We have two new bad bills and one good one on our Opposed and Supported Legislation lists. Contact your representatives today! Please let them hear your voice.

Check out our Legislative Action Folder for updated lists, which include the bills we don’t like and the bills we do, as well as instructions on how to contact your legislators, along with sample emails you can use to share your concerns and/or support. If you would like to track and see updates on our Legislative Priorities, please bookmark our Google Legislative Watchlist Document. And remember, for us to do this well - and to succeed - we need your help.

Legislative Action Folder

FAF has proudly partnered with the Digital Democracy Project, an online platform where citizens can voice their opinions to their state lawmakers by voting on pending legislation, like public records exemptions and other bills targeting 1A rights. After bills are voted on, citizens will know whether their elected officials acted consistently with the opinions of the people they represent. This is a Florida-based project that will be expanding across the entire US in 2024. Join Today!

Download & Cast Your Vote! 


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