Volume 6 | Issue 1 | March 2024
Academic Assessment Newsletter
Welcome back from Spring Break! I know it races by, but I hope you were able to take some time and relax. In this edition of the newsletter, we update you on the new core IMPACTS framework developed by the USG and provide related professional development opportunities, highlight implications for assessment in our upcoming SACSCOC reaffirmation visit, and emphasize valuable assessment resources.
USG's Core Curriculum Refresh:
Core course Assessment Coordinators, if you missed round one of the professional development sessions related to core IMPACTS, there is still time to attend! Round two will begin after Spring break!
On the Horizon
Preparing Robust Assessment for Successful 2025 Review
As we prepare for the 2025 SACSCOC reaffirmation, student learning outcomes assessment is required for academic programs (8.2.a) and core courses (8.2.b). These standards require identifying expected outcomes, assessing their achievement, and providing evidence of using results for continuous improvement. The assessment process involves faculty meaningfully reviewing student learning and reflecting on supportive actions.
The 2022-2023 cycle focused on enhancing assessment quality for reaffirmation. Based on peer reviewer feedback, the IAA requested revisions to 15 core and 33 program documents to enhance SACSCOC compliance and reduce future workloads. These revisions were due on March 1st, and as revised versions are submitted, additional committee reviews will evaluate changes and provide new feedback by April 5th.

This collaborative refinement process, though demanding extra effort presently, represents an investment toward more meaningful and sustainable practices aligned with reaffirmation goals. The efforts this year should pay off as the institution continues its path toward a successful 2025 review. Documents from 2020-2023 will be available to SACSCOC evaluators, aiming to showcase efforts while ultimately improving student learning.
Academic Assessment Resources!

Valuable resources for assessment coordinators are available through the Institutional Assessment & Accreditation website.

We highly encourage Assessment coordinators to access General Education and Academic Program handbooks as tools to reference when writing your documents.