June 1, 2020
Dear Academy Community,

The last few months have brought about a lot of uncertainty, fear, and hardship of a pandemic, compounded with the painful reminders that inequality is still embedded in the fabric of our country. There are many reasons to fight, many reasons to retreat. However, it is especially important for us to unite, come together as a community, and channel legitimate anger into effective action.

Unfortunately during this time, our school community is forced to do this at a distance. However, the increase in productive and peaceful activism all over the world gives us hope. Many of our own students and teachers took to the streets of Long Beach yesterday to join this powerful collective voice. 

As high school educators, we realize it starts with our youth. We know a quality education is an investment. We seek to foster the qualities of a good thinker, empower our students, and provide them with the tools they need to make effective change. 

We remain committed to preparing our students, challenging them, and supporting them to be the leaders we clearly need. Although we are sensitive to the challenges, these challenges remind us how important it is for us to teach students to be resilient, connected with our community, and committed. 

This newsletter will inform you of important events to come.

  • We have eliminated all final exams and have put more emphasis on creative, engaging projects, and personal reflections. Please see the finals schedule for everything you need to know. 

  • On June 13th at 1 p.m. we will be honoring our founding class. We will be doing a simultaneous Zoom community meeting starting at 12:45 p.m. to mimic the connection we would normally have. Join us! All cap and gown information is included below.

  • We are planning for next year and need your feedback. Please complete the attached Student Survey by June 12th.

  • Our community meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 4th at 2:30 p.m.. Link here. We miss you. Don't miss it.

  • Yearbook information as well as the End of Year tasks (June 15th & June 16th) are included as well. *Please take note when and where to return your Chromebook and charger so we can update them for next year.

We got this. We believe in you.

Summer Sanders
Director, Head of School


Find your classes - Get the details.

  • No exams will be given this year, instead students have been asked to complete creative culminating projects and reflections. 
  • Final projects will be due from June 3rd- June 12th, depending on the class. There is not a traditional finals schedule.
  • It is important to read the final project description carefully for expectations and due dates. Read through the attached document AND visit Google Classroom for classroom updates and details.
  • The final project/reflection may account for 20% of each student’s grade for the semester.
  • Review sessions and support will be offered the week prior to finals during office hours.
  • If you usually have accommodations you will still have those accommodations to assist you in completing your final projects and reflections. Contact Julie Lee for assistance. 
  • Keep and review your quizzes, exams, and important notes from the semester, they may come in handy. 
  • Complete your daily engagement questions and weekly assignments to support your overall grade.
  • Communicate with your teachers!
June 4
Password: 50698

June 5
Senior deliveries: Cap, gown, and other

June 5-12
Final Project/
Reflections Due

June 12
Last day of school

June 13
Community Connection Zoom 12:45 p.m.

Virtual Ceremony
1:00 p.m.

August 15


The 2020-2021 school year is rapidly approaching. We need your feedback! Please take a few minutes to complete the Student Survey. The survey has three parts:

  • Course Request - Chose, rank, and request your courses for next year.

  • College and Career - Give us an idea of your long term college and career goals.

  • Next Year Plan & Distance Learning Feedback - We are rethinking how to design next school year to accommodate all students learning and life styles. Therefore, we are curious about your opinion of Distance Learning verses traditional classroom learning.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. We value your feedback.

Re-Enrollment is Now Open!
Dear Academy Families,

We know that the high school experience is just four short years, and we are honored to have a part in that process with your family!

As you know, the Academy is a place for students to discover their interests, be curious, and better understand themselves.
We are very proud of our school community and programs at the Academy. We are also extremely proud of our dedicated and professional faculty and staff who work so hard to see that each learner receives the best education and experience possible.

If you are interested in enrolling a sibling or have a neighbor, friend, or family member with a high school student who might be interested, please contact us to receive an application, 562.283.4456. We are now enrolling students in 9th through 12th grade for the 2020-2021 school year. Space is limited, and applications are being processed on a first-come, first served basis. 

We would like to be sure to reserve your enrollment spot for next year, so please return as soon as possible.

Simply log into your illuminate account by clicking here, and fill out the Intent to Re-Enroll form for 2020-2021.

Please don't hesitate to call (562.283.4456) email ( [email protected] ) if we can help answer any questions about re-enrollment!
Follow us on social media! #academyLBHS

Miss your teachers? Follow their school accounts too!

Mr. Schmidt: @academyphilosophy
Ms. Marquez: @senoritamarquez_ivahs
Mrs. Mauter: @mrs_mauters_pe_class
Mrs. Makenna: @mrsmakennabriceno
Mr. Taylor: @taylormr.language
Dr. Lee: @thedocisinthehouse
Mr. Avery: @averymathematics
Mr. Brudney: @mr_brudney_soc_studies
Intellectual Virtues Academy, A Long Beach Public High School
1637 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, California 90813
562.283.4456 | www.academylongbeach.org
The Intellectual Virtues Academy is a public Long Beach high school, open to all students, authorized by Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE).