Volume 4 | November 2022


Annual SLO Assessment Documents

Peer-Review in Progress

Faculty peer-reviewers on the Academic Assessment Steering Committee (AASC) and the General Education and Core Curriculum (GECC) committee began reviewing annual student learning outcome assessment documents on October 11th following the Initial Quality Review conducted by IAA staff.

The peer-review compares content of the student learning assessment documents to traits and criteria on the Academic Program SLO assessment rubric or the General Education SLO assessment rubric to provide feedback regarding assessment best practices to academic program and core course assessment coordinators and faculty. The scores and comments provided by reviewers is meant to guide ongoing efforts for improvement of both assessment processes and student learning. 

Each document is reviewed by two members of the respective peer-review committee. First, individual scores and comments are assigned, and then the pair of reviewers meet to compare their evaluation and reconcile any differences in scores or comments to arrive at a single reconciled response that will be returned to the coordinator.

IAA uses a Smartsheet dashboard to track and monitor the progress of the peer-review committees and to send both automated and targeted reminders throughout the review period. 

Peer-reviewers have until Tuesday, November 22 to complete all individual and reconciliation reviews. IAA will be hosting mandatory in-person scoring sessions on Monday, November 21 and Tuesday, November 22 for any peer-reviewers who need the additional time to complete their reviews.

Fall 2022 Peer-Review Timeline

October 3 - 7

IAA Initial Quality Check of assessment documents

October 10 - November 18

GECC and AASC conduct individual and reconciliation reviews of all submitted assessment documents

November 21 - November 22

GECC and AASC meet for in-person completion of any remaining individual or reconciliation reviews of assessment documents

Meaningful and Manageable Assessment Badge Workshops

In addition to the Action Planning Bootcamp sessions offered early in the fall semester, IAA offered three additional professional development opportunities linked to the new Meaningful and Manageable Assessment badge in the Fall semester. 

The Survey Design Basics workshop offered on Friday, October 28 via Zoom was attended by twelve faculty and staff and provided an overview of best practices for survey design, item development, and distribution.

The Learning Improvement Lab: Survey Design asynchronous course in Folio was also launched for enrollment with an embedded form for submission of an action plan towards the badge at the completion of all course modules.

Creating Surveys in Qualtrics, the final workshop of the fall semester, will take place via Zoom on Friday, November 4 from 2:30-3:30 and will provide a live demonstration of creating basic survey items in Qualtrics as well as accessing survey results through reports. (See registration details below.)

Upcoming Events

IAA Meaningful and Manageable Assessment

Badge Workshops

Learning Improvement Lab: Survey Design

Asynchronous Folio Course


This six module Folio course provides an overview of the survey design process, best practices for drafting different survey items, and guidelines for distributing your survey. Completion of the course and an action plan also counts toward the Meaningful and Manageable Assessment Badge.

Learning outcomes:

  • Define the purpose and scope of your survey
  • Follow best practices for writing survey items
  • Make a plan for survey distribution
  • Determine a strategy for data collection and analysis

Creating Surveys in Qualtrics

Friday, November 4

2:30-3:30 p.m.



Qualtrics is an excellent option for creating and administering surveys and includes some robust data analysis and reporting tools. This software can streamline the use of surveys for collecting assessment data. If you’ve never used Qualtrics before, the IAA team if offering this workshop to introduce you to the basic features you need to get started building and distributing your first survey.

Learning outcomes:

  • Create a new project in Qualtrics
  • Add different survey item types
  • Set up display logic for survey items
  • Create a survey distribution 
  • Access survey results

Institutional Assessment and Accreditation (IAA) works collaboratively with faculty, staff, and administration to ensure the quality of the programs and educational experiences offered by the university, addressing the unique assessment needs of courses, departments, colleges, or units through individual and group consultations, professional development workshops, recommendations for technology implementation, and best practice reference materials.

IAA Website
Services Request Form