego Extended Studies Campus to Community Showcase

September 18 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Explore all of the exciting opportunities and helpful services Extended Studies has to offer: 

  • Discover valuable services and programs tailored for faculty and staff  
  • Learn about facilities for event, meeting and classroom use  
  • Explore professional certificates and continuing education programs, including custom training  
  • Network with Extended Studies leadership and faculty, fellow staff and community partners  


View the full agenda and register online.

Attend a Research Communications Program Workshop on Mastering Stage Fright

Explore the causes and symptoms of stage fright and learn practical exercises to help manage and overcome it. This training, offered by the Schools of Biological and Physical Sciences, and led by Professor Kim Rubinstein (Department of Theatre and Dance) will include somatic practices to help you:  

  • Become grounded and focus your attention  
  • Coin your core intention or super-objective  
  • Unlock your vocal "signature note" (the tone in which your speaking voice is the most authentic and therefore effective)  
  • Create a score of descriptive gestures  

The courses will be held on October 21 from 12–2 p.m. (Virtual workshop, for all audiences) and October 28 from 12–2 p.m. (In-person workshop for faculty/postdocs/researchers; spaces are limited). Register for one or both workshops online.

Save the Date:

Faculty and Research Town Hall

October 30, 2024 | 1:30 p.m. | via Zoom

Join the Fall session to hear updates for faculty and researchers. The registration link will be shared via campus notice and in the next Academic Affairs newsletter. 

FSAP Groups and Workshops 

The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) offers a wide variety of programs and support groups to help employees flourish even during challenging or busy times, including:  

  • Neurodivergent Support Groups 
  • Jewish Wellness Forum  
  • Tritons Flourish 
  • Mindful Pause 
  • BIPOC Support Group 
  • Black Community Support Group  
  • Parent and Caregiver Support Groups

See the full list with dates of upcoming meetings and events on the FSAP Wellness Resources page.

Introducing the TritonPay Office

Student Financial Solutions (SFS) has opened the TritonPay Office, providing comprehensive in-person support for all student billing, payment, and refund inquiries. This new office integrates the Cashiering Services and student accounts team into one central location for a student-centered experience that’s convenient and accessible.  


TritonPay Office Services:  

  • Billing Inquiries: Understanding and managing tuition bills, fees, and other charges.   
  • Payment Processing: Guidance on payment methods and troubleshooting online payment issues. In-person cash and check payments are still accepted.   
  • Account Management: Help setting up payment plans and resolving financial holds.  
  • Refunds and Outside Agency Scholarships: Support on overpayments, financial aid refunds, and stipend payments, including receipt of scholarship checks.   
  • Deposits and Passport Services: The TritonPay Office continues managing departmental deposits, Oracle invoice payments, and passport applications.   

TritonPay Office Location and Hours: Student Services Center (SSC) 170 (Former Central Cashier’s Office location)  

  • Mon-Wed and Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.   
  • Thur: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.   

Cashiering services remain available in the new TritonPay Office. The Campus Card Office remains at SSC 354A. 

To refer a student, please contact Casper Nelson via MS Teams (preferred) or email For more information, visit or read the FAQs

Guidelines for Uses of AI Assistants

The Guidelines for Uses of AI Assistants are now posted. These will help ensure a respectful and ethical environment when ITS turns on Zoom AI Companion and other similar technologies. There are two different sets of guidelines, one for administrative meetings and another for classes/educational meetings.  

The guidelines specify: 

  • Allowable and prohibited uses;  
  • Authorized users;  
  • Privacy and notification considerations; and  
  • Approved services 

Please review these guidelines and contact the Campus Privacy Office at with any questions. 

Privacy 101 Workshop

September 17 from 1-4 p.m. (Virtual) 

Learn about recently enacted privacy laws and how UC San Diego handles personal data, including data about applicants, faculty and staff, research participants, alumni, online learners, public databases, etc. This training is ideal for IT professionals, managers, researchers, employees who deal with personal data, or any faculty, staff or students who want to learn how to protect their own data.

Please register through the UC Learning Center to receive credit for completing the course. Register by Sept. 15 at 5 p.m. 

Contact for registration assistance. 

UC San Diego Maintains No. 3 Spot Among Top Public Colleges in Forbes Ranking

UC San Diego continues to stand out as one of the nation's leading institutions, securing its position as the No. 3 top public university in the country, according to Forbes' 2025 America's Top Colleges list.

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Integrating AI into Language Learning: UC San Diego Extended Studies Offers First Class Experience with RIA Robot

Students and professionals from all over the world travel to San Diego to take English as a Second Language courses offered by the English Language Institute within UC San Diego Extended Studies International Programs. For many of them, mastering English is not only a professional necessity and a gateway to greater opportunities but also a way to better serve their communities.

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A storied public art collection in California makes space for emerging artists

The Stuart Collection at the University of California San Diego is launching an emerging artist programme with a trio of new commissions

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