Removing Barriers, Creating Communities of Belonging.

November 2024  


I will bless the LORD at all times;

  his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

My soul makes its boast in the LORD;

  Let the humble hear and be glad.

O magnify the LORD with me,

  and let us exalt his name together.

Psalm 34:1-3

Greetings –

Richard Bauckham, researcher, writer, and Anglican biblical scholar, almost lost his ability to read in early 2022 due to macular degeneration. He recently published The Blurred Cross sharing this experience as part of his journey with God. In his closing chapter, Bauckham shares how this experience deepened his understanding of gratitude.


Bauckham reminds us ‘thanksgiving’ is appropriately directed to someone. Thanking “our lucky stars” or “the universe” makes little sense because those entities lack intentionality. Appreciating “blessings but having no intentional Source to thank for them is one of the impoverishments of unbelief” (p173).


As Christians entering this season of giving thanks, we are blessed to know the source of the blessings we have received and thank our heavenly Father for them. Recognizing the impoverishment of those who don’t know the source, spurs me anew to help them come into relationship with the triune God who walks with us through the challenges and joys of this life.


Following the crisis of losing and partially regaining his sight, Bauckham notes the intensity of an experience will wane, but leave its mark. Life may seem to return to normal, but we are different as a result. We are changed. Having lived through his experience very consciously with God bolstered thankfulness to God. “It feels as though the experience has made gratitude to God a more pervasive feature of my life from now on” (p 170).


Likewise, let us exalt his name together with gratitude not only this season, but throughout the year. May we share the source from whom all blessings flow with others who do not yet know God.

Your Sister in Christ,


Deacon Kathy Ayres

AcLN Director

Connecting People and Sharing Resources

to support the church's ministry

with and by people with disabilities.

Give thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to

share in the inheritance of the saints in light.

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and

transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,

in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Col 1:12-14

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More information: Access Leadership Network Director, Deacon Kathy Ayres.

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Access Leadership Network (AcLN) Virtual Gatherings

Caring for ourselves and others

as we enter the Holiday season.

Monday, Nov 18th, 6 pm CT


to join the AcLN Virtual Gathering

Meeting ID: 885 0362 5822

Passcode: access

Elena Rhodes

Caring for ourselves and others.

Elena Rhodes will help us frame up a discussion about stress. Join the facilitated conversation to help us recognize stress, bad and good ways to deal with stress, scripture to guide us, and helpful strategies to manage stress.

Deacon Dorie Head will also share about what a “Blue Christmas” worship service might look like in an Anglican context. This service can be especially meaningful for people who are entering the holiday season with a sense of disconnection from the celebrations around them. A time to remember, feel seen, and trust in God. A time to come together in Christian community. For a sample service email Kathy Ayres.

Next Month VG – December - We will not have a virtual gathering. 

May you have a blessed Advent season and a Joyous Christmas!

We would be delighted to connect with you! To schedule a virtual meeting with a small group from AcLN, email Kathy Ayres, Director Access Leadership Network.

Join the text based Access ACNA group on the Slack platform share resources and network with others.

See you again Monday, January 20th

in the season of Epiphany.

Jody Farmer will offer insights for initiating relationships with people in your church and community with disabilities. Learning to engage with the person.

Save the Date:

February 17thImago Dei panel discussion moderated by Bishop Martyn Minns.

Don, Anne, and Rachel, each with different types of disabilities, will share some of their story with us. 

And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father.

Ephesians 2:17-18

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Removing Barriers, Creating Communities of Belonging.

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The Access Leadership Network seeks to discover, develop, and deploy leaders in parishes across the ACNA, working to build communities of belonging among those with and without disabilities. To learn more or to partner with the Access Leadership Network, visit our website.

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