November 2020

As a City-owned utility, our goal is to provide Lakeland with reliable electric service but we also feel it is our responsibility to help improve the quality of life for our customers. In partnership with Catholic Charities of Central Florida, Lakeland Electric is pleased to offer a program that assists those less fortunate. Project Care was developed to assist customers who are 60 and older and/or disabled with paying their electric bills.

With your support, Project Care can help provide emergency assistance to eligible seniors or customers with disabilities in our community who have experienced a recent crisis that has placed them in danger of losing their utility service. Project Care raises thousands of dollars each year through customer donations. Since its inception in December of 1994, Project Care has raised over $500,000 to help families and individuals.

Lakeland Electric offers a convenient way for customers to participate. Through the Round Up program, Lakeland Electric customers can choose to automatically round up their utility bills to the next highest dollar amount. For example, a participating customer’s monthly bill of $153.75 would be automatically rounded up to $154.00 with the additional 25 cents going to Round Up for Project Care. With your contribution, this program will continue to help our neighbors in need.

Each month the donation will vary, depending on the amount of your electric bill. There will be a separate line on your utility bill indicating the amount donated to Round Up for Project Care for that particular month. The minimum amount you contribute each month is one cent and the maximum is 99 cents. The maximum any customer can contribute in a year is $11.88 ($0.99 times 12 months). The program provides emergency relief for temporary financial hardships — not chronic or long-term debts. A customer is eligible for a maximum benefit of $150.00 per year.

Your small change can make a big difference.

Come join us for one of the most unique 5K racecourses in Florida! During the SUN ‘n FUN Fall Festival of Flight, Lakeland Linder International Airport (LAL) will be hosting a road race on Saturday, December 5th! The race will begin on the War Bird Ramp with the starting line flanked by vintage aircraft. During the run you will be able to watch aircraft arrivals and departures as the course winds its way down Taxiway D, Taxiway E, Runway 5/23, and across various other connecting taxiways and ramps to the finish line. Proceeds will go to the Lakeland Aero Club, a high school flying club that teaches students how to fly and maintain aircraft, as well as the Women in Aviation Lakeland Chapter.
Bridging Gaps and Developing a Better Community
Lift Lakeland is a community initiative created to bridge gaps and develop harmonious relationships through people-centered solutions. The initiative started as a way to look at and improve race relations but it has grown to be much more than that through community-wide input. 
Keep Your Neighborhood Beautiful — Report Illegal Dumping
Your neighborhood is very important. We want our citizens to feel safe and take pride in the areas where they live. In an effort to help curb illegal dumping in some of our neighborhoods, the City has created a hotline where residents are encouraged to call 863.834.DUMP (3867). Callers reporting illegal dumping will be prompted to one of two existing City Departments, depending on the situation. 
Adopt a School Program Seeks Health-Related Items
for Lakeland Public Schools

The City of Lakeland recently partnered with a number of organizations including the Lakeland Chamber of Commerce and Love Lakeland in a unified effort to help support Lakeland area public schools. The Adopt A School initiative calls for financial support from the community in an effort to ensure students, staff, and faculty remain safe and healthy in the 2020-2021 academic year and in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The Polk County School Board identified the top health-related needs essential to providing a safe environment for students and school personnel for the school year. We are seeking community support to help with much needed Items that include disposable masks, hand sanitizers, Kleenex tissues, disinfectant wipes, gloves, contactless thermometers, antibacterial soap, Plexiglas barriers, and computer wipes. 

Mayor Bill Mutz stated, “This program provides the opportunity to support Lakeland’s students with their most critical needs during this tightly-constrained budget period. This is a perfect way for businesses or individuals who have a passion for education and a heart for students to make a difference in our school communities.” 

The goal is to raise at least $5,000 for every school. In addition to financial contributions, other ways to assist the initiative include the direct purchase of supplies or assisting in dropping off supplies. Visit to obtain more information concerning how to participate. All contributions are tax deductible.