Dear Colleagues,

I imagine we are all experiencing some level of stress from the recent geopolitical conflicts, the political season and the natural disasters that have impacted so many individuals, both here and abroad. In such times, I so deeply appreciate seeing colleagues like you working to strengthen the bonds of our Triton Community and uniting around our collective mission of academic excellence. Each of you plays a vital role in creating an environment where all faculty, staff and students feel supported and can flourish.  

In that vein, perhaps you can find a few moments to review the Health and Well-Being Resources for Students and Health and Well-Being Resources for Staff and Faculty which indicate how we can engage in self-care, as well as being a source of support for our colleagues and our students.  

As another vibrant academic year at UC San Diego gets underway, there will be many events for faculty, staff and the entire campus community to enjoy together. From the arts to athletics, and back again there’s something for everyone. A few are described in more detail later in this issue. 

If you would like to connect with me directly, I hold regular Office Hours and “Reverse Office Hours,” where I can visit your lab, studio, or classroom and see first-hand the innovative work you are contributing to scholarship and our community. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing many of you at campus events. 

Thank you for all that you do! 

Elizabeth H. Simmons

Let's Chat!

Just a reminder that the easiest way for us to talk is to come in during my office hours. Click the button below to find out more and schedule a time!

More Information

Latinx Heritage Month: September 15 to October 15

Join UC San Diego to commemorate the 4th Annual Latinx Heritage Month, a month-long celebration of Latinx people and Latinx culture, and build community among students, faculty and staff. This year's theme is "Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together.” 

See the full 2024 Latinx Heritage Month (LHM) Calendar of Events including an address by Dr. Daisy Gonzales, executive director of the California Student Aid Commission, at the Latinx Heritage Month Celebration on October 17. 

Art of Science 2024 Exhibition

Join the UC San Diego Library for an opening reception celebrating the unveiling of its newest exhibition, Art of Science 2024! Be among the first to explore this exhibition, which will showcase the seven winning images from the 2024 Art of Science contest alongside select highlights from previous years.

Wednesday, Oct. 16 from 5-7 p.m. 

UC San Diego Ida & Cecil Green Faculty Club

Registration is open and required.  

Curiosity Ignited: Research that Sparks Change

Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024

11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | The Jeannie 

This exciting, inaugural academic symposium will celebrate UC San Diego's academic and research excellence showcasing pioneering discoveries that have been made possible or magnified through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Join Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation Corinne Peek-Asa as she introduces four dynamic UC San Diego faculty whose talks will pique your curiosity and demonstrate first-hand how collaboration and innovation are at the core of UC San Diego’s success as a top-tier academic institution. 

The program will be followed by a reception and socializing. 

Free with Homecoming registration, complimentary tickets are limited.  Learn more and register.

Policies on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities in the Classroom

A new webpage has been launched organizing policies related to free expression and the rights and obligations of faculty in the classroom. These policies support the university’s fundamental mission, which is to discover knowledge and to disseminate it to its students and to society at large. The new page can be found within the Academic Personnel Services website

Educator Workshops: Teaching with Care in Challenging Political Times

In each series, an education specialist will cover one technique related to teaching with care using a variety of mediums such as case studies and reflective discussions. Participants will learn how to balance care for student well-being with fostering learning opportunities through critical thinking, encouraging respectful dialogue, and acknowledging diverse perspectives students bring into the classroom.  

There is No Such Thing as Perfect Teaching 

Thursday, October 24 

9-10 a.m. 

Remote | Learn more and register

Faculty and Academics Town Hall

Register for the fall session to hear updates for faculty and researchers. 

October 30 at 1:30 p.m. | via Zoom 

Co-Hosted by: Elizabeth H. Simmons, Executive Vice Chancellor and Corinne Peek-Asa, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation 

Moderated by: Robert Continetti, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 

Jefferson Science Fellowships for Faculty

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2025 Jefferson Science Fellowships (JSF). These fellowships serve as an innovative model for engaging the American science, engineering, and medical communities in the U.S. foreign policy and international development process through a one-year immersive experience at the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).  

Deadline to apply: Oct. 15, 2024, 5 p.m. EST 

Title  VI Training on Shared Ancestry

Join the Office of Student Affairs and Campus Life in the Department of Education for a training on Title IV. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or national origin in programs and activities that receive federal funding. This includes discrimination based on shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics, which can include harassment. The training will cover how Title VI has been seen in cases across the country, what it means for us working with students and the university and provide staff with resources to support our students.  

All faculty and staff are welcome to attend. 

Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 

10-11:30 a.m. 

Zoom ID: 934 3091 2531 

For questions, please email Dwayne Mosbey at 

2025 Summer Program Inventory

Submission forms for 2025 UC San Diego Summer Programs are now open. To prepare and share the resources and information needed to efficiently and safely account for these programs, the Summer Planning team will begin collecting preliminary information. 

Please take a few minutes to complete the 2025 Summer Program Inventory submission form.  

The priority deadline for completion is Oct. 16, 2024. For questions, please email Rocco Fragomeni, Director of Summer Planning.


Experiential Learning Working Group Requests Input

As part of the Erasing Equity Gaps via Collective Impact initiative, the Experiential Learning Working Group is developing a shared definition of Experiential Learning at UC San Diego. Experiential Learning (EL) activities may include (but are not limited to) such things as Community Engagement, Study Abroad, Internships, Student Driven Projects and Research, and Artistic Performances. All faculty and staff involved in EL opportunities (curricular and co-curricular) are invited to provide their valuable feedback in two ways: 

Experiential Learning Definition Survey:

Review the working definition of Experiential Learning and share your feedback in the survey. Your input is crucial in refining an understanding and approach to what encompasses Experiential Learning at UC San Diego. 

Experiential Learning Snack and Learn Invitation:

This is a great opportunity to share information about your Experiential Learning course/program, engage in meaningful discussions, network with colleagues, and contribute to shaping the future of Experiential Learning at UC San Diego.  

Tuesday, Nov. 12, from 1:30 - 3 p.m., in-person  

RSVP to attend by Nov. 6 

Creating a Culture of Care: Supporting Students in Distress

This free and interactive training is designed to assist faculty and staff in recognizing and supporting students in distress. What is a Student in Distress? A student in distress is one whose academic progress or functioning in the university environment is adversely affected due to a number of indicators that are impacting their well-being and/or the well-being of others. This is an excellent training for any staff or faculty member that has frequent interactions with students. 

Three upcoming classes to choose from: 

  • Oct. 17, 2024 | 9-10:30 a.m. (In-Person) 
  • Nov. 14, 2024 | 9-10:30 a.m. (Virtual) 
  • Dec. 12, 2024 | 9-10:30 a.m. (Virtual) 

Register on the UC Learning Center and search keyword “Students in Distress” 

For more information, please contact Chrystian Smith at 

SAFE Staff Training

October 23 | 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Hybrid | Registration required

Join AVC-SA Piya Bose, AVC-SL Patty Mahaffey, and Lt. John Smart for this revamped SAFE Staff Training (formerly known as SAMS Training) to prepare staff for on campus events, learn techniques for de-escalation, and ways of offering support for our campus spaces as we navigate global events, political tensions, and social movements.  

This training will be required in order to serve as a SAFE staff member during campus activities. Food will be served for those attending in-person. 

NAGPRA Policy Reminder

UC San Diego affirms its commitment to the Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation Policy and, as a reminder is asking for the assistance of the campus community to ensure the campus fully complies with this important human rights and cultural heritage effort. EVC Elizabeth Simmons serves as the Chancellor’s Designee under UC policy, and provides campus oversight, compliance and decision-making associated with this policy, NAGPRA, and CalNAGPRA. Eva Trujillo, Repatriation Coordinator, serves as the Campus Repatriation Coordinator under the policy and has been delegated authority to implement the policy. Please note that the policy:  

  • Articulates the repatriation of Native American and Native Hawaiian human remains as a fundamental objective and value of the university. 
  • Requires campuses to proactively review existing collections, including all collections that contain Native American archaeological or ethnographic objects or other holdings that may potentially contain Native American or Native Hawaiian human remains or cultural items. 
  • Prohibits the use of Native American or Native Hawaiian human remains or cultural items in research or instructional activities without tribal and university approval. 
  • Requires the university to consult with tribes regarding traditional practices for the care of ancestral human remains and cultural items.  
  • Provides procedures for tribes to file appeals or complaints if they disagree with campus actions or decisions under the policy. 
  • Provides a procedure for members of the campus community to report Native American or Native Hawaiian human remains and cultural items that they believe are not being properly maintained or properly reported. 
  • Requires each campus to perform a review of all departments and units historically engaged in studies with human remains or cultural items and all departments or units identified by department deans, chairs, or unit heads as potentially holding Native American or Native Hawaiian human remains or cultural items, in order to identify previously unreported human remains or cultural items. 


For updated information regarding the policy, please visit or

UC San Diego Launches New Graduation Requirement, Bolstering Climate Change Education

Beginning this fall, UC San Diego is implementing the Jane Teranes Climate Change Education Requirement (JTCCER), an initiative designed to ensure that undergraduates across all majors on campus are equipped to understand and address climate change.

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Being Purposeful and Brave

UC San Diego's position at the forefront of addressing complex issues was prominent at "Combatting Antisemitism and Islamophobia: Best Practices in Challenging Times," a two-day conference presented by the Applied Research Center for Civility, a partnership between UC San Diego and the National Conflict Resolution Center.

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Nobel Prize Winner, 'Godfather of AI' Geoffrey Hinton Has UC San Diego Roots

AI pioneer Geoffrey Hinton won the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics for work he began at UC San Diego with cognitive psychology colleagues here four decades ago.

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'Living Chronically' Podcast to Launch in Winter 2025

UC San Diego's Department of Communication will launch "Living Chronically," a new monthly podcast dedicated to highlighting the experiences of people living with chronic diseases.

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