ITS Announces Banner Updates
Beginning Tuesday, July 25, 2023, you will manage your Banner/Oracle password through a separate process. We realize that making changes to any familiar process can be frustrating. However, our ITS team has worked to create a process that is as simple and seamless as possible.
Your password changes will still occur on a 180-day cycle, and you can change both your MyGS and Banner/Oracle passwords at the same time as part of one seamless process. Simply click the “Change Password” link in the Personal Settings tile in your MyGS portal. Follow the prompts on screen, including the “Change Banner Password” button when prompted.
Alternatively, you can manage both sets of passwords separately by using the corresponding links in your Personal Settings tile in the MyGS portal. If you have access to multiple instances of Banner, you can change all of your passwords at once or manage them individually. To learn more about how to change your Banner/Oracle password and the systems impacted, please visit
If you have questions or need technology support, please contact us: | | 912-478-2287. We appreciate your understanding as we work to make Our House safe and secure.